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Messages - garthma

Pages: [1]
CORRECTION: 5 triceps X20 reps per exercise should read "5 tri-sets X20 reps per exercise".

Looking at the list of exercises above, Reg always prescribed the shoulder width wide grip barbell upright row for clients with lagging shoulder development. He also demonstrated the same rowing movement with 2 dumbbells. The starting point was standing with a dumbbell in each hand resting on the upper thigh, palms facing towards the body. The end position the same as that of the wide grip barbell row. 5x12.

Reg trained abs and lower back together twice a week in a single session lasting 40 minutes. He was doing tri-sets consisting of crunches, hanging leg raises and hip thrusts for the lower back on the floor (held in the extended position for a count of 4 seconds). 5 triceps X20 reps per exercise. After that he moved onto calves 5x20 standing and 5x20 seated (with 'burns' - short range of motion, fast reps) at the end of each set.

We had either heard or read that abs should not be trained on the same day and Reg said that it was neither here nor there and wouldn't make a difference.

I worked and trained with Reg park in Johannesburg, South Africa in the 1990's. One of my colleagues asked Reg about Vince Gironda. Reg cast him a foul looking glance and muttered .. "Oh that dried up old lizard!"

They obviously never got along and from the look on Reg's' face we decided to change the topic.

Gironda's methods do look interesting though and he had a symmetrical lean physique.

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