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Posted by: Steff
« on: October 18, 2014, 11:30:29 AM »

Snatch 1x3 30 kg, 40 kg, 45 kg, 3x2 50 kg 2x1 55 kg 1x1 60 kg 2x1 60 kg 1x1 65 kg PR 5xfail 70 kg 3x2 50 kg
I was sooo close to make it with 70 kg. Sat at the bottom, arms locked out properly every thing in balance but I still managed to f*** it up.

Snatch balance: 5x5 40 kg

Cleans 1x3 40 kg, 9x3 60 kg

Snatch pulls 1x2: 75 kg, 60 kg, 85 kg, 95 kg, 3x1 100 kg, 1x3 80 kg

Jerk 3x5 20 kg I'm still learning these and was too tired this time=no speed

One of my best OL-WO:s!
Posted by: Steff
« on: October 17, 2014, 04:00:53 PM »

Klokov complex 1x2: 35 kg, 40 kg, 45 kg, 50 kg, 55 kg
Snatch: 1x5 35 kg 1x3 40 1x3 45 2x2 50 kg 1xfail 55 kg 2x1 55 kg 5x1 50 kg

Long pull 1x10 1x8 +2 100 kg, 1x7 +3 95 kg

Gironda Chins 1x5 +2+2 BW

Gironda dips 2x10, 1x8 +2 BW

70° cable laterals 1x10 10 kg, 2x10 7,5 kg

Cable high pull (clean grip) 3x10 35 kg

DB swing 1x10 9 kg

Leg ext 1x10 50 kg 1x10 45 kg 1x10 40 kg (explosive) +sissy squats 1x10 BW

Leg curl 3x10 35 kg +SLDL 1x8 70 kg

Push downs 3x10 50 kg + kickbacks 1x8 9 kg

cable curl 3x10 35 kg +concentration curls 1x10 10 kg

Calf raise 2x10 1x7 +3 120 kg

Hitting the right spot more often on the snatch now even though I still have a tendency to jump forward(not extending enough). :)

This was the last WO of the "tri-phase hypertrophy training" program.
The two first phases were more productive than the third. This last week I got closer to the volume I'd have like on the frequency part. The original had only 2 sets/exercise.

I'm having a hard time deciding what to do next: 5x5 with OHP as main pressing movement or a bastard version of the Tri-phase (Aggrevated Tri-Phase)?
Posted by: Steff
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:52:41 PM »

Snatch: 1x3 30 kg 2x3 40 kg 1x3 45kg 2xfail 50 kg 4x1 50 kg 1x1 50 kg Last 5 sets were good

Leg press 3x8 95 kg (explosive, only had to "grind" the last 2 reps of the last set)
Leg curl 3x8 45 kg

Incline Neck press 3x8 66 kg + cable flyes 1x8 30 kg

Pull ups 2x8 BW+7,5 kg 1x8 BW+5 kg (first set 3 of 8 reps to chest, second set 1 of 8, third set 1 of 8.) Added one set of 90° RD row 1x7 75 kg

70° laterals 2x8 1x8 +2 10 kg

60° DB shrug 3x8 45 kg

Lying Tri ext 3x8 40 kg

DB HBC 1x8 1x7 12,5 kg kg 1x5 +2+1 12,5 kg

Calf raise 2x8 160 kg 1x8 140 kg

Still getting stronger.  ;) My general impression of the last phase is too little volume (noticed a tendency to put on unwanted weight) at least if i were to follow the original routine.
Posted by: Steff
« on: October 13, 2014, 01:46:24 PM »

Snatch: 2x3 35 kg 1x3 40 kg 1x3 45 2x3 50 kg, 1xfail 58 kg, 3x1 58 kg, 1xfail 58 kg, 1x1 58 kg Still need more speed on these...

Squat: 1x5 60 kg, 1x3 80 kg, 1x2 100 kg 1x1 112,5 kg, 1x3 122,5 kg PR

Front squat: 3x4 95 kg volume PR

BB row 1x2 +2 cheat 80 kg 3x4 75 kg
DBBP 1x1 45 kg (easier than last time I tried, I was really close to 2 reps) 3x4 40 kg

Snatch pulls 3x3: 65 kg First rep in each set to nose height.

OHP 3x4 55 kg

CG BP 3x4 85 kg

SLDL 3x4 100 kg

BB curl 3x4 eccentric 50 kg, 1x2 +2 eccentric 47,5 kg, 1x3 +1 eccentric 45 kg

Calf raise 3x6 190 kg

Good WO my squat groove was out of whack but I felt strong so it was not a big problem. ;)
Posted by: Steff
« on: October 11, 2014, 11:38:52 AM »

Snatch: 1x3 35 kg 1x3 40 kg 1x3 45 kg 2x3 singles 50 kg 5x2 55 kg 1x2 50 kg

Clean: 1x3 55 kg 3x3 60 kg 6x2 65 kg

Jerk: 5x5 20 kg (learned these today)

Snatch pulls: 1x3 70 kg 1x3 80 kg 3x2 90 kg 1x2 85 kg

Did some snatch complexes during the warm up. Hit a very good snatch at 55 kg... made me really happy.  ;D
Cleans were kinda inconsistent today, mixed very poor once with some pretty good once.
The jerk training was done as follows 3 reps in the "end position" and 2 from standing straight = one set.
Snatch pulls felt good got rid of a tendency to crouch at the top.
Posted by: Steff
« on: October 10, 2014, 08:48:37 PM »

Snatch: 1x5 35 kg 1x3 40 1x3 45 2x2 50 kg 1x2 55 kg 1x2 50 kg

Long pull 2x10 1x8 +2 95 kg

Gironda dips 2x10, 1x8 +2 BW

70° cable laterals 3x10 7,5 kg

Cable high pull (clean grip) 3x10 30 kg

Leg ext 1x10 47,5 kg 1x10 42,5 kg 1x10 37,5 kg (explosive)

Leg curl 3x10 32,5 kg

Push downs 3x10 47,5 kg

cable curl 3x10 32,5 kg

Calf raise 3x10 110 kg
Posted by: Steff
« on: October 06, 2014, 11:07:00 AM »

Snatch: 2x3 35 kg 1x3 40 kg 1x3 45 2x3 50 1xfail 55 kg 1x1 55 kg 1x3 45 kg

Squat: 1x5 60 kg, 1x3 80 kg, 1x2 90 kg, 1x5 100 kg

Front squat: 3x4 92,5 kg

BB row 3x4 72,5 kg
DBBP 3x4 40 kg

OHP 1x4 55 kg 2x4 52,5 kg

Snatch pulls 1x2: 65 kg, 70 kg, 75 kg, 75 kg, 75kg, 80 kg

CG BP 1x4 85 kg 2x4 82,5 kg

SLDL 3x4 95 kg

BB curl 1x3 +1 eccentric 47,5 kg, 1x3 +1 eccentric 45 kg, 1x4 40 kg

Calf raise 3x6 180 kg

Lack of sleep and proper food due to a gig with Meduza made this WO suck!
Posted by: Steff
« on: October 03, 2014, 08:27:01 AM »

Yesterdays WO:

Snatch complex starting from position 3 then 2 and then from the floor: 1x3 30 kg, 35 kg, 40 kg, 45 kg
Snatch:2x2 50 kg 2x2 55 kg

Cleans: 1x3 40 kg 2x3 60 3x3 65 kg

Snatch pulls 1x2: 65 kg, 75 kg, 85 kg, 95 kg, 100 kg, 80 kg

Long pull 3x10 85 kg

Gironda dips 2x10, 1x5 +3 +2 BW

70° cable laterals 3x10 7,5 kg

Cable high pull (clean grip) 1x10 20 kg 1x10 27,5 kg 1x10 30 kg

Leg ext 1x10 45 kg 1x10 40 kg 1x10 35 kg (explosive)

Leg curl 3x10 30 kg

Push downs 3x10 45 kg

cable curl 3x10 30 kg

The snatch was good this day and the complex seemed to work. I picked it up from Pendlay. The clean was a bit messy at first but my last rep was fairly good with the least amount of forward jump.
Otherwise this was a fun WO. Got some DOMS in my pecs. Next friday I'll push the long pull really hard.
Posted by: Steff
« on: October 03, 2014, 08:26:27 AM »

Hi, Steff! are your snacht progressing?

I'm getting there slowly, but I seem to have got the major parts right now. I'm able to train with 50-55 kg now and 2 months ago I my form deteriorated when I tried 45 kg.  There's a lot to improve on though but that's the charm of it.  ;D
Posted by: Sergio
« on: October 01, 2014, 08:40:08 PM »

Hi, Steff! are your snacht progressing?
Posted by: Steff
« on: October 01, 2014, 12:33:16 PM »

Snatch: 2x3 30 kg 1x35 kg 2x3 40 kg 5x2 1x1 50 kg Found out that I don't start on my heels(I really thought I did) but thinking of it gets me in the right position.
Klokov complex 1x2 40 kg 1x2 40 kg 3x2 50 kg

Leg press 1x8 90 kg 2x8 80 kg
Leg curl 3x8 40 kg

Incline Neck press 3x8 51 kg

Pull ups 3x8 BW+3 kg first set 6 of 8 reps to chest, second set 4 of 8, third set 4 of 8.

70° laterals 3x8 10 kg

60° DB shrug 3x8 37,5 kg

Lying Tri ext 3x8 35 kg

HBC 1x8 8 kg 2x8 10 kg

Calf raise 3x8 120 kg
Posted by: Steff
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:46:27 AM »

Snatch: 2x3 30 kg, 2x3 40 kg 1x3 45 kg 2x2 50 kg

Squat: 1x3 70 kg, 1x3 90 kg, 1x2 100 kg, 1x1 112,5 kg, 1x3 120 kg PR

Front squat: 3x4 90 kg

BB row 3x4 70 kg
DBBP 3x4 40 kg

Snatch pulls 6x2 80 kg

CG BP 3x4 80 kg

SLDL 3x4 90 kg

OHP 3x4 50 kg

BB curl 2x4 45 kg 1x4 40 kg

60° shrug 3x4 40 kg

Calf raise 3x6 175 kg
Posted by: Steff
« on: September 27, 2014, 10:13:12 AM »

Snatch 2x3 30 kg 2x3 35 kg 2x3 40 kg 2x3 45 kg 11x2 50 kg
I finally got it! For me it made the all the difference when I began initiating the pull on my heels. You're not supposed to do that, but my coach said "if it works it works! We're all different."  :D

Clean: 1x2 50 kg 9x2 60 kg Here I tend to jump forward.

I did not have the time to do snatch pulls even though I started 30 min earlier than usual. I have a lot of birthdays to celebrate today .
Posted by: Steff
« on: September 26, 2014, 03:38:45 PM »

Snatch: 2x5 30 kg 2x3 40 kg 2x3 45 kg 1x1 45 kg

klokov complex 4x1 45 kg

Deadlift 1x2 165 kg 1x2 177,5 kg 1x2 182,5 kg PR:s 1x2 175 kg

Leg press 1x2 130 kg 1x2 135 kg 1x2 140 kg 1x1 (almost two) 145 kg

30° incline DBBP 4x2 40 kg DB:s

Pull ups 4x2 BW +35 kg

Bent over laterals 3x8 10 kg

DB OHP 4x2 27,5 kg

Lying tri ext 4x2 50 kg

HBR 3x5 25 kg DB:s

DB curl 1x2 22,5 kg 3x2 20 kg

Calf raise 4x4 170 kg

Realized that I have to stand more on my heels during the snatch. The deadlift PR was with a taste for more.
I didn't have time for the pump sets... had to go to work.
Posted by: Steff
« on: September 24, 2014, 12:24:53 PM »

Snatch: 5x3 40 kg 2x3 45 kg 1x1 45 kg I think I might have figured out why I have a hard time activating my legs in the final pull!

Long pull 3x8 85 kg

70° laterals 3x8 10 kg

Concentration curl 3x8 12,5 kg

Kick backs 3x8 10 kg

Squats 1x3 60 1x3 80 kg 1x3 90 kg 1x5 100 kg

Front squat 1x2 92,5 kg 2x2 95 kg 1x2 97,5 kg PR:s

SLDL 4x2 90 kg

Snatch pull 4x2 90 kg

Calf raise 4x4 160 kg