Bike 10 min
Warm up squats(OH,FS,BSQ)
6x5 10-30 kg(ramping weights)
3x5 30-50 kg (ramping weights)
Snatch high pull
2x3 30 kg
3x3 40 kg
2x3 30 kg
3x3 40 kg
1 Clean and 3 squat jerks
1x1 30 kg
3x1 40 kg
Squat to normal box
3x5 62,5 kg First set Fsq
Full squat
3x5 37,5 kg 1 OHSQ, 2 FSQ
3x8 50 kg
Gluteus Medius work
Clam with a twist 3x max
Hyper ext
3x8 BW
Push up to boxes 3x3 BW
OHP 3X3 37,5 KG
SG OHP 3X3 10 KG
Russian twist
3x20 15 kg
Tri ext
3x6 35 kg
3x6 4 kg DB:s
3x8 8 kg DB:s
DB Curls
3x10 8 kg DB:s
Ok... fingers crossed! My PT said it should hold for 80% of the same forces of a healthy meniscus now. I really tried not to over do this.... In four months I'm supposed to be back at the same weights I was training on before my injury. So the increase in squats is about 2 - 2,5 kg/workout(3 squat WO/week)