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Messages - Oleg K

Pages: [1] 2
In the fall of 2017, I was preparing for competitions in raw powerlifting. The program "superkompound" consisted of two of three training blocks. Block number 3 "intensification" in meaning very similar to the legendary "Pyramid of Yuri Verkhoshansky."
The result of preparation here:
squat 180 kg
bench press 162.5 kg
deadlift 225 kg
In the weight category up to 100 kg

Exercises and workouts / Re: Analyzing the Squat
« on: October 22, 2017, 06:45:28 PM »
Here are considered the biomechanics of the squat, in terms of gains in powerlifting and weightlifting. Unfortunately, the Internet is no English version of this book.

General Discussion / Re: Old Iron images
« on: October 13, 2017, 10:33:17 PM »
Yury Vlasov

Calmormy, thank you! For this training program except me has been doing a lot of Russian-speaking users.And this is me at 41. Height 185 cm (6 1\2 in) weight 98 kg (215 pounds).

Members logs / Re: Torokhity 12 Week +ecc squats.
« on: May 30, 2017, 09:14:29 PM »
Wow! Russian style weightlifting!  :D

Natural result in the press over the head after the passage of the "SuperKompound"

Exercises and workouts / Re: Steve Reeves Championship Workout
« on: February 07, 2017, 05:52:26 PM »
The Park in this program of strength training, not circuit-training.Training to 106 working sets requires a minimum of 40-45 warm-up sets. Let each of the 150 sets takes only 2 minutes (which is doubtful). Even in this case 300 minutes=5 hours. In fact, when you consider the rest between heavy exercises and disassembly, and Assembly of training equipment, this time will have to double. Thus, knowing that the Park was trained in this mode for 3 hours, we come to the number of work sets in training in the region of 50 sets. I apologize for the grammatical errors, I'm using the Google translator.

Exercises and workouts / Re: Steve Reeves Championship Workout
« on: February 06, 2017, 07:25:20 PM »
A training session on muscle hypertrophy of the 106 working sets? This 6-8 hours in the gym. This mode is marathon, not a power athlete.

Exercises and workouts / Re: Steve Reeves Championship Workout
« on: February 05, 2017, 06:26:27 PM »
Here is an example of Reg Park's routine of 1950:

Incline D.B. Press – 5x5 with 140 lb. dumbells
Flat Bench D.B. Press – 5x5 with 140 lb. dumbells
Press Behind Neck – 5x5 with 210 lbs.
Press – 5x5 with 210 lbs.
Two D.B. Press – 5x5 working up to 100 lb. dumbells
Dumbell Lateral – 5x8 with 50-60 lb. dumbells
Chins – 5x8
Bent Barbell Row – 5x8 with 250-300 lbs.
One Arm D.B. Row – 5x8 with 100-120 lb. dumbell
Lat Pulldown – 5x8
Central Loading Curl – 5x8 with 140 lbs.
Incline D.B. Curl – 5x8 with 70 lb. dumbells
Barbell Curl – 5x8
Lying On Back Two Dumbell Curl – 5x8 with 50-60 lb. dumbells
One D.B. Two Arm French Press – 5x8
Lying B.B. Triceps Extension – 5x8
Triceps Dips or Parallel Bar Dips – 5x8
Triceps On Lat Machine – 5x8
Donkey Calf On Machine – 10x20
Squat – 3x20 with 320 lbs.
D.B. Pullover – 3x10

It's very simmilar, except that Reg used lower reps.
There is no doubt that this complex was performed on each workout? Or here just lists all the exercises that were performed in the weekly microcycle?

Exercises and workouts / Re: Building the basics: 5 X 5 programs
« on: February 02, 2017, 05:15:05 PM »
Natural body builders of those times were not afraid of "catabolism", and therefore grew

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