Author Topic: Strongman, OL-lifting and gymnastics!  (Read 12997 times)

Offline Steff

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Re: Strongman, OL-lifting and gymnastics!
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2014, 05:00:59 PM »
Fridays WO:

No squats. Knee was acting up...

DBBP 1x5 with 27,5 kg, 30 kg, 32,5 kg, 35 kg, 35 kg
Pull ups 5x5 BW +11 kg chin over bar, straight bar

BNP snatch grip 1x2 37,5 kg 1x5 20 kg 2x5 25 kg 1x5 10 kg
BB row 5x5 63 kg

Laterals 3x10 10 kg DB:s

DB curl 1x5 17,5 kg 1x10 12,5 kg 1x7 15 kg

Tri ext 3x8 37,5 kg

Iced the knee and was worried that I would not be able to train with the weight lifters the next day.

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Re: Strongman, OL-lifting and gymnastics!
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2014, 05:01:43 PM »
Saturdays WO:

With the weight lifters:
Cleans 2x5 20 kg 2x5 25 kg 6x4 35 kg 3x4 45 kg

Leg ext 1x27 20 kg 1x14 40 kg
Leg curl 1x31 20 kg 1x12 40 kg

At the crossfit gym:

Handstands 30 min
Muscle ups technique 5x5
Muscle ups static holds 3x15 sec 1x27 sec (right before the "turnover" with the false grip)

No knee probs but still icing the knee. I was surprised to hear that they thought I had the style down so quickly, just minor adjustment now. But I also know that I still have a loooong way go.

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Re: Strongman, OL-lifting and gymnastics!
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2014, 07:00:00 PM »
Pull up, ramping up: 1x5 10 kg, 11 kg, 12 kg, 13 kg, 15 kg ( just chin over bar)

BB row 1x5 47,5 kg 1x5 51 kg 1x5 55 kg 1x5 57,5 kg 1x5 67,5 kg

DBBP 4x5 37,5 kg DB:s 1x5 35 kg DB:s

Leg curl 1x24 30 kg 1x15 35 kg 1x12 37,5 kg

SLDL 2x8 60 kg

DB french press 3x5 30 kg 1x12 20 kg

DB curl 3x6 15 kg DB:s 1x12 10 kg DB:s

Single leg calf raise 3x10 BW +12,5 kg

Hollow rock 2x30 sec

Decided to not squat today even though I was painless when testing BW squats. Gotta sort this out.... feels like my shin is out of track or something when I do leg curls. On the positive side this time it got better after each set.

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Re: Strongman, OL-lifting and gymnastics!
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2014, 08:22:33 AM »
I got Radial shock wave therapy tuesday so no squats this WO.
Had access fluid in my knee so it might take until monday before I get to work legs again. I'm thinking of sending Sean at the Hard Gainer RT a pm asking for help since
I've run out of ideas how to fix this.

Wednesdays WO:
Chins ramping up 1x5: 20 kg, 22,5 kg, 25 kg, 27,5 kg, 30 kg
OHP 4x5 1x4 55 kg

Gironda chins 1x7
Pull downs 1x8 1x10 60 kg

Laterals 3x10 10 kg

DB curl 3x10 12,5 kg DB:s
DB french press 1x6 1x8 1x6 30 kg

Hollow rocks 3x30 sec

Decent WO. My strength in chins is back and that feels GOOD!

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Re: Strongman, OL-lifting and gymnastics!
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2014, 02:48:05 PM »
DBBP 1x5 with 30 kg, 32,5 kg, 35 kg, 37,5 kg, 40 kg DB:s
Pull ups 5x5 BW +12,5 kg chin over bar, straight bar

BNP snatch grip 3x5 30 kg
BNP regular grip 1x5 37,5

BB row 5x5 67 kg

Laterals 3x10 10 kg DB:s

Rings false grip static holds: 1x20 sec 1x23 sec 1x30 sec PR

BB curl 2x5 37,5 kg 1x6 35 kg 1x8 30 kg

BB French Press 5x6 37,5 kg

Decent WO... pull ups felt heavy while DBBP felt easy.

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Small update!
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2014, 06:17:04 PM »
No pain today!
Tomorrow it's time for glute bridges, leg lifts for gluteus medius and light leg ext top part.

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Re: Strongman, OL-lifting and gymnastics!
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2014, 04:20:30 PM »
Glute bridge single leg: 3x8 20 kg
Glute bridge: 2x10 50 kg 1x10 60 kg

Pull up, ramping up: 1x5 11 kg, 12,5 kg, 13 kg, 15 kg, 17,5 ( just chin over bar)

BB row ramping up 1x5 55 kg, 60 kg, 62,5 kg, 67,5 kg, 72,5 kg

DBBP 3x5 40 kg DB:s 2x5 37,5 kg DB:s

DB french press 1x7 2x6 30 kg 1x10 25 kg

DB curl 1x6 17,5 kg, 1x7 1x6 15 kg DB:s, 1x10 12,5 kg DB:s

Single leg calf raise 3x11 BW +12,5 kg

Leg ext top part 2x20 20 kg static holds at lockout
Gluteus medius leglift 2x10 my training partner pushing on leg during the eccentric part.

I miss squatting but I'll get there.... ;)

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Re: Strongman, OL-lifting and gymnastics!
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2014, 02:10:10 PM »
Gluteus medius leg lift: 2x16 no resistance
Glute bridge single leg: 3x8 30 kg
Glute bridge: 4x8 kg 70 kg
KB swing: 1x10 1x20 20 kg

OHP: 5x5 57,5 kg
Chins: 1x5 BW +25 kg, 1x5 BW +27,5 kg, 1x5 BW +30 kg, 1x4 BW +32,5 kg, 1x3 BW +35 kg
Gironda chins 1x7 1x4 BW

Leg ext top part: 2x22 25 kg with static holds on at least half of the reps
Leg curl 2x15 27,5 kg

Laterals: 1x10 10 kg
Bent over laterals 1x10 10 kg
DB swing: 1x10 10 kg

BB curl: 3x4 40 kg
DB curl: 1x10 12,5 kg DB:s

DB french press: 3x5 32,5 kg 1x10 25 kg

Single leg calf raise: 3x10 15 kg

Gluteus medius leg lift: 2x10 training partner pushing on leg on both the eccentric and koncentric.

Not much of strongman and gymnastics right now. Concentrating on rehabbing the knee!

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Pull up PR.
« Reply #18 on: June 27, 2014, 10:22:28 AM »
Glute bridge single leg: 1x12 BW
Glute bridge: 2x6 kg 80 kg

Pull ups chin over bar: 5x5 BW +17,5 kg volume PR 1x7 BW (6 of them to chest)
BG pulldowns cambered bar: 1x7 60 kg (5 of them to chest)

DBBP ramping up 1x5: 32,5 kg, 35 kg, 37,5 kg, 40 kg, 45 kg fail, 40 kg. There were no 42,5 DB:s so I went for 45:s but messed it up during the set up. I should have been able to do at least one rep. Got it half the way.

Leg ext top part: 2x20 25 kg

Laterals 4x10 10 kg DB:s

DB curl 1x6 1x5 17,5 kg DB:s, 1x8 15 kg DB:s, 1x10 12,5 DB:s
Lying tri ext 3x8 40 kg
Rope french press 1x10 40 kg

Gluteus Medius leg lift 1x10 training partner pushing on leg on both the eccentric and koncentric.

Good workout! The deload week is coming just in time. I've just started to feel the elbows getting tender in the same way that they did when I hurt my shoulder the last time. But then I ignored it...
I got a workout to do after lunch to, but it'll be a bit easier.

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Re: Strongman, OL-lifting and gymnastics!
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2014, 10:22:35 AM »
Yesterdays WO:
Snatch practice:
5x4 25 kg
4x3 45 kg too heavy... not to get over head but my technique suffers
8x3 40 kg

Gotta get better at using my legs and back. But I'm getting there... it got better during this WO!