Author Topic: Modified 3-phase training  (Read 22509 times)

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Re: Modified 3-phase training
« Reply #20 on: September 03, 2014, 08:06:49 PM »
What a hard pair of trainers i have in this forum!!
In my best times i did 5 X 35 in the db rows, only 6 X 22 in the db bench press, 4 X 17 in the OHP. And 5 X 35 in the bb biceps curl.

Offline Steff

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Re: Modified 3-phase training
« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2014, 12:17:49 PM »
Thanks guys! :)
Hey Marko, I don't know if I would make it to 5-6 reps for 3-5 sets with 40 kg DB:s. By the way you've got a pretty strong row!
One thing that I'm definitely not very strong at is bicep curls. I've got long forearms so the leverage is not on my side.... :-\

Offline Steff

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Re: Modified 3-phase training
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2014, 12:19:56 PM »
Snatch ramping up 1x3: 10 kg 20 kg 30 kg 30 kg

BB row cambered bar 1x3 60 kg 1x3 70 kg 1x3 75 kg 1x6 50 kg
DBBP 1x3 35 kg 1x3 37,5 kg 1x3 40 kg

Squats 1x5 60 kg 1x5 80 kg 1x3 100 1x1 107,5 kg 1x3 115 kg (last set "pice of cake"! According to my training partner I could have made it to 5 reps)

Front squats 5x8 72,5 kg

Leg ext 3x8 50 kg 1x9 1x8 45 kg 1x9 40 kg
Sissy squat 1x10 BW

SLDL 5x8 70 kg (focused on pulling fast from mid thigh)

Leg curl 3x8 40 kg 2x8 35 kg

Calf raise 3x9 120 kg 1x9 115 kg 1x10 100

Laterals 3x8 8 kg pause at top
Concentration curl 3x7 12,5 kg
Kick backs 3x7 27,5 kg

Felt oddly fresh and 5x8 front squat was easier than last fridays 4x8. Got some of the head ache back during the F-squat but as long as I remembersed to hold a neutral neck position I was ok.

Offline Marko

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Re: Modified 3-phase training
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2014, 02:45:16 PM »
obviously back muscles are my stronger side
yesterday I was reading my old log, training diary,
I was doing DBBP 40kg/7,7,6
standing DB press 28kg/6,5,6
BB row 100kg/8
on hammer strength decline bench machine 70kg on one side (arm) + 70kg on other side (140kg) *6-8 reps
BBBP 100kg/11reps 
push OH press 80kg/5s*3r  but slow negative phase of lowering weight
my best leg press 350kg + machine weight/1r
BP 120kg/1 never had try more than that
DL 180kg
Squat 150kg

Offline Steff

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Re: Modified 3-phase training
« Reply #24 on: September 06, 2014, 10:53:41 AM »
obviously back muscles are my stronger side
yesterday I was reading my old log, training diary,
I was doing DBBP 40kg/7,7,6
standing DB press 28kg/6,5,6
BB row 100kg/8
on hammer strength decline bench machine 70kg on one side (arm) + 70kg on other side (140kg) *6-8 reps
BBBP 100kg/11reps 
push OH press 80kg/5s*3r  but slow negative phase of lowering weight
my best leg press 350kg + machine weight/1r
BP 120kg/1 never had try more than that
DL 180kg
Squat 150kg

You've got some good PR:s there!  :D
I would love to squat even close to 140 kg. The only thing that I truly match you on is DL.

Offline Steff

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Snatch WO!
« Reply #25 on: September 06, 2014, 10:54:14 AM »
Snatch 2x3 30 kg 2x3 35 kg 11x3 40 kg (finally some speed ;D )

Snatch pull: 1x3 60 kg 1x2 80 kg 4x3 90 kg 3x3 80 kg

Lockouts and pull a lot better today. Got 90 kg to chest height (Lower pec line).

Offline Marko

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Re: Modified 3-phase training
« Reply #26 on: September 06, 2014, 10:58:45 AM »
I'm sure that I was able to lift more on BP and DL
i'll be back  8)

Offline Marko

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Re: Modified 3-phase training
« Reply #27 on: September 06, 2014, 11:22:19 AM »
one thing I didn't mention
when I was making those PRs I didn't take any kind of supplements or anything other, and my diet was pretty bad

Offline Steff

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Re: Modified 3-phase training
« Reply #28 on: September 08, 2014, 04:12:33 PM »
one thing I didn't mention
when I was making those PRs I didn't take any kind of supplements or anything other, and my diet was pretty bad

Then you'll probably surpass your previous PR:s this time around!  ;)

Offline Steff

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Phase 2
« Reply #29 on: September 08, 2014, 04:13:42 PM »
Phase 2—Intensity
I'll tweak this one as well. from week two I'll add a pump set/exercise.
The Goal of Phase 2 is to lift a near maximal load for low reps. There will be no changes in the number of sets you complete, just the load you lift.

Week 1 = 6-RM
Week 2 = 4-RM
Week 3 = 2-RM

Rest time = 2-3 minutes between sets.

Upper Body A
DB Bench Press
Bent Over Row
Military Press
60° DB Shrug
Close Grip Bench
BB Curl
Added: 70° laterals, leg ext

Lower Body A
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Seated Calf Raise
Added: 70° Laterals, HBR

Upper Body B
20°-30°Incline DB Press
DB Shoulder Press
Snatch pull
Lying Tri Ext
DB Curl
Added: Bent over laterals

Lower Body B
Leg press
Standing Calf Raise
Added: Top Pull ups, C curl, Bent laterals


Snatch: 2x5 30 kg 4x3 40 kg

DB Bench Press 1x5 40 kg 16 37,5 kg 1x6 35 kg

Bent Over Row Thick bar 2x6 65 kg 1x6 60 kg

Military Press 2x6 50 kg 1x6 45 kg

60° DB Shrug 1x6 25 kg 1x6 30 kg 1x6 35 kg (Will go for 37,5 kg next WO)

Close Grip Bench 3x6 70 kg

BB Curl thick bar 3x6 35 kg

70° DB Laterals 3x8 10 kg

Leg ext 3x10 40 kg
« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 11:21:02 AM by Steff »