Author Topic: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!  (Read 25453 times)

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Re: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!
« Reply #20 on: November 03, 2014, 11:42:36 AM »
Complex-Snatch+snatch balance: 5x1 45 kg
Snatch: 1x3 45 kg 1x3 50 kg, 3x2 60 kg, 5x1 65 kg
Kloklov complex 1x2: 30 kg, 40 kg, 45 kg

Front squat: 5x5 90 kg

OHP 5x5 52,5 kg

Chins ramping up 1x5: 25 kg, 27,5 kg, 30 kg, 32,5 kg 1x4 +1 35 kg

BB row ramping up 1x5: 55 kg, 57,5 kg, 60 kg, 65 kg, 70 kg

DB speed bench 3x5 27,5 kg

70° Cable laterals: 3x10 10 kg

Lying tri ext: 5x5 40 kg

DB curl 3x8 15 kg

Had a hard time concentrating today felt worn. But on the up side I got under the bar quite nicely doing snatches!
Failed the last set doing chins but I think it still might be a rep PR on that weight. The up side here is that the 3 first reps are really easy regardless of weight. ;)

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Re: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!
« Reply #21 on: November 05, 2014, 12:40:17 PM »
Snatch from blocks, bar @ hip: 5x5 30 kg
Snatch: 1x3 40 kg 1x3 50 kg 1x3 55 kg, 3x3 62,5 kg
Kloklov complex 2x2: 55 kg
Clean:5x3 60 kg
Power Jerk: 1x5 20 kg 1x5 30 kg 1x5 40 kg

Snatch pulls 6x3 85 kg

leg ext 3x10 45 kg

leg curl 3x8 35 kg

Bench press 5x5 93 kg

Pull ups to chest 5x5 BW +4 kg

HBR 3x5 17,5 kg, 2x5 15 kg DB:s

70° cable laterals 3x10 10 kg

BB curl 5x5 40 kg

Snatch grip BNP ramping up 1x5: 26kg, 28,5 kg, 30 kg, 32,5 kg, 35 kg

DB french press 2x8 1x7 27,5 kg

I need to go at least this heavy on the snatch to maintain the proper drive. Bench press felt a bit heavy but using the grip I have now transfers better to the DBBP than the wider grip where I have a better groove.
Otherwise I felt stronger than I did monday! :)

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Re: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!
« Reply #22 on: November 07, 2014, 01:24:20 PM »
Snatch from blocks, bar 10 cm below "snap point": 3x5 30 kg 2x5 35 kg
Complex-Snatch+snatch balance: 5x1 40 kg
Snatch 1x3 50 kg 4x3 60 kg
Klokov complex 1x2 50 kg,

Squat 1x3 80 kg, 1x2 100 kg, 1x1 120 kg

front squat ramping up 1x5: 75 kg, 80 kg, 85 kg, 90 kg, 97,5 kg

Chins 3x5, 1x4 +1, 1x3 +1 +1 BW+30 kg

OHP ramping up 1x5: 42,5 kg, 47,5 kg, 50 kg, 52,5 kg, 57,5 kg

BB row 5x5 65 kg

DB swing 3x8 10 kg (the heavier pair)

CGBP 5x5 76 kg

DB curl 3x8 12,5 kg

Did not have time for SLDL and HBC had to rush to work! Going to do ramping up both days on chins next week. feeling worn out so I'll eat pretty much anything the comes my way.  ;)

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Re: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2014, 12:41:46 PM »
Snatch: 1x3 40 kg 1x2 50 kg 3x3 60 kg 3x3 65 kg 4x4 55 kg

Clean: 5x4 60 kg

Snatch pulls: 1x3 70 1x3 80 kg 1x3 90 kg, 1x2 100 kg, 1x2 110 kg, 1x2 90 kg (pulled 70 kg to my collar bone with ease)

Getting faster under the bar. Pulling out properly now. Still got some balance issues in the catch..... working on it!

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Re: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!
« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2014, 01:47:04 PM »
As a curcuit:
Snatch from blocks, bar @ hip: 3x2 35 kg
Snatch from blocks, bar 10 cm below "snap point": 3x2 40 kg
Snatch+snatch balance: 3x1 40 kg

Snatch 5x3 50 kg

Front squat: 5x5 94 kg

OHP 5x5 55 kg

Chins Pyramid down 1x4 +1 35 kg, 1x4 +1 30 kg, 1x4 +1 25 kg 1x5 20 kg, 1x5 15 kg

BB row ramping up 1x5: 56 kg, 61 kg, 65 kg, 70 kg, 74 kg

DB speed bench 3x5 27,5 kg

70° DB laterals: 3x10 10 kg (heavier DB:s)

Lying tri ext: 5x5 42,5 kg

DB curl 1x8 17,5 kg 2x8 15 kg

Thank god it's deload next week.... I'm gonna lower the volume significantly then cause right now I'm really worn.... Would have put a smiley here but couldn't find one tired enough...  ;)

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Re: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!
« Reply #25 on: November 12, 2014, 11:44:39 AM »
Snatch from blocks, bar @ hip: 5x3 35 kg
Hang snatch: 5x3 40 kg
Snatch: 2x3 50 kg 2x3 55 kg

leg ext 3x10 45 kg

leg curl 3x8 35 kg

Snatch pulls 6x2 90 kg

Bench press 1x5 97,5 kg, 3x3 105 kg eccentric, 1x8 80 kg

Pull ups to chest 5x5 BW +6 kg

HBR 5x5 17,5 kg DB:s

70° cable laterals 3x10 10 kg

BB curl 5x5 42,5 kg

Snatch grip BNP ramping up 1x5 27,5 kg, 30 kg, 32,5 kg, 35 kg, 37,5 kg

DB french press 2x8 1x7 27,5 kg

Reversed explosive hypers: 3x5 BW

Got really(read too close) close to the bar in the first snatch exercise but on the positive I'm a lot faster now and my balance is better. :)
Sprained my thumb when in the first exercise.... fun stuff... >:(
« Last Edit: November 12, 2014, 11:49:36 AM by Steff »

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Squat PR and some knee pain!
« Reply #26 on: November 14, 2014, 04:28:05 PM »
Snatch from blocks, bar @ hip: 5x5 35 kg
Snatch balance 5x3 40 kg
Snatch: 1x3 50 kg 4x3 55 kg,

Squat 1x3 60 kg 1x2 90 kg, 1x2 100 kg, 1x1 120 kg

front squat ramping up 1x5: 70 kg, 77,5 kg, 85 kg, 93,5 kg, 102,5 kg PR!

Chins 1x2 30 kg 1x1 40 kg, 3x3 52,5 eccentric

OHP ramping up 1x5: 35 kg, 42,5 kg, 47,5 kg, 52,5 kg, 1x4 60 kg

BB row 5x5 70 kg

DB swing 3x8 10 kg (the heavier pair)

CGBP 5x5 80 kg

HBB curl 1x8 1x6 12,5 kg 1x8 10 kg

My knee acted up for the first time in 3 months.... no pain during squats though but I could feel it being irritated after! No OL-lifting tomorrow and no squats on monday, playing it safe! Or at least trying to....

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Deload 3x3!
« Reply #27 on: November 17, 2014, 11:11:06 AM »
OHP: 3x3 55 kg

Pull ups to chest: 3x3 BW +4 kg

HBR: 3x3 17,5 kg

DB Speed Bench 3x5 25 kg

BB curl: 3x3 42,5 kg

DB FP: 3x5 25 kg

DB swing: 3x6 9 kg

No OL-lifting and no squats today... boring but probably necessary. The knee is pain free so I'll may do some light OL on wednesday.  :DDecreased the volume on my back training so I'll just do chins and rows once a week. My back has a tendency to cramp now which seems weird since I cut the OL workout on saturday as well.

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Deload and a little OL-lifting!
« Reply #28 on: November 19, 2014, 10:45:06 AM »
Snatch: 1x3 40 kg 2x3 50 kg 3x3 55 kg (Had to hold my self back since I really love this.)

Snatch pulls 4x2 90 kg, 1x2 85 kg, 1x2 90 kg (took me a while to get the groove back)

Leg ext 1x8 35 kg

leg curl 3x5 37,5 kg

Bench press 3x3 94 kg

BB row ramping up 1x3: 60 kg, 67,5 kg, 74 kg

Lying tri ext: 3x3 42,5 kg

HBC 3x6 10 kg

70° cable laterals 3x6 7,5 kg

Calf raise 3x8 90 kg

Got a little bit cautious when going under the bar during the snatches(because of the knee) but I got over it. Need to start placing the bar further back during the warm up with power snatches.
Otherwise deloads are boring feels like you haven't even worked out a little bit. :(

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OL-lifting: Plannes and goals!
« Reply #29 on: November 20, 2014, 03:35:59 PM »
I've talked to to an OL-coach about doing a program for me and get feedback on a regular basis. My long term goal is to be able to lift 230 kg @ 77 kg BW when you put the two lifts together. That's
the qualification weight to be able to compete in the Swedish championships. :)

« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 03:37:42 PM by Steff »