DBBP ramping up:
5x20 kg DB:s
3x30 kg DB:s
2x35 kg DB:s
3x40 kg DB:s
EMOM 9 min 3 Push press with rubber bands 20 kg (I was supposed to use 37,5 kg and thinner rubber bands but ended up with green ones...)
3x8 30 kg DB:s
Pull ups: (warm up, 1x3 BW, 1x1 BW+20 kg, 1x1 BW+30 kg, 1x1 BW+35 kg)
1x17 BW
1x14 BW
1x12 BW
DB row
3x10 22,5 kg
100 face pulls 7,5 kg
1x3 40 kg, 50 kg, 55 kg,
1x2 60 kg,
1x1 65 kg (better than ever but still not quite there)
1x3 60 kg, 65 kg, 70 kg
1x2 75 kg
1x1 80 kg (had a slight tendency to bend my arms in the second pull but managed to correct it)
3 laps of
5 Push press 42,5 kg
10 step ups 30 kg
10 Pull ups BW
When I warm up for a max rep attempt on pull ups I take away the last warm up set(BW +35 kg).
Jerk are coming along fine made a lot of difference when I realized that you just push it upwards to the top of your head and before the bar start descending you go under it.