Author Topic: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!  (Read 25827 times)

Offline Steff

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Re: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2017, 12:44:35 PM »
Yesterdays WO:

AMRAP 25 min
A1) Split squat Jumps BW
A2) Pull ups 10 kg, 5 kg 2xBW
A3) Front squat 60 kg, 3x40 kg
A4) DB Pull over 3x25
A5) Half off DBBP 2x15 kg, 1x10 kg
A6) Straight arm sit up 5 kg

3,5 laps. Felt really heavy this day.

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Re: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2017, 11:10:59 AM »
AMRAP 25 min 8 rep/exercise
A1) Tuck Jumps BW
A2) Incline DBBP 2x22,5 kg DB:s, 2x25 kg DB:s, 1x22,5 kg DB:s
A3) Neutral Grip pull downs 4x65 kg, 1x60 kg
A4) BSS 16 kg
A5) Push ups feet elevated BW
A6) Reversed crunches BW

All the other Workouts had 8-12 per exercise. This time I managed 5,5 laps.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2017, 11:12:52 AM by Steff »

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Re: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2017, 09:47:35 AM »
Yesterdays WO:

AMRAP 25 min 10 rep/exercise
A1) No push up burpees BW
A2) Steep Incline DBBP 1x20 kg DB:s, 4x15 kg DB:s
A3) BB Roll outs BW
A4) Lateral lunges BW (I sucked at these)
A5) 45° DB Row on bench 20 kg DB:s
A6) Antirotation Russian twist 10 kg

4,5 laps

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Re: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2017, 03:17:01 PM »
AMRAP 25 min
A1) Lunge Jumps BW +10 kg(the first 2 laps) - 8 reps/leg
A2) Inverted Row BW feet elevated - 10 reps
A3) Barbell Back Squat 60 kg - 8 reps
A4) Renegade rows 6 kg DB:s - 8 reps/arm
A5) Alternating Flat DB Bench 25 kg DB:s - 8 reps/arm
A6) Rear Delt DB Raise (bent over) 10 kg DB:s 10 reps

Managed 4,5 laps. increased the weight on lunges jumps to 20 kg for 2 laps and for the last half lap I used 15 kg.
I've already started to have DOMS from the lunges... not much of a delay...:p

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Phase 3
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2017, 02:48:54 PM »
Yesterdays WO:

Phase 3

Back and chest

BBBP 4 sec ecc 1 min RI/set
1x6 70 kg
5x6 65 kg

Superset 3 sec ecc 1 min RI/set:
Pendley Row 3x6 50 kg
NG Pull down 3x6 45 kg
Low Inc DBBP 3x8 25 kg DB:s

Pull Ups + Chins: One set = wide grip P-U 6 rep 1 min RI + 4 rep 1 min RI - Narrow grip P-U 6 rep 1 min RI + chins 8 rep 2 min RI + chins to failure
5x6+4+6+8+fail BW (3 sec ecc)

"Superset" 45 sec RI/exercise
Squeez press 3x10 10 kg DB:s  (2 sec ecc, 2 sec konc)
DB pullover 3x10 22,5 kg DB

Superset 90 sec RI/set
Roll outs 2x12 BW
Cable ROW 1x12, 1x12 70 kg, 60 kg (3sec hold, 3 sec ecc)
Close grip Push Ups 2x15 BW

I had to combine the pull up/chins exercise with the pull down machine. To much work to write the exact combination here but the first 3 sets where "clean".

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Re: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2017, 02:25:07 PM »
Hamstrings and calves

Superset 90 sec RI:
Clean pull 4x4 100 kg
Deadlift 4x4 120 kg

Single leg calf raise
2x20 BW (5 sec ecc, 2 sec stretch +5 sec hold at top/rep)

Superset-ish 45 sec RI/exercise
BB hip raise on Bench
3x6 100 kg (2 sec hold at top + 2 sec ecc)
Siff lunges 3x12 BW

Romanian DL 2x12 70 kg
Leg curl 2x10 27,5 kg

1x20 BW+10 kg

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Re: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2017, 02:36:03 PM »
Saturdays WO:

Shoulders and Abs

A) Push Press - 3x5 50 kg

B1) Lumberjack Press - 2x10 30 kg (5 per side).
B2) Renegade row - 2x30 BW
B3) Y-Press - 2x15. Tempo:

C1) Pallof Press - 3x8 per side. 27,5 kg
C2) Arnold Press - 3x10 15 kg
C3) Garhammer Raise incline - 3x12 BW
C4) Explosive Lateral Raise 8 kg 4 se ecc

D) Shoulder Killers - 2x10/10/10/10. Tempo: 31X
Start with 10 bent over lateral raises; Then perform 10 60° laterals; then perform 10 lateral raises; then perform 10 front raises; then perform 10 overhead presses. NO REST between exercises. After the overhead presses, rest 3 minutes and repeat.

E1) Russian twist 1x60 seconds 5 kg
E2) Pike Push-Up - 1xFailure.
This circuit is to be performed only ONCE. Perform russian twist and move immediately to the pike push-up with no rest. Perform as many pike push-ups as possible.

This workout has to be modified... too easy. Part of that was that I couldn't load the Push press properly because of my cranky shoulder. But I tried to load the other exercises properly even more than what i wrote down.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2017, 02:39:39 PM by Steff »

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Re: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!
« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2017, 02:04:41 PM »
Superset: 90 sec RI
A1) Squat - 6x5 80 kg Tempo: 3011
A2) Jump Squat - 6x30 seconds 15 kg was the average weight  Tempo: 1XXX

Superset-ish 45 sec RI/Exercise, 90 sec/superset
B1) Close Grip Bench Press 3x8 60 kg Tempo: 30X1
B2) Front Squat to box or bench - 3x8 50 kg Tempo: 20X1
B3) Barbell Curl with Fat Gripz 3x10 20 kg Tempo: 3XX1

C) Bulgarian Split Squat - 2x12, 8, 10 kg Tempo: 2111 90 sec RI

Superset-ish 45sec/exercise,
D1) Cross Body Bicep Curl - 4x10 10 kg DB:s Tempo: 2021
D2) Overhead Triceps Extension w/ Dumbbell - 4x8 22,5 kg Tempo: 30X1

E) Mechanical Advantage Lunge Drop Set - 1x12,10,15 per leg BW Tempo: 2111

The first exercise (almost) killed me... started out with 20 kg on the jump squat did 17 on the first set. I averaged 14-15 overall. But I really never fully recovered during the rest of the WO.

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Re: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2017, 01:37:05 PM »
Back and chest

Incline BBBP 4 sec ecc 2 min RI/set
2x6 67,5 kg

4x6 60 kg

Superset 3 sec ecc 1 min RI/set:
Pendley Row 3x6 52,5 kg
NG Pull down 3x6 50 kg
Low Inc NG DBBP 3x8 22,5 kg DB:s

Pull Ups + Chins: One set = wide grip P-U 6 rep 1 min RI + 4 rep 1 min RI - Narrow grip P-U 6 rep 1 min RI + chins 8 rep 2 min RI + chins to failure
5x6+4+6+8+fail BW (3 sec ecc)

"Superset" 45 sec RI/exercise
Squeez press 4x10 15 kg DB:s, 1x10 10 kg DB:s (2 sec ecc, 2 sec konc)
DB pullover 3x10 22,5 kg DB, 2x10 20 kg DB

Superset 90 sec RI/set
Roll outs 2x12 BW
Cable ROW 1x8, 1x8 70 kg, 60 kg (3 sec hold, 3 sec ecc)
Close grip Push Ups 2x15 BW (3 sec ecc)

I had to combine the pull up/chins exercise with the pull down machine. To much work to write the exact combination here but the first 3 sets where "clean". Made a mistake on the pull ups and had 4 sec ecc on the first set... did kinda kill me. I also id eccentric reps on at least 3 sets.

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Re: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2017, 12:23:03 PM »
Hamstrings and calves

Superset 90 sec RI:
Clean high pull 4x4 100 kg
Deadlift 4x4 130 kg

Single leg calf raise
2x20 BW (5 sec ecc, 2 sec stretch +5 sec hold at top/rep)

Superset-ish 45 sec RI/exercise
BB hip raise on Bench
3x6 105 kg (2 sec hold at top + 2 sec ecc)
Siff lunges 3x12 BW +8 kg

Romanian DL 2x12 90 kg
Leg curl 2x10 30 kg

1x20 BW

Seated calf raise
1x20 30 kg 5 sec ecc