Superset:Third Pull Block 6x3 25 kg
2 Power snatch + 2 Hip power snatch 1x1 40 kg, 2x1 50 kg, 3x1 55 kg
SupersetSnatch High Pull 1x3 60 kg 70 kg, 75 kg
No legs Tall snatch 3x3 10 kg (for speed)
Drop Snatch Balance 3x3 25 kg
SupersetPlyo depth jumps 4x3 BW
Box jumps 4x3 BW
Cleans 1x3 70 3x3 80 kg
Snatch grip OH squat3x10 25 kg
Pull up 1x1,5 min rep BW, 1x8 BW
Rev grip PD1x2 min rep 55 kg, 1x8 55 kg
Neck Press1x2 min rep 45 kg, Incline DBBP 1x4-rest pause 2+2 reps 25 kg DB:s
Squat 1x5 40 kg (deep), 1x3 50 kg, 1x10 65 kg ("normal" depth), 1x7 50 kg, 1x5 40 kg
Bounce squat3x20 (deep)
Lunges explosive1x6 BW, 2x8 BW
Compoundset Pull ups 1x8 BW
Rev Row 1x8 60 kg
Rev Grip Pull downs 1x8 55 kg
OHP3x10 40 kg
Superset Laterals 3x8 8 kg DB:s
DB Curl 3x10 10 kg DB:s
Tri ext 40 kg
Kickbacks 10 kg DB:s
Went a bit too hard for my knee but if i take it easy until Saturday I think it'll be ok.
Good and "bad" news... got the results from the MRI. No arthritis but I do have a meniscus tear so if the physiotherapy doesn't help I'll get keyhole surgery.
I'm going to consult with both the orthopedist and my PT before I make a decision.