Author Topic: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!  (Read 24906 times)

Offline Steff

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Power snatch PR!!!
« Reply #30 on: April 28, 2018, 03:28:47 PM »
Power snatch
2x3 40 kg
1x3 50 kg, 55 kg, 60 kg, 62,5 kg
1x2 65 kg,
1x1 68 kg PR 1
2x1 70 kg  PR 2
2x1 70 kg fail
1x1 70 kg

Snatch High Pull and arm muscle snatch
1x3 70 kg, 2x3 75 kg, 1x3 80 kg
4x6 10 kg

1 Clean 3 jerks
1x1 40 kg, 50 kg, 60 kg (actually did 6 jerks on 60 kg)
1x1 65 kg, 70 kg

Clean and jerk
1x1 80 kg

Power cleans
1x1 80 kg
4x1 90 kg

1x10 20 kg, 40 kg, 50 kg, 62,5 kg

Bounce squat
3x10 BW

Explosive Lunges
3x6 BW

Tri ext
1x2 60 kg
1x3 55 kg
1x8 40 kg

Took me a while to finish this WO... tired but kinda satisfied. Cold have done the 70 kg PR "cleaner". There's gonna be a lot of hip power snatch, and tall power snatches to get faster under the bar.
Considering I was feeling weak and a bit dizzy before and during the WO it turned out ok.

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Re: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!
« Reply #31 on: April 30, 2018, 02:20:32 PM »
Third Pull Block
3x3 30 kg

Third Pull Block 5x3
2 Power snatch + 2 High hang Power Snatch 40 kg, 50 kg, 50 kg, 50 kg, 50 kg

Snatch high pull 4x3 60 kg
Third Pull Block 4x3 30 kg

Box jump BW
Explosive Lunges 3x6 BW
Bounce squat 3x20 BW
Squat 3x10 20 kg

HBR 3x8 20 kg DB:s
Long Pull 3x8 95 kg
Rev Pulldowns 3x8 50 kg
RDR 3x8 50 kg

Incline DBBP
3x8 30 kg DB:s

Rope Tri ext 3x8 45 kg
DB Curl 3x8 12,5 kg DB:s

Offline Steff

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Re: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!
« Reply #32 on: May 02, 2018, 06:38:37 PM »
Third Pull Block
3x3 25 kg

2 Power snatches + 2 Hip Power snatches
1x1 40, 50, 55 kg
5x1 60 kg

Superset: Snatch High Pull + Third Pull Block
3x3 70 kg
1x3 35, 32,5 and 30 kg

Superset Drop jerks and speed OHP
3x3 40 kg
3x9 10 kg

Incline DBBP
3x8 15 kg DB:s

Compoundset: explosive lunges and Bounce squat
3x8 BW
3x10 BW

3x10 40 kg

Third Pull Block
3x3 25 kg

Superset Tri ext-DB Curl-Laterals
3x5 50 kg
3x10 9 kg DB:s
3x8 9 kg DB:s

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Re: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!
« Reply #33 on: May 04, 2018, 12:59:08 PM »
Power Snatch
3x3 40 kg

Superset: Snatch High Pull and Arm Muscle Snatch for speed
4x3 60 kg
4x6 10 kg

Superset: Speed OHP and Snatch grip OH-squat
3x6 20 kg
3x10 10 kg (deepest ever without pain)

Long Pull
2x8 95 kg
1x15 (went to failure on this set)

Incline DBBP
3x8 20 kg DB:s

Superset BB row and rev grip Pulldown
3x8 60 kg
3x8 60 kg

Superset: Explosive Lunges, Bent Laterals, Laterals
3x6 BW
3x8 10 kg
3x8 10 kg

Bounce squat
3x20 BW (deepest ever)

Depth jumps
3x3 BW

Superset: DB curl and Tri ext for speed
3x10 10 kg DB:s
3x6 30 kg

My traps are really sore from all  the Third pull Block sets this week.
All press movements are done with har lockouts and hold for at least 0,5 sec up to 2 sec.
Deepest ever refers to since the injury.

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Re: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!
« Reply #34 on: May 07, 2018, 04:21:04 PM »
Third Pull Block 1x3 15, 20, 25, 30 ,35 kg
Power snatch 1x3 40 kg, 45 kg, 45 kg, 50 kg, 55 kg

Power snatch
4x3 60 kg

Snatch High Pull 1x3 70, 80, 90, 70 kg
Third Pull Block 4x6 25 kg

Drop Jerk
1x5 40 kg

1x3 50 kg, 60 kg

Long Pull
2 min rep 95 kg then 1x10 (Max) 95 kg
1x10 95 kg

3x10 40 kg

Lunges explosive
3x8 BW
« Last Edit: May 07, 2018, 04:23:06 PM by Steff »

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Re: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!
« Reply #35 on: May 09, 2018, 03:48:05 PM »
Third Pull Block 6x3  25 kg
2 Power snatch + 2 Hip power snatch 1x1 40 kg, 2x1 50 kg, 3x1 55 kg

Snatch High Pull 1x3 60 kg 70 kg, 75 kg
No legs Tall snatch 3x3 10 kg (for speed)
Drop Snatch Balance 3x3 25 kg

Plyo depth jumps 4x3 BW
Box jumps 4x3 BW
Cleans 1x3 70 3x3 80 kg

Snatch grip OH squat
3x10 25 kg

Pull up
1x1,5 min rep BW, 1x8 BW

Rev grip PD
1x2 min rep 55 kg, 1x8 55 kg

Neck Press
1x2 min rep 45 kg, Incline DBBP 1x4-rest pause 2+2 reps 25 kg DB:s

1x5 40 kg (deep), 1x3 50 kg, 1x10 65 kg ("normal" depth), 1x7 50 kg, 1x5 40 kg

Bounce squat
3x20 (deep)

Lunges explosive
1x6 BW, 2x8 BW

Pull ups 1x8 BW
Rev Row 1x8 60 kg
Rev Grip Pull downs 1x8 55 kg

3x10 40 kg

Laterals 3x8 8 kg DB:s
DB Curl 3x10 10 kg DB:s
Tri ext 40 kg
Kickbacks 10 kg DB:s

Went a bit too hard for my knee but if i take it easy until Saturday I think it'll be ok. :)
Good and "bad" news... got the results from the MRI. No arthritis but I do have a meniscus tear so if the physiotherapy doesn't help I'll get keyhole surgery.
I'm going to consult with both the orthopedist and my PT before I  make a decision.

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Re: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!
« Reply #36 on: May 11, 2018, 02:08:04 PM »
Did a lot of work Wednesday... and here is todays light WO.

Speed OHP
4x6 20 kg

Bent laterals 3x8 8 kg DB:s
Laterals 3x8 8 kg DB:s

Speed SG OHP
4x6 15 kg

3 AMS + 3 APM

Incline DBBP 3x8 15 kg DB:s
NGPD 3x8 50 kg

Long Pull 3x8 75 kg
Tri ext speed 3x6 25 kg

Explosive lunges 3x6 BW
DB Curl 3x10 9 kg DB:s

Offline Steff

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Re: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!
« Reply #37 on: May 12, 2018, 03:41:51 PM »
Power Snatch
1x3 40 kg, 2x3 50 kg, 2x3 55 kg, 1x3 60 kg, 3x1 62,5(+1 fail) The groove went up shit creek here so I restarted...(really pissed off here)
1x3 40 kg, 1x3 50 kg, 1x3 55 kg, 1x3 60 kg, 1x1 62,5 kg
1x1 65 kg,
1x1 67,5 kg,
1xFail 71 kg
1x1 71 kg PR,
1x1 72,5 kg PR (not so pretty but still a PR)

Snatch High Pull 3x3 80 kg
3 Pull Block 3x3 30 kg

3x6 40 kg (done as drop jerks)
1x3 50 kg, 60 kg
2x3 65 kg

Power Clean
1x3 70 kg
1x2 80 kg
1x1 85 kg, 87,5 kg
2x2 90 kg
1x3 70 kg

Clean high pull 1x3 100 kg, 110 kg, 105 kg, 100 kg
Plyo depth jumps 4x3 BW (higher then before)

Leg press 2 min rep 20 kg + 1x8 20 kg
Squat 1x10 20 kg
Lunges 1x10 4 kg DB:s
1 min bike with saddle at lowest and as high resistance as I could muster.

Squats 3x10 40 kg
Lunges Explosive 3x6 BW
Bounce squat 3x20 BW

I'm sooo gonna have to pay for this WO.... :D

Offline Steff

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Re: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!
« Reply #38 on: May 15, 2018, 02:21:34 PM »
Third Pull Block 2x3 25 kg, 2x3 27,5, 2x3 30 kg
Power snatch 2x3 40 kg, 1x3  50 kg, 3x3 55 kg

Snatch High Pull 3x3 60 kg
Third Pull Block 1x3 35 kg, 32,5 kg, 30 kg

3x3 40 kg

Power clean
3x3 70 kg

3x10 20 kg

Bounce squat

Lunges Explosive
3x6 BW

Long pull
3x8 95 kg

Incline DBBP
3x8 20 kg DB:s

3x8 55 kg

3x8 8 kg DB:s

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Re: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!
« Reply #39 on: May 18, 2018, 11:11:10 AM »
Really light WO today...

OHP speed 4x6 20 kg
Bent laterals 4x8 9 kg DB:s

SG OHP speed
3x6 15 kg
3x6 10 kg tilting the body to resemble the catch position... discovering a bit of stiffness in the shoulders slowing me down

3x8 9 kg DB:s

Rev Grip PD 3x8 50 kg
Long pull 3x8 75 kg

DB Curl 3x10 9 kg DB:s
Tri ext speed 3x6 30 kg

Bounce squat
3x10 (backing off the depth a bit now)