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Topics - Sergio

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General Discussion / Reg Park in the 71 Mr Universe
« on: January 01, 2016, 05:17:59 PM »
Perhaps the best definition and the least fat % of all his Mr universes. Only a bit too light to beat Bill Pearl.

Exercises and workouts / Squat and the ballanced physique
« on: December 02, 2015, 03:10:09 PM »
Here is a very good article from
About the king exercise of mass building: the squat
For those in the iron game many of us know that the almighty squat is king when it comes to downright, hardcore strength and size. Many who have suffered with the problem of chicken legs have been able to overcome this debilitating problem with some hard squat routines. But, the question has to be asked, 'how often should I squat?' I am a fan of High Intensity Training so my first initial reaction would be once a week or possibly even every two weeks. But, I have also seen the evidence to squat three days a week if your goal is more leaning towards a powerlifting sort of training. Reg Park and Steve Reeves would squat three days a week, either on hard set or low reps and sets when they were trying to add on some size. For those of us who are interested in the classic physique, we must look at every exercise in terms of its effect on our symmetry, proportion and graceful appearance. Does this mean we don't want those monster legs we see on the Mr. Olympia stage today? Yes and no. The problem with this is that there isn't a blanket answer to this issue because it totally depends on your genetically given bone structure and how those legs will give you a balanced physique   

The reason I bring this up is that I think that we have seen a major shift in the way we look at how legs ought to look. From the beginnings of bodybuilding all the way up until the late 70's and early 80's we saw legs which were part of a bigger design. They were meant to become part of a picture as a whole, not a feat and show in and of themselves. So, compare Arnold Schwarzenegger's legs to those of Dorian Yates and you will see the huge shift that took place. Arnold squatted, as did all of my heroes from the 30's and 40's, perhaps except for Vince Gironda. So while squat holds an eternal high place in the gym, we need to put the legs in proper perspective and how squat can effect the entire physique.

Squat is the surest and fastest way to add some size on to those quads, hips and glutes. The problem here is that one of those muscles in the hips. So, if our aim is a V-Tapered form starting with a tight waist and a broad, wide back, then widening the hips can be problematic. Squat can also increase total body strength and size as it truly is the king of exercises (although I could argue that deadlift is tied with it, but i won't go there now).

So, how do we keep from growing legs that throw the balance off all the while keeping a slender, tight waist. Well, first you'll need to consider that most of the legs that have become monstrous are a result of pharmacueticals. So, unless you plan to or are currently taking drugs, the risk of running huge, unbalanced legs is much slimmer. If you genetically have large quads, (first off, I'm jealous) you might consider a few quad lengthening exercises. These will be able to  help you keep those thick thighs all the while adding a more aesthetic for to them. The best exercise for that would be the sissy squat:

The Sissy Squat

There is nothing sissified about the sissy squat. The basic move is to find a 3-4 inch elevation to rest your heels on. I use a pair of dumbbells. Then to have something to stabilize yourself, I use my TRX straps. Then lean back, almost as if you are doing the limbo, and focus the resistance on your quads.

Next, if you begin to see your waistline growing even though you are staying lean, this might be a result of squatting too regularly. So two exercises I suggest you perform in order to keep the thickness of your quads without the hip growth are leg extensions and heavy, supported, single-leg dumbbell lunges:

Leg Extensions


Single-Leg Dumbbell Lunges (Supported and using heavy weights)

Does this mean I am downgrading the squat? Absolutely not. What I hope to offer here is a thought process and vision into how you might see your exercise routines. What is this doing to my physique? How is this helping me reach my goal of the classic, Grecian Ideal of aesthetics and balance?

Should you squat? Absolutely. Should you do it and keep a blind eye on how your overall physique is being effected? Heck no.

Forum News and Reflections / Arnold joking with Lou at Gym
« on: September 19, 2015, 10:01:53 AM »
It's good to ser those stars of 40 years past still training with strength and illusion. And now yes very far away of those damned steroids.
Compare to the actual top leader bodybuilder they always will be parte of the gold age of bodybuilding, even that the true golden age was los in the mist of time more than 60 years ago.

General Discussion / Reg Park in the 73 Mr Universe
« on: July 11, 2015, 03:56:26 PM »
The final Reg's attempt for the Mr Universe title when he was 43 years old.  With 1958 Mr Universe, this is the contest that we have less information, till now, Thanks to Thomas Knott (see for more information about this)  who have found two videos of that contest that light this less known contest. In 1970: 
was kind of a missed year. I was very busy with my business. We opened three more gyms and I was too busy to train properly 
In 1971 he showed a phantastic shape, but he lighter compared to Bill Pearl and Sergio Oliva; the time for the victory of smaller guys like Frank Zane was still in the future:
Bill Pearl announced his intentions of entering the 1971 Mr. Universe along with Arnold and Oliva, so I wanted to be in my best condition. I decided to experiment with my physique and erroneously reduced my bodyweight to 216 pounds. This proved to be my downfall, because my two main competitors, Pearl and Oliva, both were over 230 pounds (Arnold did not enter).
In 1973 he was over 220 lbs and in the photos of that time it's clear that he showed more mass, but he was still in not his best msybe due to the amount of work. Of course we must not forget he was over 40 years old and the body is not the same than twenty years younger.
The first photo I want to show you is a piece of an interview to Reg in 1973 when he talked about the time he trains: 

General Discussion / Reg Park in the 80 Mr Olympia
« on: July 10, 2015, 03:26:06 PM »
Note from 2021. This year or is 10 years old. So I decided to reedit the screenshots from the footage and improve them if possible. Also I added more photos to complete the posing routine.  Some photos are really impressive.

Thanks to the effort of Thomas Knott, that all of you can read his training logs in, we can have here the full vídeo of the great guest pose of Reg in the 1980 Mr olympia.
Now some vídeo captures:

General Discussion / Old Iron images
« on: February 17, 2015, 11:30:59 AM »
Here you can see a very young Spencer Churchill, that used to be Reg's partner in early 50 trainings.

Forum News and Reflections / Conan is back!
« on: October 26, 2014, 08:36:58 PM »
Arnold in Almeria - the place where Conan the barbarian was filmed - 33 years after. He is in very good shape. Conan is near. One month ago.

General Discussion / Other Reg Park's pics
« on: October 23, 2014, 07:17:41 PM »
I created this new category for the discovering serching the net, but its hard because you can discover a great photo, so you have to put it in the great pics section, like the abs last one.

Here a different view of the first meeting of Reg and Lou:

Aa all probably knew, John  Isaacs was (and still is, as he is alive) the brother in law of Reg Park.  He was already a bodybuilder when Reg met him in 1951.  It was Isaacs that want his sister, Mareon and Reg met some months before the mr universe 1951.  Reg came from Haway, and he got a tan look that surely love Mareon, but that is another history...  ;)
John Isaacs came to live with the Park's new marriage only few week after their wedding, one year after the mr universe,  and Reg began to train Isaacs in what would be famous "the Reg Park way".  Four years later, John became mr universe, and two years later, the two brothers in law became they two winners in his class of the 1958 contest, as you can see in this link of our forum:

Isaacs was famous for his supreme back development, that you can see in one of this pics:

Forum News and Reflections / COMEBACK TO THE 2008!
« on: August 17, 2014, 10:20:47 AM »
Comeback to the 2008!!

I am re reading my log and it' great seeing all the enjoying, hard work and passion i put in those days. The 2008 was the year. I train at seven o'clock. Later i went to job and at night make love to my girl friend one o two hours! It had all.
Maybe i am looking back because i have a new job that, altought it's harder than the one i had in that time , makes me think in those great days. It's a silly thing, but i feel like i have no injurie, no gastrix reflux at all, like these past 3 years don' t exist. It' s like a real comeback to those sacred times!
At the end of 2008 i think i had my know injurie of the lower left abs zone bt continue training becayse i felr well soon and i think it was only a minor injurie.
I put no post in 2009. In march my mother pass awsy and altough i continue training from time to time put it in the forum that now it's gone. In those time i gain weight, size and got my max in ghe bench press with one lift of 59 kg and a hak rep with 60 kg.
In 2010 i peaked in near all my strenght exercises till now and the summer was a golden time again with my over head press record of 47 kg.
In march of 2011 i began to feel that my golden and silver days were ending because my injuriecame bigger and reach my left lower back too. But two months before, after seeing many times the reg park documentary, i reach the highest levels of volume with near 50 sets in 90 mins. That was the glory but dhort days of the full squat, where i did 3 reps X 55 kg and near 60 kg in the rows, on where i increase the eficience of the exercice.
The end of the serius training came in fthe autum of 2011 where the gastrointestinal problems were sobig that i stop for thr first time in 4 years.
Then i try srveral times to comeback, but were two or three weeks only because when i put more weight i had to stop training for more than a week. The only good thing there was my research of information and new images for the forum and for this forum the long thread of my equation about the strenght of arms. Thanks to all for your interest!!
In the beggining of 2013, after six month of no training at all my nephews came to home and we did a power training session like the year before. They overcame me in all the exercises except the squat and suprisingly, the biceps curl, where i win with a strict curl of 34 kg.
The last real hardwork i did was in the summer of that yeat, but my training there was too sporadic like one year before. Two young guys come to home for doing a work. I helped them and i felt like Reg with Arnold when teach thrm how to do a full squat. I did several sets and ended with 8 reps with 42 kgs with full form.The bad simptoms i had put me in the way away from hard weightraing...i think forever.
Now i got the iron deamon inside me again. But it's more sporadic training than before and only with light weights. I know what would happend if i decided again to train with the pure intense and honest way i had in 2008.
Oh that sacred Iron deamon!! Those were glory days.

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