Author Topic: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!  (Read 27057 times)

Offline Steff

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Re: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!
« Reply #40 on: December 05, 2014, 03:14:01 PM »
95 kg in the Clean! Congrats!! Good work!!

Thanks! :)
I'm kinda proud of that one, considering that I've only practiced them 5-10 times during the 6 months I've been OL-lifting. ;)

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OL-lifting day!
« Reply #41 on: December 06, 2014, 11:32:19 AM »
1x3 40 kg
5x3 50 kg
5x3 60 kg

Power jerk:
1x5 20 kg
5x4 40 kg

2x3 60 kg
5x3 70 kg

Snatch pulls:
1x3 80 kg
3x2 90 kg
1x2 80 kg

Working on my catch in the snatch... had a very uneven day.
Coach decided that I should go for power jerks since they were natural to me.
My cleans are coming along fine now.
Good power in the snatch pulls though.

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Re: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!
« Reply #42 on: December 08, 2014, 10:59:13 AM »
Snatch 1x3 40 kg, 1x3 50 kg, 5x3 60 kg +3 fails

F-squat 4x3 50 kg (speed)

Chins ramping up: 1x3 BW +20 kg 1x1 BW +35 kg, 1x1 40 kg, 1xfail 50 kg I was 10 cm(4 inches) from my chin...

OHP Ramping up 1x3 52,5 1x2 60 kg, 1x2 65 kg (got up to my old PR at least)

Chins 1x10 BW

BB row 3x3 77,5 kg + 1x8 60 kg

Cleans: 2x3 65 kg 5x3 75 kg

70° DB laterals 3x8 8 kg

DB curl 3x8 12,5 kg

Not a good day... felt really tired and worn. The technique on the snatches was decent but I felt wobbly in the catch at weights that should not be a problem at all. >:(

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Overreached a bit...
« Reply #43 on: December 09, 2014, 09:11:29 AM »
All of my joints hurts so I'll just gym surf for two weeks now.
Beginning a new routine then and want to be fresh by then. ;)

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Serious Deload!
« Reply #44 on: December 10, 2014, 10:38:39 AM »
Back compound set 1x10:
HBR 10 kg DB:s
T-bar row 20 kg
Long pull 70 kg
90° RDR 45 kg

Chest Compound set 1x10:
DBBP 20 kg DB:s
Dips BW
40° incline DBBP 17,5 kg DB:s

Shoulder Compound set 1x10
HBL thumbs up 4 kg DB:s
OHP 35 kg
70° laterals 8 kg DB:s

Biceps Compound set 1x10:
HBC 8 kg DB:s
Cable curl 25 kg
DB curl 8 kg DB:s
High pulley double bicep curl 7,5 kg

Tricep Compound set 1x10:
Lying Tri ext 30 kg
Pull over press 40 kg
Kick backs 6 kg DB:s

Glute bridge 3x6 60 kg

Single leg Glute bridge 2x10 BW

Squat stretch 3x1 min

Felt good just taking it easy and get some blood flow. :)
Left the gym feeling like I hadn't worked out.

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Re: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!
« Reply #45 on: December 12, 2014, 12:45:32 PM »
Back compound set 1x10:
DB row 17,5 kg
SA Cable row 25 kg
SA Pull down 15 kg
SA Full range row 15 kg

Long pull
1x10 65 kg

Chest Compound set 1x10:
Dips BW
Neck Press 46 kg
40° incline DBBP 17,5 kg DB:s
Cable flyes 20 kg

Shoulder Compound set 1x10
70° laterals 8 kg DB:s
BNP 30 kg
HBL thumbs up 5 kg DB:s
DB swing 8 kg

Biceps Compound set 1x10:
BTB Curl 15 kg
Spider curl 20 kg
DB curl 8 kg DB:s
High pulley double bicep curl 7,5 kg

2x3 40 kg 2x3 45 kg 2x3 50 kg

1x10 10 kg

Tricep Compound set 1x10:
Kick backs 6 kg DB:s
DB French press 20 kg
Push downs 25 kg
Bench dips BW

Glute bridge 3x8 80 kg
Reversed Hypers with rubber band 3x3 BW

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Olympic lifting - light day
« Reply #46 on: December 13, 2014, 10:37:13 AM »
Snatch warm up: 3x3 30 kg, 3x3 35 kg, 2x3 40 kg

Snatch 1x3 45 kg 2x3 50 kg 3x3 55 kg

Snatch pull + snatch 1x1 55 kg

Power cleans 5x3 70 kg

Power Jerk 1x4 20 kg, 6x3 40 kg

Emphasis on technique today. I know what to work on = pull the bar even closer on snatches so I'll do one snatch pull followed by a snatch.
Tried it once today and it payed off immediately.  ;D

Skipped heavy snatch pulls.

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Just 2 weeks till next routine!
« Reply #47 on: December 15, 2014, 10:45:13 AM »
Power cleans
2x3 70 kg
4x3 75 kg

Power Jerk
3x3 40 kg
2x3 50 kg

F-squat ramping up:
1x2 80 kg
1x1 90 kg
1x1 100 kg

3x3 50 kg

Shoulder compound set
OHP 40 kg
Bent over laterals 10 kg DB:s
DB swing 8 kg

Back compound set 1x10
BB row 60 kg
Long pull 70 kg
Chins BW (I stopped at eight didn't want to push it too far)
90° RDR 45 kg

Chest compound set 1x10
Dips BW +10 kg
DBBP 20 kg DB:s
Incline DBBP 17,5 kg DB:s

DB curl
3x10 12,5 kg DB:s

DB French press
3x10 22,5 kg

Felt awkward to start with power cleans so my technique was a bit uneven. The power jerks are still REALLY new to me but they're getting better.
OHS was good and easy. There're two weeks until my new program starts so I'll keep on gym surfing a bit more. ;)

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Re: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!
« Reply #48 on: December 17, 2014, 10:59:48 AM »
Tall snatch of blocks: 3x3 40 kg 3x3 45 kg
Snatch pull + Snatch + Snatch balance 6x3 50 kg

Shoulder Compound set 1x10
thumbs up 6 kg DB:s
BNP 32,5 kg
70° laterals 8 kg DB:s

Back compound set 1x10:
HBR 12,5 kg DB:s
Cable row 65 kg
T-bar 25 kg
90° RDR 45 kg

Chest Compound set 1x10:
DBBP 25 kg
Incline DBBP 15 kg
Dips BW

Complex 3x1:
Pull from chest into squat 10 kg (technique bar)
Tall snatch 40 kg
Snatch 50 kg

Push downs 3x12 45 kg
Cable curl 3x12 30 kg

I still have a slight arch at the top of my snatch but it got better. I really liked the last complex and it seemed to pay off. :)
Feeling stronger and some aches and pains are fading away.   ;)

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Re: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!
« Reply #49 on: December 19, 2014, 03:24:02 PM »
Snatch + drop snatch 3x2 50 kg 1x2 55 kg 1x2 60 kg

Power clean and jerk 1x3 50 kg 1x3 60 kg 1x3 70 kg

Squats 1x3 60 kg 1x3 80 kg 1x1 100 kg 1x1 120 kg

Compound 1x10
Pullups BW
LP 1x10 75 kg
HBR 12,5 kg DB:s
NG Pulldowns 40 kg

Compound 1x10
Bent over Laterals 10 kg DB:s
DB swing 8 kg DB:s
Snatch grip press 25 kg

Compound 1x10
Incline press 20 kg DB:s
Dips BW +10 kg
DBBP 22,5 kg DB:s

BB curl 3x8 30 kg
Lying tri ext 3x8 30 kg

Clean grip OHS 3x1 30 kg 5 sec pause at bottom.
My technique was a bit off today but managed to get a some really good drop snatches!