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Happy new Year!!


Happy New Year for all the members and guest of this forum and web page.  I hope that in the future many update will go on and this page would be a reference for many years in these digital world about Reg Park and the stars of the golden age of bodybuilding of the 40s and 50s.

Happy new year!
Would be fun to know some goals from our members for 2013! ;)

Here is mine:  Be able to train all the year, witouth injuries or other privations outside the weight training.  Health, love and be not very poor ;)

Well here's mine: Good health of course.
Aiming at a 45 inch chest(I'm at 43,4 now) and 14,6 arms (currently 14) and  pullups 3x12 @BW+22 lbs .
Not easy and I won't be disappointed if I don't reach them.


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