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Exercises and workouts / Weightraining injuries and their treatment, by Reg Park (1968)
« Last post by Sergio on October 10, 2022, 11:13:06 PM »
Muscular Development, April 68
General Discussion / Re: Hercules Reg Park visits John Grimek (1967), by John Grimek
« Last post by Sergio on October 10, 2022, 11:08:04 PM »
Part Two:
General Discussion / Hercules Reg Park visits John Grimek (1967), by John Grimek
« Last post by Sergio on October 10, 2022, 10:59:07 PM »
1967, June, Muscular Development, by John Grimek.
Members logs / Re: Sergio's training log
« Last post by Sergio on October 09, 2022, 11:52:35 AM »
Two sets in every exercise. Repetitions to  exhaustion:

Two DBs Bench press (7,5 kg)
One dB row (7,5 kg)
One dB press (7,5 kg)
Lying , BB triceps curl (7kg)
One dB biceps curl (7,5 kg)
One Db pullover across the bench (7,5 kg)
Squats  (10 - 15kg)

In order to focus on the muscle contraction work, I prefer not to focus on counting repetitions now. Each set ends when I notice that the muscle has worked and is sore. Not when it is totally impossible for me to continue doing repetitions.
Nutrition / Re: Reg Park's diet and nutrition
« Last post by Jack on July 25, 2022, 04:44:47 PM »
384 grams of protein and 7,000+ goodness those are mammoth amounts.
Members logs / Re: Sergio's training log
« Last post by Sergio on June 16, 2022, 07:32:13 PM »
DBs bench press: 8 X 9 ; 8 X 9
One db row: 12 X 9 ; 10 X 9
One db press: 7 X 7 ; 7 X 7
One db biceps curl: 8 X 7 ; 8 X 7
Std BB triceps curl: 10 X 7 ; 8 X 9
One db pullover across the bench: 12 X 7 ; 12 X 7
BB wrist curl (reverse grip): 15 X 12 ; 15 X 14
Abs work, declined bench: 15 reps
Free weight Squats: 20
Stiff leg dead lift: 15 X 10.
Members logs / Re: Sergio's training log
« Last post by Sergio on June 14, 2022, 07:51:40 PM »
DBs bench press: 12 X 7 ; 12 X 7
One db row: 12 X 7 ; 12 X 7
One db press: 7 X 7 ; 7 X 7
One db biceps curl: 8 X 7 ; 8 X 7
Std BB triceps curl: 10 X 7 ; 10 X 7
BB wrist curl (reverse grip): 15 X 12 ; 15 X 12
Abs work: 15 reps
Forum News and Reflections /, yes, with "s"
« Last post by Sergio on December 22, 2021, 10:30:03 PM »
Today i have bought and installed two  SSL certificates for the web. Now we have and
Forum News and Reflections / A book about Reg Park!!
« Last post by Sergio on July 19, 2021, 08:14:05 PM »
I am currently working on a book about Reg Park. Part biographical, part about his training philosophy. It will be based entirely on bibliographic sources, either old magazines (most of them are already online on the forum) or youtube videos.  At the end of this year will be 10 years old.  I don't know if I'll be in time for the outline to be finished before the end of the year, but if all goes well, it will be finished in the next year. 
Members logs / Re: Sergio's training log
« Last post by Sergio on March 26, 2021, 11:54:57 AM »
Dbs bench press: 13 reps X 9 kg ; 13 X 9
One db row: 13 reps X 10 kg ; 13 X 10
BB triceps curl lying on bench: 9 reps X 12 kg ; 9 X 12
BB biceps curl: 9 reps X 16 kg ; 9 reps X 16
BB press: 9 reps X 16 kg ; 8 X 16
One db pullover: 13 reps X 10 kg : 10 X 10
Reverse crunches: 18
Squats: 20 reps X 10 kg ; 20 X 13
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