Author Topic: Kris Kangas workouts!!  (Read 45372 times)

Offline Sergio

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #40 on: April 12, 2018, 09:16:06 AM »

Puker turtle, yup!

Arm day. For grins switched to DB's, good, bad, don't know. 20 sec rests on all exercises.

OH press, non lockout
37x6, 50x 6x6, cut 8 lb total, cut 5 sec.

Lateral raise
37's x 6x6, cut 6 lb total, cut 5 sec.

Lying tri ext. DB's
37x15, 45x 6x6, grunt'n hard, had to press up last 3 reps. cut 10 lbs total, cut 5 sec

Seated tri ext. DB's
35x 6x6, pressed up last 2 reps. Cut 5 sec.

Curls, DB's, seated with backstop, strict
35x6, 40x 6x6, cut 15 lbs total off BB, cut 5 sec. but these are much stricter.

Reverse/hammer curl, DB's
40x 6x6, awesome pump

DB wrist curl, alternate, approx. 20 secs sets.
70x 6x15, lost count did extra set maybe for 7x15. Piece of cake, up weight next workout or cut to 15 sec!

39 min. long I know, but a lot of plate changing, :) Arms pumped


Switched to DB's today, all exercises

DB bench
75x 6x6, 20 sec. rests, cut 5 sec off

55x 6x6, 15 sec! cut 5 lb and cut 5 sec off.

Row, DB's
75x 6x6, 20 sec rests, cut 5 sec off

Pullover, DB
75x 6x6, 20 sec rests, cut 5 sec off

19 min flat. Didn't take hands off bells for bench, flys or pullover, no time to wipe sweat, and was in a pool of water when I finished, happy Cajin? lol.


Arthritis in knees, especialy right knee give'n me fits. Got up early and lower back feels hincky, in other words, fell like crap. Limit to squats today.

175x 6x6, 15 sec rests between sets, (cut 5 sec off) breath'n rather hard I must say!

About 4 min. but who's counting? :)


Shoulders & Arms. May change shoulders to chest back day, arms are enough by themselves.

DB press
37x15, 50x 6x6, 15 sec rests, cut 5 sec, same weight.

Cajin row, DB one arm seated (lat raise bothering me)
50x 6x6, alternate non stop, pumped!!!

Lying tri. press DB's
35x15, 45x 6x6, 15 sec rests, cut 5 sec, same weight. Had to bench press up last couple reps.

Seated DB tri. ext, 2 DB
30x 6x6, 15 sec rests, cut 5 sec and 5 lbs, really pumped here!

Seated DB curls, backstop
35x 6x6, 15 sec rests, cut 5 sec and 5 lbs, about right, last set partials.

Hammer curls
45x 6x6, 15 sec rests, cut 5 sec, same weight, last set partials, very tuff.

Wrist curl, DB's, alternate non stop.
75x15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 10, ran outa juice, up 5 lbs.

38 min. Kinda long, kinda tucker'd, kinda pumped, :)

I just kept cutting time with weight cuts where needed to get the time down. DB's seem a better fit for some of the stuff. I rest the DB's on the legs while waiting for the next set, really no time to take hands of the bars. It's different. A lot of time today was changing the bells. Coulda done a 25 min workout with more bells setup. Vince knew his stuff.


Chest & Back

One arm DB row. (With 2 arms, big plates nailing legs), 12-15 sec rests per arm.
75x 8x6, for last set 30 sec rest.

DB bench
75x 8x6, 15 sec rests, last 2 sets 30 sec rests.

Pullover, DB
75x 8x6, 15 sec rests, last 2 sets, 30 sec. Upper chest as well a lats hurt'n last 2 sets.

Approx 12 min. up 2 sets each exercise. Pant, pant, time for ice tea!


OK, squat day, my favorite.......not. Today George Thorogood, after first set, didn't hear a thing. :)

175x 8x6, first 6 sets 15 sec rests, last 2, 60 sec each. Trying to work my way to 8x8, 15 sec.

5 min. Huffy puffy!


Word up!

Armed and dangerous

Seated DB curls, with backstop
35x 8x6, 15 sec, last 2 sets 30 sec restx.

Seated DB tri. extensios
35x 8x6, 15 sec, last 2 sets 30 sec rests.

Seated hammer wrist curl (DB's held hammer grip, wrist curled up)
35x 8x15, 15 sec rests, last 2 sets really tuff.

DB wrist curl, one arm alternate non-stop
75x 8x15, 15 sec. rests, last 2 sets, 30 sec rests, last set all forced reps, hehe, ouch, best forearm pump all year!

23 min. Ice tea is calling my name!


OK; chest, back, and shoulders

One arm DB row, alternate non-stop,
75x 8x6, straight through

DB bench
75x 8x6, 15 sec rests, last 2 sets, 25 sec rests, cut 5 sec last 2 sets, breath'n so hard chest hurts, :)

Standing flys, or as Al prefers, lateral raises, giddyup!
35x 8x6, 15 sec, straight through, whoa Nelly!

15 min, includes plate changing, 2 min rest between exercises. Gotta rename my log, Sweat'n and hurt'n!


Leg day, hate it. Todays selection, CCR, got through one song, :)

175x 8x6, 15 sec. all sets, rest pause 3-4 breaths last 3 reps of last set. Hurt me, in fact could feel my calves after.

4 min. of unadultrated pain.


OK, arm day
Adding 1 rep to each set, 8x7

Curls, DB's
35x 8x7, 15 sec rests, last set a killer, was curling very slooooowly

Seated tri ext, DB's
35x 8x7, 15 sec rests, pressed up last 4 reps, may go to lying tri ext as this is straining shoulders...wimp

Hammer grip wrist curls
35x 8x15, 15 sec rests, felt a little better this workout

DB wrist curl
75x 8x15, 15 sec rests first 6 sets, then 30 sec rest, then 1 minute before last set, forearms really fatigued today!

24 min.

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #41 on: April 14, 2018, 10:18:12 PM »

Almost did legs again, forgot to log last leg workout in logbook, whew!

DB rows
75x 8x6, alternate non-stop, 15 sec rests per arm.

DB bench
75x 8x6, 15 sec, all sets this trip.

Standing flys
35x 8x7, 15 sec rests, up one rep per set, shoulders really fried!

15 min.


Leg day. My favorite.

Squats, couple deep breaths, and....
175x 8x6, 15 sec rests all sets, legs really started pumping up at set 6, tired at 7, fried on 8.

About 4 min. :)


Freaking arm day! Except for wrist curls, upping time 5 sec. and upping 1 rep per set to 8x8.

DB curls
35x 8x8, 20 sec. rests, estra 5 sec. really makes a difference!

Lying tri. ext. DB's
35x 8x8, 20 sec rests, helped shoulder lying down.

Hammer wrist curl, DB's
35's x 8x20, 20 sec rests, up 5 reps per set.

DB wrist curl
75x 8x15, alternate non-stop

24 min.


Chest, back, shoulders, going for 8x8 today.

DB Rows, 15 sec rests all sets
75x8,8,8,8,8,8,6,6, up 2 reps first 6 sets, took 3 minute break, feels like wind sprints, and you know hate running!

DB bench
75x8,8,8,8,8,8,6,6, up 2 reps first 6 sets, 2 minute break, breathing so hard started coughing and hacking up lung cheese, :)

Standing flys
35x8x8, up 1 rep all 8 sets, that's it, done, crawling into a chair now.

20 minutes of running in place, fun, fun, fun!


175x8,8,8,8,6,6,6,6, 15 sec rests. Up 2 reps first 4 sets, going for 8x8.

Don't try this on a full meal, unless your barfing for distance.

Around 4 minutes, and that's all I have to say about that


Arm day

DB curl
35x 8x8, 15 sec, last set partials, ouch!

DB lying tri press
35x 8x8, last set very tuff

Reverse DB wrist curl
27x 8x15, 15 sec rests, more pronated grip, less weight, not really feeling the love on these, so adding...

Reverse DB preacher curls
27x 8x8, 15 sec rests,pretty much an ouch! And just to really do in upper arms....

Pulley pushdowns
50x 8x8, 15 sec rests, need to up to 60 lbs.

DB wrist curls
85x 8x15, Up 10 lbs, alternate non-stop, rested 20 sec after set 7, got all reps! Not expecting to.

36 min. A little long, but heck of a pump!!


DB bench
75x8,8,8,8,8,6,6,6, 15 sec rests except last set, 25 sec. Left shoulder wanted to give out on set 5, but I said no,no,no,no...

DB rows
75x8,8,8,8,8,8,6,6, 15 sec rests, except last set, 25 sec. Pulled the bells off a bench today, a lot better than off the floor, great pump, I think I can get it into position better somehow.

Standing flys
35x 8x8, 15 sec rests all sets

can't...rise...arms...must drink..must sit...

20 min


And Happy New Year. :)

Decide to mix it up today on squats.

165x5, 210x5, 255x5, 290x5, 210x10,10

9 min. Still pretty quick for "long" rests.


Arm day.

Lying tri. ext. DB's
40x 8x8, maybe tad lite, 30 sec rests.

65x 8x8, maybe trade for DB seated ext. 30 sec rests. awesome pump.

DB curls
40x 8x8, last set only partials and felt very heavy, 30 sec rests. Pumped..can you hear me?PUMPED I SAID!

Reverse curls, DB's, pronated about 40 degrees
40x 8x8, tad lite, 30 sec rests.

DB wrist curls, alternate, little to no resting.
1x85x15, 5x91x15, 2x80x15, jumped weight up, killer.
Bought some non-slip stair tape and wrapped around DB's, what a difference, grab a bell, and your good to go, like sandpaper, :)

43 min.

Offline Sergio

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #42 on: June 10, 2018, 10:37:48 PM »

I think I'm starting to burn out on this routine. HAve been on it 6-7 weeks. Went pretty fast on getting to 15 sec rests I think, and nailed everything but DB bench. Last 2 sets (on bench) starting to bother shoulder. Have seen a nice change in muscles though. Will play around a little, and give myself a little more time on rests between sets. Good stuff Cajin!

DB bench
75x8,8,8,8,8,8,6,6. All with 15 sec rests.
DB rows
75x8x8, all with 15 sec rests.
Standing flys
35x8x8, all 15 sec rests

16 min.

 Can flex the chest now, due probably in part to DB bench as opposed to bar. Shoulders have a little meat on medial deslt. Have added a bit to forearms, 13" unflexed, arm straight,14" flexed. Have gained a 1/2" since last year. Upper arm, 17 inches cold, no gain, (actually larger last year) but look more defined. Chest 49" flexed, seemed to have gained a bit there. Have no idea what these numbers mean, but will see what happens as I change the routine. Will do a bit more warmup pyramiding the weight. That's all I got man, hope it makes sense.


OK, changing up a little

DB press
40x10, 62x8,8,8, felt heavy, not pushing today.

Cajin rows, seated, DB
62x8,8,8,8, felt light, but that's ok.

130x5, 210x5, 252x5,5, arthritis acting up in right knee, and right hip creak'

18 min.


One arm DB row
62x10, 85x10, 102x8, 128x5 (used strap this set) 102x8,8
Curls, DB's

DB bench
62x10, 85x10, 95x7,6,(left shoulder give'n out) 85x10, chest pumped though.
Lying tri. ext. DB's
40x15, (Tri + partial CG bench) 50x8+8, 8+8, 8+8, tris deep fried!

DB reverse/hammer curls
50x10, 55x10,10, 50x10,10,stair step grip tape really helps!
DB wrist curl
78x25, 100x15, 90x15, 78x15, 25, put the hammer down on it last set, was gett'n lazy.

60 min. Arms smoked.


BB press
100x8, 120x8, 135x5, 150x5, 135x8

135x5, 210x5, 245x5,5, One legged lunge(other foot on bench behind)x10, arthritis in right knee kill'n me, right leg wanted to buckle on these.

One arm (DB) Cajin row

30 min. of fun and pain.


Good call. Have a Costco here, will look. Thanks Cajin.

Todays fun and games....

DB rows
62x20, 84x15, 106x6,6, two arm rows, ROM not as good as one arm for me.
BWx10, 8
DB curl
40x10, 8, 8

DB bench
62x20, 84x10, 10, left shoulder protesting, finish with.....
BWx15, 10, 10, full dips, none of that half dip sissy crap, ;)
Lying tri. ext. DB's
40x15, 15, 10, tri's pretty smoked.

Reverse DB curl
40x20, 15, 15, 12
DB wrist curl
90x15, 15, 15, 75x30, no warmup, just got to it.

55 min. Overall good workout


2 too many tequila shots last nite, cats woke me twice, not motivated, and knees hurt, but can still kick my own ass ;)

SL deads
165x5, 210x5, 255x5, 290x5, 310x5

One arm DB rows
65x5, 84x5, 107x5, 128x5, 5

Bench flys
62x 3x15

25 min.


Rolling Stones, for a little voltage to the ticker.

DB press
40x20, 50x15, 62x10, 55x10, may have done a 5th set, but didn't write it down if I did. :)

Hammer curl, one arm alternate
40x20, 50x15, 55x10, 50x15, 15

DB tri. ext. seated
30x35, 40x12,12,12,12, might save 30lb as a final set next time.

DB curl

DB wrist curl
80x40(PR?) 91x25(PR?)15, 80x25

40 min. Awsome pump, but aren't they all? :)


OK, who's work'n out today? Raise your hands...that's what I thought....slackers!

BB rows
135x15, 180x10
DB rows
90x10, 98x10, 108x8,8,8
180x15, 215x15, 250x11
135x15, 180x8,8, shoulder no like, switch to...

30 min. Felt like a real puker, :) now back to Xmas.


Good on you Gary!
Yes Wed. it is Cajin.

Ate some pecan chocolate fudge I made to start this workout off right!

DB press
40x10, 50x10, 62x8, 75x5,5, (push pressed these)
62x8, 50x10

Lying tri. ext. DB's
40x20, 50x10,10, 40x10
Seated one arm ext.
Lying one arm crossovers

DB curls
40x10, 50x8,8, 40x10

Reverse DB curls
50x10, 60x10,10, 55x10, 50x10, 50x10 x-reps

DB wrist curls
84x10, 100x10, 117x6, 123.8 x3, PR! (It was the fudge) 80x40,25,25, didn't get a pump till I hit 80x40.

1 hr.

12-29-07 05:46 PM - Post#389931     

Took yesterday off and then hafta search for the dang log!

135x10, 165x10,10,10, 145x15,15. Shoulder bothers me a bit, go back to DB's, better pump also.

145x15, 165x10,10, 190x10,10, 145x15. Not as good a stretch as with DB's.

SL Deads
145x3, 210x3. 290x3, 325x5. All the iron I could get on the 1" bar.

BB wrist curl, for fun. On special forearm bench, also used as a chopping board, ;)
145x20, 180x15,12, 165x15,12. Haven't done these in months, and shows.
DB wrist curl
80x20. Better pump, and hits flexors more. BB seems more wrist than flexors. Starting to think DB's are my future, doh!

40 min. of fun and games. Going for ice tea, must have drink!
What we've got here is... failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach.


OK. I guess this is the last workout of the year, as I'm taking tomorrow off.
Shoulders and arms fried from yesterday, so light weight blood pumping workout.

DB press
40x40, 30

Lying tri. ext, DB's
40x20, 20, 15, 15, could actually feel cross striations in tri's.

DB curls
40x20, 15, 10, 10, surprised myself on first set.

Reverse/hammer curls, DB's
40x20, 20, 15, 15, that's it, I'm fried.

Will rest flexors today, maybe try for new PR DB wrist curl in Jan. Goal, 125x3-5.

36 min.


Decided to make a wrist curl PR.
85x20, 100x15, 127.6x5! PR! 90x25! Heavy sucker, but exceeded goal of 125. What to do for next year? Hmmm.

10 min.

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #43 on: June 10, 2018, 10:48:50 PM »

Off and running, pump day!

SL Deads
130x15, 210x15,15

DB bench
62x15, 85x15,15

DB row
85x15, 107x15,15, that's it, cardio done for the day!

19 min.


Thought about shoulder/arm workout, but a kinda cold here. Hit the forearms a little instead, and "save" myself for tomorrow, :)

DB wrist curl
80x50, 100x25,15, 80x25,20. Pumped!

Around 12 min.

01-03-08 06:23 PM - Post#391660     

Armed and dangerous day.

DB press
40x10, 62x5, 70x5,5, 65x5,5, 55x5,5

Lying tri ext. DB's
40x10, 50x8, 55x6, 60x5,5, 50x8, 45x10,10, 40x10

Curls, DB's
40x10, 45x8, 50x6, 55x6,6, 45x8,8

Hammer curls, DB's
50x10, 55x10, 60x8,8, 55x8, 50x10,10,10, 40x25

58 min. Armed and dead.


A little flexor work.

DB wrist curl
90x45, PR this weight on reps
80x50, last ten reps...killer!

Around 6 min.


210x10,10,10,10,10,10, set no.6 made me wish I didn't!

DB bench

DB rows

30 min.

 I've been thinking of doing an experiment with flys for chest development, as my shoulder always bothers me with any kind of weight for presses. Should see some kinda results with a heavier weight, huh? I wanna see a nice split, cleavage, digg, lol.


OK, more usual goings on. a workout.

One arm press
40x10, 50x10,10,10,10,10

One arm curl

One arm tri. ext.
40x15,10,10,10,10, two DB'sx15. What a difference pressing 2 bells at the same time makes.

Reverse DB curls, 2 arms

Wrist curl, DB
91x30, 98x20,20, 80x25

45 min.


Worst head cold I've ever had. Feels like brokken ribs been coughing so hard.

BWx8,8,8, actually didn't think I'd get one rep the way I feel.
DB curls

BWx15,15,15, surprised myself here too.
Tri ext. DB's

Tic tocs

21 min, got to go fall down now, :)

01-16-08 06:45 PM - Post#397356     

Arthritis so-so today, so decided to do a few squats, my legs are shriiiinnnking!

85x5, 130x5, 175x5, 210x5,5, ATG, only hurts at midpoint.

40x40, 35, 30

Cajin Rows, one arm DB seated
65x15,15,15, coughing has made back sore, so opted out of reg rows.

Wrist curls, DB
65x50, 80x30, 98x20, 108x20, surprised myself on last set. Pumped.

43 min. A bit long, still very tired from cold, but a little here, a little there, :)


DB press
40x40, 55x15, 10

DB curl
40x15, 15, 15

Lying DB tri.
45x15, 15, 12, 40x15

Reverse DB curl
45x25, 20, 20

31 min. Hacking and coughing real bad, had to have been a good workout, not sure, 


Didn't have juice to do a reg workout, so forearms will do till tomorrow.

Reverse wrist curl

DB wrist curl
75x30, 95x20, 113x10, 124x8 (opposite hand helped last 2 reps each side) 95x25, 90x20, 80x25

About 18 min.


175x15,15,15, had to rest pause last set of 10 reps! Hack n cough!

DB rows
85x15,15,15, felt pretty easy.

Bench flys
50's x25,25,25, had to rest pause last set of 5.
Bench press, what bench press, we don't need no stinking bench press. My tiny pecs are fried, fried, fried!

20 min, unadulterated..or!


Seems like a lot of people here are having seconds on this "cold".
Thumbless shrugs. Yep, tried those, but can do so much more with those freak'n straps. ;)

DB press
50x15,15,12,10,8,8, shoulders wiped!

DB curls
40x15,12,10,10,8,6, even did a few sets that a vein I see through my sweatshirt?

Lying tri. ext. DB's
45x15,12,10,8,6,6, really felt these by set 4
Bench dips
BWx20,20, beaten, battered and dip fried tri's!!

Reverse DB curl
45x30,20,15,12, look, wisps of smoke coming off the ole Popeyes!

DB wrist curl
91x30,20,15,15, uh huh, that's right!

48 min. Rate this workout an A- awesome pump!! I think my meds are workiiiiiiiiiinnnnggg!


Still coughing, WTH? Didn't "feel" like a workout, but screw it.

DB rows
68x25, 90x15, 112x8, 123.5x6,6, used straps last set.

40x50, 62x20, 15, 15, 50x20,
"And how do we arrive at cleavage Mr. Starbuck?"
"Flys Captain Blye, flys."
"Very good, carry on Mr. Starbuck."

Squats, box
130x10, 210x5, 5, 5, 5, working on the sea legs, arrgh.

36 min. of suckage and hurt me.

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #44 on: June 10, 2018, 11:20:52 PM »

I'll try those Cajin. I actually use an inverted 5 gallon paint bucket without the lid.

Todays workout. Went with a bar just for a change.

BN press
65x20, 100x10,10,10, Front press, 100x10,10

85x10, 100x10,10,10,10

Bench dips

65x10, 100x10, 90x10,10

Reverse curls

Wrist curl on bench
143x20, 165x15, 187x10, 165x10, 142x15, haven't done these in months, it shows.
DB wrist curl
80x20, as you can see, flexors aren't hammered as much with bar wist curls, as still had some juice left for DB's.

50 min.


Switching shoulder to chest/back day. Hit a couple sets today even though I hit them last workout. DB press is so much kinder to me.

DB rows
80x10, 92x5x10, pretty nice pump.

DB press
50x20, 20, had to take couple deep breaths for the last 5 reps.

Bench flys
50x25,20,20,20, don't want floppies as Dan Martin would say, I want cleavage!

25 min.


OK Ty, lol.

Skipped squats, right knee bothering me, try to hit them tomorrow.

Lying tri. ext. DB's
40x30, 50x12, 55x8+8 CGB, 6+6 CGB, 50x8+8 CGB

Lying crossovr tri. ext.
40x8, tad heavy, 30x12, 12

Standing DB curl
40x20, 50x8, 45x10, 10, 40x10

Reverse/hammer curl
50x15, 15, 15, 15 x-reps

DB wrist curl
95x25, 20, 75x30, 25

44 min.


Quick wokout, have an awards ceremony to get to.
No squats, doing deads, knee still killing me.

DB row
75x10, 95x10, 107x10

Bench flys
50's x40, 30

Romanian deads
210x10, 10, 10

15 min, I'm outa here!


Yesterday was last day for injections for this cough and cold I've had, buttcheeks feel like a pincushion, ouch. Starting to feel a bit better.

Dips, upright
BWx10, 27x10,10, BWx20,20

Lying tri. ext. DB's
50x8,8,8, 40x15,10

BWx8,8,8,8 (last set 2+6 negs) rusty on these (read, fat)

DB curls
40x10,10,10, con. curl 30x15

Reverse/hammer curl DB's
56x10,10, 50x12,12

Wrist curl
108x15, 90x25, 85x20, 68x25

50 min.


Bourbon type workout today,

DB press
40x5, 50x5, 61x5, 72x5,5, 61x5, 50x10

DB row, one arm alternate
85x5, 107x5, 120x5,5, 107x5, 85x15,15

DB flys
62x20,20,15,15, if ya can't bench, then flex I always say.

DB wrist curl

40 min.


Lookout, work'n out 2 days in a row... 

Romanian Deads
210x5, 252x5, 290x5, 325x5, 347x3, wanted 5 but set bar down to regrip and that's all she wrote.

Lying tri. ext. DB's

Crossover tri. ext.

DB curls, one arm

Reverse curls, DB's
50x20,15,15, last set of 5 reps rest paused

DB wirst curls
102x25,(PR this wieght on reps)15+5 negs. 91x20

32 min. Nice tight workout. My tri's were hammered, and my hammers were tried. Dipped, battered, and double deep fried. Giddyup!

I did mostly full body 3xweek from age 49 till around 55, that's 6 years, with an extra forearm workout here and there. Mostly squat, dead, chin, row, dip and press. Like the others said, you got to work up to it. I do on occasion workout 5-6 times a week(like when I was in my 20's) when I have the time and energy, but all in all, you can build a lot of muscle not to mention strength, on 3xweek. Stick with it a couple years, you'll see, 


Yep for performance work, it's hard to beat 3xweek. A push, pull, and a hip or quad dominate exercise. Get freaky strong.

Coughing today still. Weird. Very busy and a little tired, so will hit forarms and do a real workout tomorrow.

DB wrist curl, alternate, Sipes style.
80x45, 100x25, 110x15,(PR?) 91x25, 80x25

About 12 min. of fun.......not.


Long day, seems I do more work on my days off, huh? Got most of my plates repainted though. I have nonslip step tape on my DB's and bar, nasty stuff, so I painted the handles, smothed out the sandpaper effect, but still has a good grip! Nice.
Late start for a workout, and a little tired, so will blast it like I have no brains,

DB rows
75x10, 97x 4x10, nice pump

DB press
40x10, 55x 4x10, a bit weak on these today.

55x25, 65x15,15, last few reps were tough.

Hammer/reverse curl
65x8,8, 60x8,8, suckers strain the back a bit!

35 wonderful and fun filled minutes!(cough-not-cough)


Just me and Waylon in the garage gym,   

DB curls
40x15,15, 45x10, 50x6, 40x10

DB lying tri. ext.
40x35, 50x15, 55x8, 45x15, 40x20

DB wrist curls
102x25, 90x30,20, enough of that! 

25 min.


Check and double check!

Butt Day

165x10, 210x10, 255x10,10

10 min. Over and out.


Not much sleep last nite, and got carried away building stuff in the workshop, so kinda forced myself into this workout.

DB press
40x10, 55x8,8,8


DB rows

16 min.


Am buying a new compu soon(I think, )as this ones fading, then I can have sound, camera the whole 9 yards, until then everything is silent pictures, then I can check out that Aussie country sound.

Went a little nuts today, but that's normal.

CG bench
100x10, 178x10,10, shoulder no likie.

Lying tri. ext.
100x10, 115x10,10, 100x10

Seated French press

BB curl
65x10, 85x10, 100x10,8, 85x10

Reverse E-Z curl
90x10, 110x10,10, 90x10,10

Behind back wrist curl
135x30, 165x20,20, 150x20
Reg wrist curl

45 min.


DB decline bench rows, strict.
62x15, 76x10,10,10, 65x10, nice pump, these will keep you honest.

DB incline press
65x10,10,10,10,10, shoulder didn't protest much, :)

DB wrist curl
75x50, 91x25, ouch ouch.

Reverse wrist curl

24 min.


I'm a whiner,   

Todays workout. Not much sleep last nite, but went pretty well anyway, I think.

Romanian deads
130x3, 210x3, 254x3, 289x3, 324x3, 346x3, that's all the 1" bar will hold.

Lying tri. ext. DB's
Decline, 40x10, 50x10, 55x6, Flat, 55x6,6, 50x6, Incline, 50x6,6

Curl, DB's
40x10, 50x8,8,6,6

Reverse/hammer curl
50x15, 55x10, 60x6,6, 55x10,10

DB wrist curl
80x20, 113x10, 120x6, 98x15, 80x25

65 min. of fun, fun, and a little more fun.


DB rows, one arm alternating
80x10, 93x10, 104x10, 120x5,5, 98x10,10

DB bench
62x10, 85x10,10,10

Bench flys

25 min.


Ok gonna try to tear it up a little.

Press, cleaned off'n the floor.
108x8, 143x5,5,5, whoa, outa condition. Puff pant.

Cajin row

CG bench, E-Z bar, 5-6" grip width
125x10, 165x8,8, 185x5, 165x8,6

Reverse grip rows, E-Z bar
130x10, 165x8, 185x6,6, 165x8,6

E-Z reverse curl
90x15, 110x10,10,10

Behind back wrist curl
143x15, 175x15, 200x10, reg wrist curl, 143x25

45 min. Got the barbell bloat today, I'll have some ice tea and rest, bloat should disappear shortly, :)


Time to get the Popeye on. A little ZZ Top to kick the ticker.

BB wrist curl over bench
144x25, 166x15, 188x15, 210x10

DB wrist curl
113x10,10, 85x25

Hang wrist curl
150x20,20,20, last 5 reps were rest paused (really need phat bar on these)

Reverse BB wrist curl
42x30, 50x30, 60x15, 50x20, 42x20,15,10

30. Not a great pump, but will feel these...hmmm...soon!


CG bench
140x10, 175x5x10

E-Z reverse rows
140x10, 175x5x10

E-Z reverse curl

E-Z hang wrist curl
130x40, 25, forearms pretty fried form yesterday, hehe.

35 min. A rather E-Z day :)


100x5, 135x 5x5

SL deads
200x 4x10, pull'n quick on these.

Bench wrist curls
135x30, 175x20,15 even though I've done more per arm on DB's, the BB is suffering, different animal I guess.

25 min.

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #45 on: December 20, 2018, 01:15:03 PM »

Put on some Reggie, cause I be feel'n sooo mellooow man.

Reverse grip row
150x5, 185x5, 200x 5x5

CG bench
135x6, 165x5, 200x 5x5

Reverse curl, straight bar
85x40,30, rest paused last set of 10 reps of both sets.

Hang wrist curl
Reg. Wrist curl
125x40, rest paused last set of 15 reps.

40 min.


OK, not feel'n like work'n out, familiar tune.

85x3, 120x3, 155x3, 178x3, shoulder tweaky, 155x3, 130x3,3,3,3

Squats, bottom half
135x10, 200x10,10,10, haven't done these in couple months due to arthritis, felt light, but will pay tomorrow, :)

Cajin row
120x10, 135x10,10

Wrist curl on bench
135x20, 165x15, 200x10,10, 165x15

40 min. Didn't turn out too terrible.


Actually, I really like the drier weather here in general Rayme.

Reverse grip row
165x10. 200x 5x6, up 1 rep.

Close grip bench
165x10, 200x 5x6, up 1 rep.

Reverse curl, straight bar
100x 8x10

Wrist roller for flexors. This is a pick handle, 1.5" used both hands, ROM is about double of reg wrist curls.
60x35, 75x20,20,20,15, smoke'n!

Reverse roller for extensors

40 min. Can barely type, ouch!


Romanian Deads, E-Z bar
165x5, 210x5, 245x5, 280x5,5

Standing press
100x6, 135x6,6,6,6, up one rep per set.

Reverse curl, E-Z bar
65x8, 100x8, 135x8, look'n sloppy, 125x8,8

Wrist curls on bench, Pearl/Scott style
130x30, 165x20, 200x12,12, up 2 reps, 165x20,20, these are starting to feel easier again.

42 min.



Forward and reverse wrist curls with my pick handle, rope and a bucketful o weights.
Forward/back 75x50/50, 20/20


RG rows (reverse grip)
165x7, 200x7,7,7,7,7 up one rep every set.

Curl ss/with RG rows
100x10/10, 10/10, didn't really need these.

CG bench
165x7, 200x7,7,7,7,7 also up one rep every set.

Skulls ss/with CG bench
100x10/10, 10/10, again, pretty redundent.

Reverse curl, straight bar
108x5, 130x5, 140x5,5 (used straps) 108x15

Wrist curl on bench
150x15, 165x15, 200x13, 150x25,
up one rep on the 200, but forearms a bit fatigued from yesterday.

55 fun filled minutes, :) Time for mango juice!


Yep Jason, don't screw with the Cajin!
Kinda dragg'n today, not much sleep.

OH press
108x8, 135x 4x8, up 2 reps per set.

170x5, 205x5, 250x5,5,5, that's all the knees will take.

Cajin row, one arm (DB)
85x 3x8

Reverse curl

Wrist curl

40 min. A little slow, but good enough.


RG rows
150x8, 200x 5x8, up 1 set and 1 rep all sets

CG bench
150x8, 200x 5x8, 165x20 x-reps mid stroke, up 1 set and 1 rep all sets

Reverse E-Z curl
120x10,10, 140x6, 150x4, 120x10, will go to DB or straight bar as E-Z bar torques out of the hands.

Wrist curl on bench
143x15, 178x15, 200x15, up 2 reps, 178x15, 143x25

55 min.


Pick handle wrist rollers, both hands same time, forward/back.
100x 25/25, 25/25, 25/25, 25/25. Around 8-9 minutes.
Could hardly move fingers after these.
Measured forearms after set 3, straight out(pumped) 13-1/2", flexed, 14-1/4. That's over a half inch gain since I measured them a year ago. One of these days, I'll look like I lift, know what I mean?


OH press
108x3, 143x3, 165x3,3,3,3, 143x5,5, boy, don't do these for while and you go downhill quick(at least at my age, lol)

143x3, 178x3, 244x3, 266x3, 288x3, 244x3,3, about all the knee would take today, snap, crakle, pop.

Cajin row
143x10, 165x8,8,8

Pick handle wrist rollers (froward and back)
107x25/25, 125x20/20, 20/20

40 min, so-so workout.


Pick handle wrist rollers. Both hands, forward/back.

125x30/30, 30/30, all I could do to finish the set. Up 10 reps.

A couple of minutes.


That's right, forget high school Spanish, not worth a peons paycheck,

RG rows
165x5, 210x5, 232x5,5, 210x5, hell'va grip workout

RG DB row
85x8,8, Rayme, don't whine about not hitt'n bi's on these, :)

BWx8,8, bi's are fairly fried.

CG bench
143x5, 165x5, 210x5,5, 178x8,8,8

Reverse/hammer curl
40x30, 50x15,15, missed these

DB wrist curl
90x20, 103x15,12

50 min. Tired :)

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #46 on: December 20, 2018, 01:26:35 PM »

Forearm pump, pick handle wrist rollers.
125x40/40, 150x25/25, 125x25/25.

About 7 min.


DB press
40x10, 60x10,10,10

DB curl, seated with backstop
40x10,10,10,10 x-rep

Lying DB tri. ext.
40x15, 50x10,10,10, 40x15 x-rep, 15 x-rep.

Seated Hammer curl with backstop
40x15,15,15,15 x-rep.

DB wrist curl
90x25, 108x15,15, 90x20

43 min. Pappy mov'n kinda slow, but Pappy's happy.


175x3, 210x3, 245x3, 290x3,3,3, 245x3,3,3,3,3, that's all the knees will take, will pay later, :)

Pick handle wrist rollers
120x25/25, 25/25, 25/25, 25/25, great pump. Will have to do flexors first, as it gets hard to hold if I do extensors before, note to self.

28 min.


Not much sleep last nite, but here goes.

BWx8,8,8,8, changed 1" bar for 1-1/2" bar, nice.

Curls, thumbless


Skulls+CG bench
90x8/8, 8/8, 8/8

Reverse curls, E-Z bar

Wrist curls, bench
130x20, 175x15,15, wrist rollers yesterday did me in on these.

35 min. A bit light, but felt good.


DB press
40x5, 62x5, 70x5,5, 80x3,3, 70x5

Seated Cajin row, DB, love these suckers
70x8, 80x8, 85x8,8

175x5, 228x10,10, knees say enough for today, will hit deads next leg day, give knees a rest.

Wrist rollers, first forward, then back.
125x35/35, 25/25, 20/20

45 min.


BWx25, 27x10, 50x8, 66x8 (last 3 reps neg.) 27x10

Lying tri. ext.+CG bench, DB's
40x12/12. 12/12, 12/12, tri's pretty smoked.

BWx8, 25x6, 40x6, 6 neg., BWx6

DB curl
40x12, 12, 12

Reverse/hammer curl DB's
50x15, 15, 15 x reps

DB wrist curl
86x25, 108x15, 86x20

45 min.


Somebody say dip? With chips?

1 arm DB press
55x10,10,10, 75x5,5, 55x10

Seated 1 arm Cajin row
75x10,10, 97x5,5,5,5,5

175x5, 210x5, 245x5, 300x5, 245x5,5, knees a tad better today.

Wrist rollers
102x20/20, 132x20/20, 172x10/10, very tuff to get into place!,140x15/15, 110x20/20.

47 min.


Friends from S. Mexico left, and left me with a sore throat and a banging headache, fun.

BWx5, 23x5, 40x5, 75x1+4 neg., 1+4 neg., 40x5, BWx5,5,5, had great speed on last sets.

Hammer/Reverse curls
50's x15,15,15 x-reps

BWx10, 45x5, 90x2+3 neg., 2+3 neg., 40x5,5, BWx5,5,5, fast reps on last sets

DB lying tri. ext.
50's x10,10,10

DB wrist curl
90x40,30, surprised myself!

50 min. of straight banging fun!


Havanas, straight from the factory, I always say.

Still not 100%. Hack, cough, spit. Decided to superset with light weight. SS=Nazi workout. Wished I hadn't, hack hack.

SS/crunch, leg raise. 20/20, 20/20
Reverse hypers, 20,20

SS DB press/Cajin rows
40x10/10, 55x10/10, 10/10, 10/10. Kept DB's pointed in towards body(thumb side) to keep elbows out, it helps, could feel 'em pretty good.

SS pullups/DB bench incline
BW/65x10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, last 5 reps pullups were negs.

Wrist roller, both hands, forward and back

33 min. The SS's sucked what little poop I had in me, out. :)


Hack, cough, flem.....yuck. Not quite there yet, :)

Todays fun and exciting psuedo workout...

Reverse hypers SS bench leg raise
25/25, 25/25

175x10, 255x 5x5

Skulls SS curls
55x30/30, 90x15/15, 100/90x 15/10, 15/10

Reverse curl SS CG bench to neck partials
90x15/30, that's it, feeling no love.

Pickhandle wrist rollers, back and forward, both hands.
125x50/50, ouch, up 10 reps.

40 min.


A little Stones to start the ticker.

BWx3, 23x3, 40x3, 58x3, 75x2+1 neg, 1+2 neg, 3 neg, 3 neg, 3 neg.

23x3, 40x3, 58x3, 75x3, 100x1+2 neg, 1+2 neg, 3 neg, 3 neg, 3 neg.

Wrist rollers, both hands, forward/back
110x50/50, 25/25

43 min.


DB press, one arm
40x5, 50x5, 60x5, 75x5, 85x3, 96x3, good for maybe another 10 lbs, but left shoulder says no. 75x5

Cajin row, one arm seated
75x8, 97x8,8, 75x8,8

175x5, 255x5, 277x5, 255x5,5, knees so so today

DB reverse curl
Reverse wrist rollers

DB wrist curl
60x30, 91x25, 108x15

1 hour.


Playing around with wrist rollers.
Pick handle, both hands, forward, then back.

132x30/30, 15/15, thought the calluses would tear off. 110x20/20, 70x30/30

Static hold pinching 2x5 kilo plates each hand until they fell out 2 sets.

7-8 min.


BWx5, 23x3, 40x3, 58x3, 75x3, 103x1+2 negs, PR(ssh don't tell Gary) 85x2, 67x2+1 neg, 50x3, BWx10

BWx10, 23x5, 40x3, 58x3, 75x3, 103x2+1 neg, 85x3, 67x3, 50x3, BWx10

Lying tri. ext. DB's

Reverse curls DB's

DB wrist curl

55 fun and lovely min. of torture. Go'n for ice tea now!


A little ZZ Top, feeling lazy, it is Sunday, right?

Tri set, DB press, monkey rows, shrugs
40x5-5-5, 60x5-5-5, 75x5-5-5, 5-5-5, 5-5-5.

Romanian deads
130x3, 210x3, 252x3, 287x3, 325x3, 346x3,3, that's all the weight I can fit on my 1" bar.

Pick handle wrist roller, both hands, forward-back.

33 min. Upper back and shoulders pumped, battered and fried. :)

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #47 on: December 20, 2018, 01:48:31 PM »
04-08-08 02:27

Gonn'a have to go light, still fried from last chin and dip day.

BWx10, 25x5,5, 40x5, BWx10

BWx10, 25x5, 40x5,5, BWx10

DB reverse/hammer curl

DB wrist curl

30 min.



Pickhandle wrist rollers, both hands, forward-back
125x15-15, 15-15, 15-15, 100x15-15, 15-15
Some leverage work with 5 kilo plate on DB


130x5, 175x5, 255x5,5,5 that's enough for the knees, :)

Romanian deads
130x5, 175x5, 255x5,5,5 these felt pretty good today, so sue me.

18 min.


Thanks Rob, I did catch that one, :)

OK Ladies and germs, todays torture session....

One arm DB press
40x10, 55x10, 65x5, 85x5(push press)up 2 reps, 65x5

BWx5, 45x5, 70x3, 90x1,1,1, 45x5, BWx5,5,5,5

Dip and chips(plates)
BWx20, 45x5, 70x3, 90x3,3, 45x5,5,5, BWx20

Seated hammer curl w/backstop(strict)
40'sx25,20,15,15 (kinda boring)

DB wrist curl
75x25, 108.5x20(PR?) 15,15

58 min, ice tea, here I come!


Wasn't going to workout today, damn Yankee weather came south, brrrrrr!
Putt'n on the Doobies, you know, to get my freak on.

130x5, 175x5, 255x5, 290x3, 325x3. 290x3, 255x5, knees hurt bigtime, where's that Jack Daniels?

165x5, 210x5, 255x5,5, these went fairly easy today.

Wrist rollers, forward then back both hands
125x50-50, up 10 reps.

30 min. Going to play couch potato now!


Still cool today, put on Stones to start the ticker.

One arm DB press
40x15, 55x10, 65x10, 75x5,5, 65x10, up 2 reps per (75)set.

BWx10, 30x6,6,6, BWx10

BWx20, 30x8,8,8, BWx10

Reverse/hammer DB curl
55x10, 65x8, 70x6,6,6, 60x10, these felt good today

DB wrist curl
90x15, 107x12, 124x8, 139x1+1 neg. PR,
102x15, 90x15. Rep on PR took around 3 sec each arm. Won't be trying this again too soon!

65 min.


Decide to go dark side for a while, mold this dough.

DB press, 40x20, 60x10,10,10, still wasted from Wed.
Bent laterals 30x12,12,12

DB skulls 40x15, 50x10,10,10
Seated French DB's 30x15,15,15,15

Scott curls, DB's 30x10, 40x8, 6+4x, 6+4x
Scott reverse, DB's, 40x6+4x, 6+4x, 30x15,15

DB wrist curl, 85x35,30,25

48 min. Smok'n guns....:)


130x5, 210x5, 245x5, 290x5, 325x5, 210x10,10, bottom half squats. Knees finally warmed up, but legs are fried by then.

Incline pulley row. By using bench, I achieved a 45 degree angle of pull, :)
60x10, too light, 100x10, 130x10, 150x8,8,8, awesome pump, lats are hurt'n.

DB bench
40x10, too light, 60x10, 72x10,10,10,10, feeling my way on these, up weight next time.

Reg. reverse wrist curl
33x15, 44x15, 55x15
Pick handle wrist rollers
100x50, extensors, 100x50,30, flexors

1 hour. Losing a lot of time changing weights.


Seated DB(2)French press, 30's x40

DB skulls
40's x15, 50's x15,15 x-reps


30x10,10 x-reps, awesome pump on tri's!

30's x30, 40's x10,10,10

Concentration curls
30x15,15,15 x-reps, biceps on fire here!

Reverse DB curl
50's x,10,10,10

Preacher reverse DB curls
30's x12,12,12 x-reps

DB wrist curl
72x20, 95x20,20

45 min.


DB press
50x8, 60x8, 70x8, 85x5, 65x5

Romanian deads
130x5, 210x5, 255x3, 290x3, 325x3, 353x3, bar only holds 247 so wrapped on a 5 lb chain.

24 min.


Got up early, not much juice, but will do something.

CG bench
130x15, 165x10, 200x6,6, 165x8

Yates row
130x15, 165x10, 200x6,6, 165x8

20 min.


A little arm blast

DB skulls
40x20, 50x10,10,10

Seated DB tri ext.

Lying crossovers

DB curls

Concentration curl

DB reverse curl
50x15,15,15, will put these first next time and add some weight as a warmup for reg. curls.

DB wrist curl

36 min.


Ok, knees hurt, not going to push it, whine...whine...

140x5, 210x5, 255x 5x5

Pickhandle wrist rollers, flexor/extensor
125x50/50, 25/25, 25/25, awesome pump, forearms hurt'n today, yowie!


Ok, onward and upward.

DB press
50x8, 61x8, 72x5, 83x3, 1 arm, 94x3, 72x5,5, screw it, 106x3, PR, good for maybe 2 more. Left shoulder, no go, so left side, 72x5

Hammer/reverse curl, DB's
50's x10, 61x10, 72x6,6, 61x10, 50x10,10

Wrist curl, DB (one arm for those that wonder)
90x30, 108x15,15, 90x20

40 min.


BWx5, 25x5, 50x5, 75x3,3, 50x5, 25x5, BWx5,5,5,5,5

BWx5. 25x5. 50x5, 75x5,5, 50x5, 25x5, BWx5,5,5,5,5

Wrist rollers, both hands
115x60/60, 100x25/25, wrists fried!

38 min. Smoked this workout.


It were a good day, sometimes that happens, today, so-so.

1 arm DB press
40x10, 62x10, 75x5,5,5,5, 62x10

Butt Blasters (SL deads)

Reverse DB curl

DB wrist curl

23 min.


BWx3, 23x3, 40x3, 57x3, 75x2, 85x1,1,1,1,1, 110x 1/2 rep, lol, BWx5,5,5

BWx5, 23x5, 40x5, 57x3, 75x3, 85x2,2,2,2,2, 110x2, BWx10,10,10 x-reps. Take that Yeti, reps no matchie on dips and chins today, nyk nyk!

Wrist rollers
110x60-60, 35-35.

50 min. Dedicate this workout to some sadistic SOB who gave me the idea....(Cajin) :)


DB press
40x10, 62x10, 75x6,6,6 (up a rep) 65x8

175x10, 255x5, 290x5, 315x3,3, 290x5,5, killing the old knees, would give them up if I had something to replace them with.....the knees or squats, take your pick :)

Reverse/hammer DB curls
40x10, 65x8,8,8, 50x20, 10+10 x reps

DB wrist curl
85x20, 90x15, 108x15, 90x30

55 min. A bit slow, hammer was down, wheels just spinning. 


Cranked up ZZ Top, needed the mood buster....

BWx10, 30x8, 45x6, 65x3,3, 30x5,5

30x10, 45x8, 65x6, 80x3,3, 45x8,8 x-reps

One arm tri. ext.
35x20,20,20 x reps, bottom half for stretch, long head pumped!

Bent forward DB concentration curl
35x20,20,20 x-reps, bottom half for stretch, ouch!

One hand wrist roller, 55 lbs.
Forward 30,30,30, back 30,30,30, oh Mommy! Giddyup! I hate these.

47 min.


Freak'n animals around here, :)

Just about wrote off todays workout, no giddyup, must be that time of month, whenever that is.

DB OH press
40x10, 62x10, 75x7,7, up 1 rep, 65x8,8

Reverse/hammer DB curl
55x10, 65x8,8,8, 55x10,10, last 2 sets...nice pump.

Wrist curl, 1 DB
80x30, 90x30, 108x20

30 min. Was going to do deads, but was dead myself, will pull 'em tomorrow, giddyup


OK, time for me to man up, lol.

SL Deads
165x5, 210x5, 255x5, 325x5,5,5

Skulls, BB
90x10, 110x8, 120x8, 130x6,6, 110x8

Curls, BB
85x10, 108x8, 115x8, 108x8,8

35 min. diped, battered and fried.

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #48 on: December 21, 2018, 12:01:37 AM »

Light goof around day.

BWx15, 45x6,6, BWx10,10, (last 3 reps neg.)

BWx25, 45x8, 60x6, BWx15,15, (last 5 x-reps)

One hand wrist rollers, non-stop
Each hand, forward 60x25,20,20
back 60x25,20,20

25 min


DB press
40x8, 60x8, 75x8,8, PR

Lying tri. ext. DB's
45x10, 60x8,8

Seated one arm ext.

DB curl
40x10, 50x8,8,8

Hammer/reverse DB curl
50x10, 65x8,8,8,15 x-reps

DB wrist curl
100x25, PR, 15, 80x30, Sipes style

40 min. Was still sore from yesterday, whatever, :)


I threatened myself with squats today, just didn't threaten how much, ;)

130x5, 175x5, 255x5, 325x4,4, up one rep, 255x5
Back a little tweaky today, knees hurt per normal.

13 min.


BWx10, 62x3, 84x2, 111x 1/2 rep + 1 neg. 75x3, 50x5, BWx10

BWx10, 50x5, 90x3, 110x2, 145x1, PR, BWx25

Seated DB tri. ext SS with DB curl
40's x20/20, 15/15

One hand wrist roller, forward & back each hand
80x25/25, 25/25, last sets killers, but felt good today.

45 min.


Huh? Don't post for a day and can't find my log, hate that. Woke up at least 6 times last night, female cat's in heat, she's going in Mon. for the "cure". Not feeling 100%, maybe 80%...need sleep..eyes heavy..slap..slap!

DB press
40x15, 62x10, 75x10,(PR)7,7, 62x10

DB reverse/hammer curl
40x15, 62x10, 75x8(PR)6,6, 62x10

DB wrist curl
90x30, 120x10, 95x25

40 min. I was going to do tri's and bi's today, but too tired. Time for ice tea.


130x5, 175x5, 225x20

6 min.


Back and chest still sore from DB press 2 days ago, this should be fun....

BWx10, 45x3, 63x2, 80x2, 97x1, 120x2 neg, 2 neg, 80x3, BWx10

BWx10, 55x3, 77x3, 98x2, 115x1, 133x 2 neg, 2 neg, 98x2, BWx25

Wrist roller, each hand, forward/back
90x20/20, 20/20, 20/20

47 min. Man, really sore now!


Sore all the time now, don't really feel it till I start lift'n. 

DB press, one arm
50x5, 70x5, 85x3,3,3,3,3,3, 75x5. Actually was feel'n good around the 5th set.

SL Dead
175x8, 250x8,8,8

Reverse DB curl
55's x10,10,10,10,10

DB wrist cul
75x40, 95x20, 75x20, so-so on these today.

50 min.


Really didn't feel like work'n out, lack of sleep, but what do Ï know? 

BWx30, 75x5,5,5,5,5, BWx20

BWx10, 25x5,5,5,5,5, BWx8

Wrist rollers, both hands, forward/back
125x40/40, 25/25, 15/15, didn't want to do these, but nice pump. 
34 min.


Got a good nights sleep, didn't "need" to workout, just screw'n around.

DB curls
40x15, 50x8,8,8 x-reps

Lying DB tri. ext.
50x15, 60x8,8,8 x-reps

15 min.


BB row
130x10, 175x10, 210x6,6

Cambat chins

Bench press
130x10, 175x10,10,10

130x5, 175x5, 265x5,5,5, that's all the knees want

37 min.


DB press, one arm
50x5, 62x5, 75x5, push press 85x2, 105x1, PR, press 75x5,5,5,5

DB reverse curl
55x15,15,15,15, last 5 reps RP 5 sec.

DB wrist curl
98x20, 120x10,10, last 5 reps neg. 98x20, 80x30

45 min. Lot's of sweat'n, :)


Feel'n sorta bodybuilderish today, and being short on sleep, will work...hmm...ARMS!

65x15, 100x15, 130x10,10,10, Calif. pressed last 5 reps

Seated French press
65x15, 100x10,10, 85x10,10, awsome pump on tri's today.

Close grip curls
65x15, 100x10, 115x10,10, 100x10, pumped here too.

Reverse E-Z bar
100x10, 115x10,10, 100x10,10+5 x-reps-ouch!

Wrist curl across bench
120x15, 165x15, 200x10, hang wrist curl, 165x15, 130x20, no love on these today.

53 min. Rate this workout almost a 10, ;) Grampy tired, need nappy.


Romanian deads
130x5, 175x5, 210x5, 245x5, 325x5, 345x5

12 min. Yeah baby! Pumped, feel the burn...oh wait, these are deads.


Bench alternate with pullups
Bench 155x8, 190x8, 210x8,8,8,8
Pullups BWx8,8,8,8,8,8

65x15, 85x10,10

20 min.


Press BB
100x5, 135x5, 155x5, push press, 180x2, 200x2, 155x5

French press SS curl
85x10/10, 100x10/10, 110x8/8

Crossover tri. SS concentration curl
35x15/15, 15/15, pumped.

Reverse DB curls
50's x10,10,10,10,10,10, really pumped today.

Wrist rollers, flexors, both hands,
140x25,25,25, 115x25,25, extensors 115x25

Forearms had nice pump today. So I measured, :) straight out, no flex, 13-1/2", right angle flexed, 14-1/4", up a little over a 1/4" in 3 months, so much work, so little gain.

44 min.   


Thanks Wicked, I was just teasing!
Thanks Al and Ty.

Alternate, Bench, Pullups
Bench, 130x5, 175x5, 210x5, 245x2, 225x3, 210x5
Pullup, BWx5, +20x5, +30x5, +40x5, +40x5, BWx10

BB pullover
100x8,8,8, lats hammered.

130x5, 175x5, 255x3, 290x3, giving knees break, switchng to....

Good mornings
130x8, 175x8,8

47 min.

Offline Sergio

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #49 on: December 21, 2018, 12:30:50 AM »

DB press
50x10, 75x8,8, 65x8,8, gett'n old, need more warmup

Lying DB tri. ext.
40x15, 50x10, 60x6,6,6, last 4 reps Calif. press

DB crossovers
40x10,10,10,10, whoa!

DB curl
40x10, 50x8,8,8, 40x15, smok'n!

Reverse DB curl
55x10, 60x10, 65x8,8+2 cheat reps, 55x15

DB wrist curl
85x30,25, bones in left wrist feel "out", switch to..
Wrist roller, flexors

57 min. felt ok strength wise, just moving kind'a slow, :)


Decided not to do reg. workout today, too tired, will give it hell tomorrow. So am wasting a little time on wrist rollers. Bought some non-slip stair tape for traction.

125x50/50, 150x25/25, 160x25/25, PR

About 6 min. Nice, now Ï can hardly type.


I can still feel sore muscles from last arm workout...hmmmm.. 

Good mornings
130x10, 175x8, 200x6

200x6, 245x3x6

Bench alternate with Pullups
Bench 130x8, 175x8, 220x4,4
Pullups BWx8, 35x8, 50x4,4

Straight arm pullover

36 min.


OH press
100x8, 135x8, 150x8,8, 135x8

Skulls+CG Bench, same weight
75x15-15, 100x 3x10-10

Crossover tri. ext. DB
43x 3x8, up 3 lbs.

Seated DB curls+hammer curls
40x 3x10-10

Reverse DB curl
40x 3x10

DB wrist curl
75x40, 80x30, 90x20, 75x25

55 min. Arms and shoulders pretty fried. The older I get, the more I lean toward using DB's, is it age or maturity? Don't answer that! 


Chins and dips, alternated

Chins BWx15, 45x5,5,5, BWx8,8
Dips BWx30, 80x5,5,5, 40x8,8

Wrist roller, flexor-extensor
125x50-50, 30-30, 20-20, can't do another   

33 min.


OK dumbell freaks, here we go...

DB press/push press
40x3, 50x3, 65x3, 75x 3x8

Cajin row, DB, seated
75x 3x8

130x10, 175x10, 220x10,10

Reverse DB curl
55x8, 60x8, 65x6, 70x5,5, 55x15,15 x-reps

DB wrist curl
80x30, 100x20, 90x20,15

54 min. Lots of plate changing!



Quickie forearm workout

Pickhandle wrist roller, forward-back

4-5 min. 


Good Mornings
130x10, 175x10, 210x8

210x5, 265x5, 290x3, 325x3, 290x3, 265x5, kness feeling a little more up to speed, lower back...not.

Pullups alternate with dips
Pullup BWx10, 50x5,5,5, BWx10,10 (5+5 neg)
Dip BWx10, 75x5,5,5, BWx15,15 (10+5 neg)

43 min.


Todays' presentation, for my listening pleasure...Waylon Jennings, Jo-El Sonier, George Jones...

DB press
40x15, 60x10, 85x5,5, 1 arm, 75x5,5, 55x15, last one a moneymaker, pumped.

CJ row, DB seated (lazy man method)
75x12,12, up 2 reps

Lying DB tri. ext.
40x20, 50x10,10,10

Crossover tri.
40x10,10,10, really felt these

Concentration curl, DB
40x8,8,8, saving some juice for...

DB reverse curl
50x10, 60x10, 65x8,8, 60x10, 50x10,10

DB wrist curl

62 min.


175x5, 255x5, 290x5, 325x5, 255x10

One hand wrist roller, flexor/extensor
80x30/30, 30/30, 30/30, each arm

23 min.


Pullups/row SS DB bench

Pullup BWx8,50x8,35x8,8,BWx8,DB row,85x8,8,8

DB bench 85x8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8

25 min.


A little George Thorogood to start the heart....

DB press, one arm
40x10, 62x8, 84x5, 97x1, 108x1, PR, left side hincky, although normally stronger side, right side coulda pumped out 2 more reps, but won't get greedy today.

Seated DB CJ row
75x15,15, up 3 reps

Lying DB tri. ext.
45x20, 50x15, 55x8, 60x6, 65x4,4, last 2 reps neg.

DB crossovers
40x12,12, 35x20, tri's blown up today

DB curl
40x12, 50x8, 55x4,4, 50x6,6 x-reps

DB reverse curls
50x10, 60x10, 65x6,6,6, Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do?

DB wrist curl
100x20,15, 90x20, 80x25, the 80's were the pumpers.

65 min of mind numbing fun!


All right, stand back.....

BWx15, 50x7,5, last couple reps neg.

DB rows, one arm
85x8, 120x6,6,6, 106x10

DB bench
50x20, 85x12, 106x5x5, 95x8, 85x10

28 min. 


Todays jukebox selection, Robert Cray, John Lee Hooker....

Good mornings
100x15, 165x15

165x5, 210x5, 255x5, 300x5,5,5, bout all the knees will take today.

Lying tri. ext. DB's
40x20, 50x10, 60x8, 65x5, 2+3 neg. 55x10,10

DB crossovers
40x15,12, up 3 reps first set

Reverse DB curl
55x10, 60x8, 65x8, 70x6, 75x5,5, Sweat'n is feeling his Wheaties on these!

DB curl
40x10, 50x6,6,6, con. curl 40x10,10

DB wrist curl
80x30, 103x15, 85x20,15, arthritis acting up, no love on these

76 min.