« Last post by Sergio on January 30, 2021, 11:47:23 AM »
Almost skipped today, got up early, but....
BN press SS/Cajin row, same weight
75x15/15, 90x10/10, 110x8/8, 8/8, 110 really to heavy yet for shoulder...old stupid will lighten it up next time.
Skulls SS/CG bench x-reps, slow
90x10/10, 100x10/10, 10/10, 10/10
BB curls
75x10, 90x10,10,10 x-reps
Reverse curls
75x15, 90x10,10,10 x-reps
Wrist curls
155x25,20,15,15, over couple boards on bench
37 min. 8 super sets, 12 straight sets. All reps slow and controlled, no hitching or cheating. Rate this a B+ or A- workout, felt great after.
Today was more grunt'n than grinn'n.
Pullups(palm forward)
BWx15, 35x5, 50x5 rest pause reps.
DB rows
75x 8x8
DB bench
75x 8x8
23 min. 20 sets
Close stance, high bar box squats
130x3, 175x3, 255x3, 290x3, 325x3, 290x3, 245x3,3,3,3,3
Wrist rollers, both hands, forward/back
150x50/50, 195x20/20, 20/20, 175x20/20, 20/20
35 min. 21 sets......
I could say poor, but if'n I had money, I'd still be che..uh frugal!
Today's phuntyme.....jukebox is Thorogood..
DB press
40x20, 50x15, 60x10,10
Slightly bent forward laterals
30x 5x10, 30 sec. rests
Seated over head tri SS curls, DB's
30x15/15, 40x8/8, 8/8, 8/8, 8/8, 8/8, really got to rock'n by 3rd set.
Skulls SS seated hammers, DB's,
40x10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, yeah baby!
DB wrist curl
90x30, 80x30, 75x20, I'm done!
45 min, 34 sets, I'm feeling how a bodybuilder looks....pumped! Now where's my ice tea?
Jukebox..Allman Brothers..a little mellow..but nevermind.
Pullups(palms away)
BWx18, losing a couple belt sizes seemed to help, 40x6, 50x5, 50x5 negs.
One arm DB rows
85x10, 105x8,8,8, went a little overboard on those
BWx30, 50x10, 85x5,5, uh..haven't done those in a while
Incline DB press
36 min. 16 sets, Grandad's a little slow today...
Not much sleep due to neighbors, but guilt says move....
220x 3x10, 60 sec. RI
5 min. 3 sets....
Woke up early...bad habit...
DB press SS Reverse DB curls
40x15/15, 50x10/10, 60x8/8, 75x5/5, 62x8/8, 50x15/15
Overhead DB tri ext SS DB curls
35x10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10
Pushdowns SS hammer curls with backstop(70/2x35's)
70x12/12, 12/12
DB wrist curls
80x35,20,20,15+5 forced reps
43 min. 32 sets, 63 degrees, 100% sweat, go figure!
Stayed up to watch a movie last night, dummmy!
Jukebox....Bad Company...because I am...
Dash represents rest pause of 5-6 breaths
Pullups, palm forward
BWx15-5-3, 35x5-3-2, 4-3-1, BWx10-4-2, pumped
DB row
85x 5x10, sorta easy
BWx30-10-5, 50x10-4-3, 5-3-1, BWx10-5-3, chest fried
Incline DB press
85x 3x8, heavy today
Incline flys
40x25,25 x-reps, that's it, enough..
38 min, 34 sets(counting rest pause)
Jukebox...ZZ Top
225x8,8,8,8,8, wanted 6 sets, but 5 felt too good..
Wrist roller, forward, alternate hands
100x 5x15
back, each hand
100x 5x15
14 min, 25 sets....
Left shoulder and elbow hurt'n so dropp'n the presses...jukebox, oldies mix...
Cajin/upright rows, E-Z bar
85x15, 105x10, 125x8,8,8, nice pump.
Skullpoppers, E-Z bar
85x15, 105x10, 125x8,8,8
Long pulley SS pushdowns
75x6/6, 6/6, 6/6, didn't need the pushdowns,
BB curls
70x15, 100x8,8,8,8 x-reps
Reverse curls, E-Z bar
90x10, 105x8,8,8, straight bar, 65x20,20, some pumping going on..
Wrist curls, BB on bench
145x25, 175x15, Strip sets, 175x15-165x7-155x7-135x7, 135x15
55 min, 34 sets
No jukebox...Alex Jones radio instead...
Incline DB bench
75x10,10,10,10,10,10, 10 x-reps, 10 x-reps
DB rows
75x10,10,10,10,10,10, 10 x-reps, 10 x-reps
25 min, 16 sets, smoked, baked, fried..
150x15, 195x10,10,10,10
7 min.
All sets in the 30+ sec. range. All sets include x-reps or static holds in stretch position.
Upright(Cajin row, E-Z bar
95x15, 105x10,10
BN press
65x15, 85x10,10, just skip these for now, shoulder says no.
Skulls, E-X bar
95x15, 105x10,10,10, CGB x-reps, 105x20, pumped
French press
Perfect curl, close grip, elbows to gut
65x10,10,10,8, surprisingly tuff.
Reverse curl, same as perfect curl
65x10,10,7,7, ouch!
Wrist curl over bench, slow reps
140x30, 175x15, 140x15,15, 120x15
48 min.