Author Topic: The history of a reg park pupil  (Read 4982 times)

Offline Sergio

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The history of a reg park pupil
« on: February 05, 2012, 12:55:20 PM »

Reg once approached me in gym during an early morning workout and said to me "I can get you to an in-shape 300 pounds, easily". Admittedly I didnt quite comprehend exactly what Reg meant with it at that stage, but it is something that has stuck with me over the last 30 months since those early days.
Today I have gained 30kg of mass under Reg's instruction, and at a much more solid 270 pounds I have decided that it's time to edge closer to that 300 pound mark once again.
Below you will find my program, my progress, and some before and after pictures of a small part of my journey to the 300 pound mark. I trust that you will be able to gain some wisdom and insight from me publishing my program and my progress on Reg's site, and that you will see the absolute genius of Reg and his more than 60 years worth of experience in action.
Please also refer to another article I have written about the gains that I have made under Reg's instruction at this location

Current Condition
I am currently at 123kg body weight (about 270 pounds), and as you can see from the pictures below there are some definite areas to focus on. The primary focus of this program is to get my entire mid section in shape. I am rather undisciplined with this area as I usually focus more on the heavy lifts rather than the small details.

My legs will be another big focus area, and although I have already added considerable amounts of mass to them, they can sure do with some more bulk.

The rest of the program will pay attention to the remaining major muscle groups, and as this is a bulking program, you will notice that we have excluded many of the smaller muscles completely.

Please take note that this program was designed for me specifically and it may therefore not work for your specific goals. I would highly recommend that you consult with Reg Park himself to create a tailor made program for your needs.

Every day (inluding non training days)
10 Vacuums first thing in the morning
Day 1
1a    Sit up with feet under high roller and hands interlaced
behind head    3 x ?
1b    As in 1a, but with arms outstretched 3 x ?    3 x ?
2a    Bent knee raises to chest sitting on the edge of a bench, (with ankle
weights)    3 x ?
2b    Lying bent knee raises to chest, lowering the legs in a straight position
(with ankle weights)    3 x ?
3    Standing DB Side bends    3 x
Day 2
1    Reverse prone extensions, pausing at top for 5 counts, with ankle weights
- tense buttocks    3 x 15
2    Lying hip raises, hold at top for 5 counts - tense buttocks
   3 x 15
3    BB Good mornings    5 x 5
4    Standing calf machine    6 x 20
5    BB Squats    5 x 5
6a    BB Squats with heels raised    3 x 20
6b    DB Pullover across bench    3 x 20
Day 3
1    BB Bench press
   5 x 5
2    Low incline DB bench press, feet on floor    5 x 5
3    BB Press behind neck    5 x 5
4    Sitting back supported overhead 2 DB press    5 x 8
5    High clean pulls    5 x 5
6    Base pulley V-grip row    5 x 5
Day 4
1    Tricep pushdowns
   5 x 12
2    Lying BB tricep extensions    5 x 12
3    Sitting alternate DB curls, 2 reps per arm    5 x 10
4    Standing base pulley curl, wide grip    5 x 10

The "?" imply as many reps as possible

I must admit I am very excited about this program. I have always enjoyed the 5 x 5 training method, and this program will focus on a lot of heavy lifting, which I really love.

My biggest concern with embarking on a heavy poundage program is obviously any potential injuries, so I will really have to focus on my body and not make any mistakes that could lead to an injury.
Currently my diet plans are basically a lot of clean food, and making sure I get all my protein in. I will be keeping a daily log for Reg to monitor and adjust, so you can gladly ask me about any specifics. I will be posting an update about it at the end of the program.


Offline Sergio

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Re: The history of a reg park pupil
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2013, 06:47:18 PM »
Some suplements.  From:

Information on the nutritional side of how I achieved these gains.

I think the most important aspect for me was to have a meal every 3 hours. My metabolism speeds up to the point where I need to maintain excess nutrients and I can only achieve that by eating every 3 hours.

I typically ended up having only 5 meals per day, breakfast at 5:30 AM, brunch at 8:30 AM, lunch at 11:30, post lunch at 14:30, training at 16:00 - 18:00, supper at 19:30, in bed at 21:00. Sometimes i squeezed another shake in before bed.

I consumed at least 2 liters of full cream milk every day. No coffee or tea or anything like that, just glasses and glasses of milk. My work provides milk for free (actually to be used in coffee...) so I always grabbed a glass when I walked past the kitchen. All shakes are made with full cream milk as well, usually about 700ml milk at a time.

A typical day would have been something like this:
Breakfast: large bowl of oats, with cream and honey
1 meal replacement shake (50g carbs, 40g protein) with 700 ml full cream milk.

Brunch: large serving of brown rice with some veggies in it (peas, corn, carrots) and chicken breasts chopped up in the rice.
Half or full shake

Lunch: Bought at cafeteria at work, usually 2 portions meat, rice, potatoes, and one veg. 2 glasses of milk

14:30 shake: as this is close to workout time, I stuck to a shake so as not to be too full during workout, 700ml full cream milk, 50g carbs, 40g protein

Workout: Concentrated cooldrink (powerade or anything similar) mixed with pure honey, diluted with water, sipped during workout to maintain blood sugar levels as I usually trained in excess of 2 hours during my main bulking phases.

Supper: Usually brown rice or potatoes, lots of meat (red, white, anything really) some veg, and at least 500ml full cream milk

As you can see there is nothing really scientific about this meal plan, but at my peak I could gain 1kg body weight per week, for 5 weeks consecutively.

The most protein I ever consumed daily topped 400 grams, but I honestly cant say that I saw the benefit of it. I don't know currently how much I am consuming per day.

If you add up all the calories you might tell me that it's too much or too little according to the guides available today. This is what I found to work for me through trial and error, and although I have never really maintained a really low body fat percentage, have I never really gained excessive body fat during any of these bulking phases.

I'd like to say that it takes a lot of determination to go through a proper bulking program. There is nothing worse than feeling full to the brim and having the next plate of food in front of you already again, but at the end of the day it is definitely well worth it.

Also prepare your immediate loved ones for what lies ahead, and prepare some replies to the comments you might get from people at work walking past your cubicle consuming what looks like a week's worth of food to them in one sitting, every 3 hours...

I did eat a lot, it's definitely the most I've ever eaten in my life, but it was well worth it - having been a hard gainer i had to pull out all the stops to make it happen.
I was and currently still are pretty bad with measurements unfortunately, as my main indicators are the mirror, my scale, and the poundages I push in gym. Most of my gains h ave been made in my glutes and quads (squatting 5 x 5 of course), and I ascribe most of my mass gains to these 2 areas.
My upper arms have gone from 14.5 to 18 inches, that I do know, but the rest of my gains I can express better in poundage gains than tape measure gains unfortunately.
Weight has gone from 94kgs to my current 124kgs - my goal is to be at a good 130 kgs by the end of the year.
As you can see this has been a 30 month period (sum total of my weight training so far), so it's pretty much a way of life right now, with occasional peaks of bulking. I've also not been terrible focused on aesthetics as I am still building a solid muscle base to work from - hence the lack of measurements I think...

Offline Sergio

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Re: The history of a reg park pupil
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2013, 02:18:35 PM »
700ml full cream milk,

For, you, dear friend has to be a cup of tea for us. I often drink 500 ml half cream milk in a row.