Author Topic: Jon Weider pass away  (Read 3337 times)

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Jon Weider pass away
« on: March 26, 2013, 02:22:07 PM »
The era of bodybuilding has lost his second base after the lost of the father of the york barbell company, Bob hoffman, many years ago. What can say about a man that withouth him the Iron Game would never be the same!  Good or bad, the way where bodybuilding and weightraining went, receiving a great and dramatic impulse with his energic bussiness direction was inmense, as inmense was the change in health and dieting reasearch.   Good or bad, the godfather or the father, it's not exactly the same, but was the king of this bussiness and also of this human activity.   He was an style and philosophie of life dedication but also a great bussiness.  Withouth him it never would arrive to the great public.  Many of ours would not training as we train, but in this, please don't forget Hoffman and all the champ that maybe let a philosohy of life with more ethics, more humble.  Also Joe Weider knew appart if the bussiness.  He gave well advice to many. many champs, always trying to gain too much in the adward and economics side, but really wiseman any way.  And also help to the chosen, a way of work, money and glory. 
Rest in peace.