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Messages - Steff

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Members logs / Post op PR!!!
« on: May 04, 2019, 02:17:11 PM »
Warm up
10 min bike, Tall snatch 3x3 15 kg, snatch pulls, 3 pull from blocks 3x3 15 kg

1 Power Snatch 1 snatch
1x1 56 kg, 60 kg, 65 kg

1x2 73 kg (post op PR)
1x2 65 kg

C n J
2x1 53 kg, 56 kg
1x1 60 kg, 65 kg, 60 kg

1x5 60 kg, 65 kg, 70 kg,
1x4 75 kg
2x3 80 kg

3x8 8 kg DB:s

Post op PR in the snatch was actually a miscalculation from my side... I was supposed to snatch 1x1 @68 kg, loaded the the bar wrong and my coach saw it but just kept a straight face. My first thought when I got the bar off the ground was "dang this is heavy for 68 kg". After the first rep someone tried to say it was 73 kg but my coach just said "It's 68 kg! Now LIFT!

Members logs / Re: !2 weeks Basic Olympic weightlifting.
« on: May 01, 2019, 08:38:09 PM »
Warm up
10 min bike, Tall snatch 3x3 15 kg, snatch pulls, 3 pull from blocks 3x3 15 kg

1 power snatch 2 snatches
2x1 56 kg
3x1 60 kg

2 Power jerks + 1 jerk (squat jerk)
2x1 53 kg
3x1 56 kg

Snatch High pull 5x5 74 kg (pulled to pecline)
Snatch grip Push press 5x5 60 kg

Front Squats
1x6 60 kg, 63 kg
1x5 68 kg
2x3 72,5 kg

Box jumps 3x3 BW
Tri ext 3x3 52 kg
Kickbacks 3x3 4 kg DB:s

Members logs / Re: Sergio's training log
« on: May 01, 2019, 01:02:57 PM »
You have to be careful in Another way when you get older. We tend to heal a lot slower and recovery is longer.
What’s up with your back?

Members logs / Re: !2 weeks Basic Olympic weightlifting.
« on: April 30, 2019, 09:59:32 AM »
Warm up
10 min bike, Tall snatch 3x3 15 kg, snatch pulls, 3 pull from blocks 3x3 15 kg

1 power snatch 2 snatches
2x1 52 kg,
3x1 56 kg

Snatch Balance
5x3 50 kg

2x3 50 kg, 58 kg

Clean high pulls superset with squats
5x5 90 kg

1x6 65 kg, 70 kg, 75 kg
2x5 80 kg

Members logs / Re: Sergio's training log
« on: April 29, 2019, 04:28:03 PM »
Great to see that you're back and going strong.  :)

Members logs / Re: !2 weeks Basic Olympic weightlifting.
« on: April 27, 2019, 01:06:15 PM »
Wednesdays WO

Bike 10 min, Tall snatch 3x3 15 kg, snatch pulls, 3 pull from blocks 3x3 15 kg

3 Position snatch (floor, knees, hip)
2x1 52 kg
3x1 56 kg

2 Power jerks + 1 jerk (squat jerk)
2x1 50 kg
3x1 53 kg

Snatch High pull
2x7 72 kg
3x5 72 kg

Push press
5x5 53 kg

1x8 60 kg, 65 kg
1x6 70 kg
2x6 75 kg

Friday: Speed work

Todays WO

Bike 10 min, Tall snatch 3x3 15 kg, snatch pulls, 3 pull from blocks 3x3 15 kg

1x3 48 kg, 52 kg, 56 kg
1x2 60 kg
1x2 65 kg (1 fail)
2x3 65 kg(2 fails)
2x2 65 kg

Clean and jerk
1x3 45, 50 kg, 52
1x2 56 kg
1x1 60 kg

1x6 60 kg
1x6 65 kg, 70
2x4 75 kg

Snatch high pulls from blocks (mid thigh)
3x5 72,5 kg

Had a really bad day... especially the snatches I could feel it during the warm up (didn't go to full extension on a lot of lifts). Got better during the C n J though.
Might have been the after math of Wednesdays WO

Members logs / Re: !2 weeks Basic Olympic weightlifting.
« on: April 23, 2019, 11:37:28 AM »
Warm up
10 min bike, Tall snatch 3x3 15 kg, snatch pulls, 3 pull from blocks 3x3 15 kg

1 power snatch 2 snatches
2x1 50 kg, 55 kg

Snatch high pulls
3x3 70 kg

2x3 50 kg, 58 kg

Clean high pulls
2x7 90 kg, 2x5 90 kg

1x6 50 kg, 55 kg
1x3 65 kg, 70 kg,
1x5 65 kg

Members logs / Re: !2 weeks Basic Olympic weightlifting.
« on: April 20, 2019, 12:27:36 PM »
Friday: Speed work and rows

Bike 10 min, Tall snatch 3x3 15 kg, snatch pulls, 3 pull from blocks 3x3 15 kg

1x3 44 kg, 48 kg, 52 kg
1x2 55 kg
1x1 60 kg
1x2 60 kg

Clean and jerk
1x3 41, 45, 50 kg
1x2 53 kg
3x1 58 kg

2x6 60 kg
1x6 65 kg
2x6 70 kg

Snatch high pulls from blocks (mid thigh)
3x5 70 kg

Members logs / !2 weeks Basic Olympic weightlifting.
« on: April 18, 2019, 03:49:53 PM »
Warm up
10 min bike, Tall snatch 3x3 15 kg, snatch pulls, 3 pull from blocks 3x3 15 kg

1 power snatch 2 snatches
4x1 45 kg

Snatch high pulls
3x3 70 kg

2x3 45 kg, 50 kg

Clean high pulls
5x4 80 kg

Snatch grip push press
2x5 52 kg, 58 kg

1x8 60 kg
1x6 65 kg, 70 kg, 70 kg

Back ext
3x8 15 kg

Russian twist
3x20 10 kg

Members logs / Re: 12 weeks of a workout with a fancy name!
« on: April 16, 2019, 10:50:04 AM »
Bike 10 min

Power snatches
4x3 40 kg
2x3 50 kg, 55 kg
1x3 60 kg

Snatch high pull 4x3 70 kg
Tall snatch 4x3 30 kg

1 Clean 3 Drop squat jerks
3x1 40 kg

1 Clean 2 Squat Jerks
2x2 50 kg

1 Clean 3 Squat Jerks
3x1 60 kg

Clean High Pulls 3x3 100 kg
Box jumps 3x3 BW (height around 90 cm)

Front Squat
1x3 40,50,60 kg
3x3 70 kg

Push up to boxes 3x3 BW
OHP 3x3 20 kg
SG OHP 3x3 10 kg (squatting)

back ext 3x8 BW
Seated GM 30 kg

Box jumps 3x3 BW


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