Author Topic: Steff's Olympic lifting log!  (Read 73194 times)

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Steff's Olympic lifting log!
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:19:29 PM »
I will use a conjugate method for a year, five days a week using some traditional and some untraditional exercises.

WO 1:
Warm up: Scarecrow snatch

Squat ramping up to 1RM
60 kg, 80 kg, 100 kg, 115 kg, 125 kg 132,5 kg fail but sooo close.

Deads 3x3 160 kg

Band pull through 3x30 green rubber band

Power clean + squat clean 5x1 71 kg

Band pull through 100 reps

OL-technique tomorrow!  :smile:  :)
« Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 01:22:39 PM by Steff »

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Re: Steff's Olympic lifting log!
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2015, 08:45:14 PM »
Yesterdays WO:

Power snatch + snatch 6x1 55 kg

Snatch balance 5x3 50 kg

Power clean +2 jerks 5x1 55 kg

Snatches felt better than in a long time!   
I have like a mental block when I go over 50 kg on the snatch balance and my jerks are still really slow...

Todays WO:

Bench press ramping up:
1x5 60 kg
1x3 80 kg
1x2 90 kg
1x1 100 kg
1x1 105 kg

OHP one min RI
3x10 40 kg

BB rev row
3x10 50 kg

One arm KB sit-ups
1x8 8 kg
2x8 4 kg

70° laterals
3x8 8 kg

DB curl
3x8 12,5 kg

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Speed strength: Lower body
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2015, 12:19:09 PM »
Warm up:
Scarecrow snatch 10 kg Bar
Snatch and snatch pulls ramping up to 50 kg

Squat EMOM 2 reps 12 min 90 kg

Explosive deadlift 10x1 80 kg, 30 sec RI

Back extensions 3x8 20 kg
Hip thrusters 3x8 50 kg

Band leg curl, red rubber band 1x100

Snatch EMOM 2 reps 10 min 50 kg

Good WO! I will probably get some DOMS in my glutes.

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Speed strength day: Upper body
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2015, 11:07:52 AM »
Warm up:
Scarecrow snatch 10 kg Bar
Snatch pulls ramping up to 70 kg

Bench press EMOM 3 reps, 9 min, 52,5 kg

Floor press 1x10 60 kg 2x10 80 kg (never done this one before, hard to find the right weight)

Superset BW:
Pull ups 1x12 1x9 1x10 (did these very strict)
Push ups 3x20

Tricep pushdowns red rubber band 100 reps

Power cleans EMOM 1 rep, 10 min, 71 kg

Oblique sit ups 3x20

Fairly easy WO. Feels weird to have a lot of energy left afterwards... :o

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Re: Steff's Olympic lifting log!
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2015, 11:49:52 AM »
Warm up:
Scarecrow snatch 10 kg Bar
Snatch pulls ramping up to 60 kg

Front squat ramping up to 1 RM
1x5 60 kg, 1x2 80 kg, 1x1 90 kg, 1x1 100 kg, 1x1 107,5 kg.

Deadlift 3x5 150 kg

Bulgarian split squat 3x8 14 kg (started off easy on these)
Back ext 3x8 20 kg
Good mornings 3x8 40 kg (misread... should have been 20 reps at 15-20 kg)

2 cleans + 1 hang clean, 8 sets

BB side bends 100/side

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Re: Steff's Olympic lifting log!
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2015, 11:50:26 AM »
Warm up:
Scarecrow snatch 10 kg Bar
Snatch pulls ramping up to 60 kg

Front squat ramping up to 1 RM
1x5 60 kg, 1x2 80 kg, 1x1 90 kg, 1x1 100 kg, 1x1 107,5 kg.

Deadlift 3x5 150 kg

Bulgarian split squat 3x8 14 kg (started off easy on these)
Back ext 3x8 20 kg
Good mornings 3x8 40 kg (misread... should have been 20 reps at 15-20 kg  >:()

2 cleans + 1 hang clean, 8 sets

BB side bends 100/side

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« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2015, 06:10:35 PM »
Warm up:
Scarecrow snatches
Snatch pulls 2x1 60 kg, 80 kg

2 Snatch +1 hang snatch(from knee) 8 sets (4 sets 50 kg, 4 sets 55 kg)

Snatch balance
1x4 40 kg
2x4 45 kg
2x4 47,5 kg

2 Power jerks +1 squat jerk 8 sets 60 kg

I finally got the feel of the pull under in the snatch but it took me until the last set.  :) Got 3 good sets of jerks and one really good. The others were decent and one really bad.

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Upper body strength day!
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2015, 12:49:32 PM »
Push press (do need some technique work on these)
40 kg x5
60 kg x2
70 kg x1
75 kg fail

BNP Snatch grip
1x3 40 kg +1x35 kg
2x6 35 kg

Seated DB press
3x8 15 kg DB:s

Decline DB tri ext
4x10 10 kg DB:s

200 pushdowns 2/3 with rubberband 1/3 in machine

DB swing
3x10 8 kg
BB curl 3x6 35 kg

Got some weird cramp in my neck on the left side so I couldn't go all out on "BNP snatch grip"
Otherwise an easy WO.  :D

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Speed strength day: Lower body
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2015, 03:25:04 PM »
Warm up:
Scarecrow snatch 10 kg Bar

Squat EMOM 2 reps 12 min 97,5 kg

Cleans 8x1 47,5 kg

Seated GM 1x15 20 kg 1x15 25 kg 1x15 30 kg 1x15 35 kg

Banded GM 50 reps green rubber band

Snatch high pulls EMOM 2 reps 6 min 66 kg

Clean high pull EMOM 2 reps 6 min 86 kg

Plank 3x1 min

Good WO, didn't even get DOMS as I did during last fridays WO. :)

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Speed strength day: Upper body
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2015, 12:39:48 PM »
Warm up:
Scarecrow snatch 10 kg Bar

Bench press EMOM 3 reps, 9 min, 57,5 kg

Dips 3x6 BW+30 kg

BB row Snatch grip 4x10 45 kg

200 pullaparts red rubber band

Push press EMOM 2 reps 6 min 57,5 kg

Superset BW:
Pull ups 3x8 BW+7,5 kg (did these very strict)
Push ups 3x20