« on: February 12, 2024, 11:12:08 PM »
Today's sack of fun...
175x8, 210x5, 245x5, 290x5, 310x5, 255x5,5,5, knees hurt, back sketchy, par for course...
Wrist rollers, forward/back, both hands
150x50/50, 25/25, killer!
25 min. I'm a survivor! So cold today, barely broke a sweat. It's the coolest summer I've spent in Mexico. So much for global warming!
Not counting sets or reps today.
Pullups, slow on the neg. portion.
45 degree pulley row with towel
70, pause at top, squeeze hold on bottom, pumped and back aches! Can easily do more weight, but will rig up an anchor, did these standing today.
Flys, touch bells top, slow reps
DB bench, touch at top with squeeze
50's, chest is hurting
30 min. Kept slapping myself not to count at first, then got into the zone. Guessing 6-8 sets each exercise, 8+ reps.
Todays grinn'n & pump'n....
DB press
Standing flys
DB skulls
DB crossovers, awesome pump
DB curls, seated
Hammer curls, seated
Wrist rollers
Finish with 1 set tic tocs
60 min. Bunch of sets, mess 'o reps!!
Squats, one set approx every 60 secs. 175 lbs this trip.
20 min. Legs wasted!