Author Topic: Kris Kangas workouts!!  (Read 37480 times)

Offline Sergio

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2013, 04:47:20 PM »
19th Part:



128x10. 150x10. 172x6, 194x6. 6

128x10, 150x10, 172x6, 194x6, 6

18 min.



A little Stones with my arm workout.

Seated French press
65x10, 85x10, 106x8, 8, 8

55x10, 80x8, 90x6, 80x8, 8

65x10, 85x10, 106x8, 8, 8

Reverse curls (bar)
85x10, 106x10, 130x10, 10, 10

Wrist curls (bar)
130x20, 150x15, (killing my wrists, going to DB)
DB wrist curl
75x30, 30

45 min.



Too much party yesterday, feeling it today, cooked food and entertained 50 people....errhhh!

DB press
50x10, 60x5, 70x5, 5, 5, 5

Pullups, close grip
BWx15, 10, 10

Rows, barbell
150x8, 172x8, 215x5, 5

150x8, 172x8, 194x5, 215x3, 3, 172x8

35 min.



Cold today, 65 F outside, 55 in my gym
A lot of B.S. on the stereo (Bruce Springsteen)

128x3, 208x3, 252x3, 300x 5x3

85x3, 128x3, 150x3, 172x3, 150x3, 3, 128x3, 3

Seated Hammer curl
50x10, 58x10, 63x8, 65x8 (PR) 5, 60x8, 8, 55x10

DB wrist curl
60x50, 71x30, 81x10, 10, 75x25, 25

75 min.



BWx10, 25x6, 50x6, 6, 25x6

Seated DB curls w/backstop
50's  4x6

164x6, 186x6, 208x3, 3

Lying French press DB's
50's  4x10

Seated Hammer curl w/backstop
50's x30

Wrist curl DB

Sucky workout, shoulder and wrist hurting, weights down.



I guess I'm all alone working out, at the end of the year! lol.

End of the year, I'm not in the mood workouts!

SL Deads
172x5, 208x5, 252x 2x10

DB press
50's x10, 60's 2x10

Hammer wrist curl(like reverse wrist curl)
30 2x40

Hanging wrist curl
75x35, 25

25 min



Started the year with a "full body" workout, just for a blood pump.

DB lateral raise
30's 2x25

Stiff arm lat pulldown
55x 2x25

DB bench flys
50's 2x25

Front squats (shoulder can't take much weight)
85x 2x15

DB curl

DB Tri crossover
28x20, 15

DB preacher reverse curl

DB wrist curl

28 min. Got parties to get to---- : )



DB press, going for very lite workout today
50's  2x20

Bwx14, going for 25 but on rep 14 rep shoulder made audible pop. May have done it some good, maybe not.  Lost strength, so will call it good today, rest and maybe try tomorrow.

5 min! lol.



Shoulder really bad today, went for squats, but couldn't get left hand up to hold the bar. Life sucks some days.

-sooo-a little workout to get blood pumping.

BB rows
100x30, 120x20, 20

Close grip bench
100x30, 120x20, 20

Hanging wrist curl
120x20, 140x20. 162x20, 20

Reverse wrist curl
40x40, 62x20, 20, 20, at least forearms were pumped.

25 min. of sucky pain in shoulder.


Offline Sergio

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #21 on: November 05, 2013, 11:00:50 PM »
20th part:


Injuries SUCK! lol. Nothing major, just an impingment,will work through it. Reps are my friend.

165x10, 208x10, 230x10

Semi-bent up/row
85x10, 106x10, 128x10, shoulders said no to more.

Concentration curl
35x10, left shoulder protesting, switching to.....

Pulldowns, close grip underhand
55x20, 80x20, 105x20, 130x20

Close grip bench
85x20, 105x20, 128x20, 140x20

Reverse straight bar curl
60x15, 85x15, 106x15, 130x15

Hanging wrist curl (like behind back, but seated, easier on back)
130x20, 175x20, 20, 20, shoulder popped on last set, felt good, lol.

60 min. a little longer than planned,



130x5, 210z5, 250x5, 5, 5

Close grip bench
130x10, 150x8, 175x8, 7, 5, 150x10

Close grip pulldown
100x10, 133x10, 155x10, 177x8, 6, 155x8

Reverse curl
85x10, 106x10, 130x10, shoulder protesting these today.

DB wrist curl
70x40, shoulder feels unstable, switch to bar

Hanging wrist curl
175x20, 185x10

50 min.



60x12, 85x10, 106x8, 128x6, 150x6

Press BN
60x20, shoulder says enough, moving on

100x10, 133x10, 166x8, 180x6, 6, can't use more weight, pulling me off the floor,

C Grip bench
128x10, 150x8, 177x6, 200x4, 177x5, shoulder is so-so on these.

Reverse curl
85x10, 106x10, 128x10, 150x6, 106x10

Hanging wrist curl
155x20, 177x10, 200x8,(PR) 177x10, 155x10

55 min



128x3, 172x3, 208x3, 252x3, 296x3, 3, 3, one inch bar puts the hurt on the shoulder.

Clean and press
60x10, 85x10, 106x7, 128x5, shoulder's maxed at this point.

128x20, 192x8, 8

Press down superset with curl
60x20/15, 80/60x12/15, enough on the shoulder with the curls

Reverse curls
100x15, 120x10, 10, 100x15

Hanging wrist curl
150x20, 10, 128x15, forearms tired but nice pump

55 min. Ice tea time



Shoulders feeling a little better. Put on some ZZ Top to get the heart started, not much sleep last nite.

Pulldowns warmup,
BWx10, 10

Dips, testing the water here
BWx10, 15, 15, 10

Seated Hammer curl w/backstop, strict
50x20, 15, 15

DB hanging wrist curl
75x25, 20, 20

25 min. Where's my ice tea? Ahhhhhhhh......there it is.



128x15, 172x10, 194x8, 216x5, 5, 5

Stiffarm pulldowns
60x15, 15

128x15, 150x10, 172x5, 194x5, 172x5, 150x8

150x5, 194x5, 220x10, 10, 10, non lockout, smoked hams!

Reverse wrist curl

Hanging wrist curl

52 min



Feeling lazy today. When I feel that way I usually work arms,

DB press SS/with bent upright row
Bar press
85x8, 106x8, 128x5, shoulder very weak
DB press
50x10, 10
Bent upright row
50x10, 10, that's enough of that

Seated DB curls w/backstop (strict)
27x20, boring, 37x10, 10, 10, 10, about all the shoulder could take for curls

Pully pressdown warmup
Lying Rench press DB's
37x12, 12, 12, 12,
Pully pushdown

Seated Hammer curls w/backstop (strict)
50x15, 60x10, 10, Standing, 10, 10

Seated hanging wrist curl DB
60x30, 80x20, 20, 75x20, 70x20

50 min.



A little R. Stewart and Bad Company to set the mood.

128x10, 150x10, 172x10, 200x8, 8, 172x8, 8

Pulldowns close grip, wanted to do curls, shoulder says no.
110x10, 135x10, 160x10, 10

128x10, 150x10, 172x6, 200x4, 4, shoulder still "tweaked"

Close grip bench
150x10, 10

70x10, 10, 60x15

Reverse curl, straight bar
106x10, 128x10, 135x10, 128x10

Seated hanging wrist curl
150x25, 165x15, 15, 15, last set was 10+rest pause+5

60 min. And yes Nelson, it's ice freaking tea time!



Todays tunes provided by Ry Cooder, for your listening pleasure or disgust, great guitar, lousy voice.

SL Deads
150x5, 215x5, 300x5, 5, 5

DB press
50x10, 60x10, 10, sorta felt good.....not.

Seated DB curl w/backstop
37x10, 10, 10, max weight for shoulder

Lying DB French press
37x15, 42x15, 45x10, these felt pretty good.

Seated Hammer curl w/backstop
60x10, 10, (standing)60x15
Seated hanging wrist curl
120x30, 175x15, 15

50 min. went slow to let shoulder recoup between sets,   going for the tea!



150x5, 208x5, 252x5, 300x5, 5, weight moving faster today, stopping here, lower back a little!

128x5, 150x5, 172x5, 215x5, 5, 172x8, shoulder protested, but I won

BWx10, 10

172x5, 208x5, 230x5, 5

Reverse curl, straight bar
100x25, 25 (15+10partials)

Hanging wrist curl, seated
165x25, 25

55 well spent min. Where's the ice tea?


Started on SL Deads in earnest a couple years ago when I had access to an Oly bar and squat rack. They went up along with the squats. Last year I did the squat challenge. Squats went from 250 to 370x7 in I think it was 14 weeks. I then backed off the squats, and started hitting the deads and SL deads 1xweek, alternating. Couple months ago hit 441x2 on reg. deads, then didn't have access to the rack and Oly bars. Am now using a 1 inch bar, ouch! 300 is max weight I can get on the bar without more larger plates. I find if I hit the squats hard, the deads don't suffer even if I don't do them for a month or so. I started on the SL deads a couple months ago again, and find between squats and SL deads, I believe my reg deads will go up. I'll test that out soon.


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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #22 on: November 24, 2013, 01:09:56 PM »
From what I've read he was a great guy/friend/teacher.
Gotta look into these WO:s and set up something similar. Do a tribute week or month...

Offline Sergio

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #23 on: November 24, 2013, 02:53:17 PM »
LOL! that's very good, Steff. Kriss old style workouts come to life again!!

Offline Sergio

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2016, 12:27:46 PM »


Ok, Doobie Bro's and some Stones (I'm a 70's guy, so sue me)

SL Deads
165x5, 230x5, 305x8, 8, (PR) found a couple thin plates, added 5 lbs!

Cajin rows
128x8, 142x8, 8, bothering shoulder, going to press

60x5, 85x5, 105x5, 135x5, 5, these felt ok today

60x10, shoulder still says no on these, switching to pulldowns

Pulldowns, close grip thick bar
125x10, 150x10, 175x10, 7+3 partial, 6+4 partial, sucking ice tea here!

Close grip bench (8" space between hands)
128x10, 150x10, 175x6, 6, 6, 150x10

E-Z bar reverse curl
105x8, 128x8, 136x8, 8, (136, partials)

Seated hanging wrist curls
150x10, 172x10, 200x8, 5 (PR)

70 min.   ;)


Tried the shrugs, no pain, just feel it in the trap close to the neck.

High pulley pullbacks to warmup shoulder
20x20, 20

120x10, 150x6, 172x6, 194x3, 216x2, 226x2, 194x4, 172x6, 150x10, decide to get a little volume, shoulder no likie bench

150x6, 172x6, 194x6, 216x3, 252x3, 274x2, (PR) WTH going for it, 300x1 (PR) tried 2nd rep, got halfway shoulder popped here, felt good! 252x3, 194x6

Squats, non lockout
180x10, 208x10, 230x10, 10, sucking air here! Back is kinda tired. Huh?

Hammer curls
50's x10, reverse curl (bar), 110x25, 15

Hang wrist curl
165x15, 140x25, 15

70 min, think I'll sit down and slurp some tea!

After talking to Cajin today, got insspired to give the joints a break and do some bodybuilding, mostly compound sets. Not sure what split, 3-4 times a week, depends on energy.

pulley pullback, shoulder warmup
20x25, 25

Seated BNP superset bent lateral raise, very lite due to shoulder
60x10/27x10, 85x10/27x10, 10/10. 10/10

Spider curl superset close grip pulldowns
60x10/100x10, 60x10/125x10, 60x10/145x10, 10/10, all the weight my shoulder could do on curls

Close grip bench ss/pully pushdown
130x10/75x10, 150x10/70x8, CGBench/longpully tri, 160x10/45x20, 160x10/45x10, tri's are fried

Reverse curl EZ bar
100x20, 120x10, 10, 10, may use straight bar and superset with wrist curls next time.

Hanging wrist curl
150x15, 130x15, 15, 15, changed my 1 inch bar to 1 3/8 with some garden hose, fatter bar is tougher workout on these

45 min. but lost about 10 min screwing around experimenting with exercises


2nd Day new routine, will take a few workouts to get used to this!

Compound set for back

Chins, BWx6, 6, 6, 6
Rows 130x6, 175x6, 6, 150x6 (stay at 150 for now)
Stiffarm Pulldown 45x6, 55x6, 6, 6 back really pumped!

Compound for chest, wide grip bench to middle of chest+flys

130x10, 150x8, 130x8, 8
35x10, 8, 8, 8, ouch! best pump in years with almost no weight.

20 min


Squat with sissy compound

210x10, 10, 10
Ball x10, 10, 10 coulda skipped set three, had to sit down a few minutes. Quads pumped like pushing a car several blocks!

SL Deads
165x10, that's it, can't keepĀ“balance, legs are fried, must do SL Dead on another day or first.

BB press, lateral raise, bent up/row, compound

BB 85x8, 108x6, 8
Lat 25x8 8, 8
Up/R85x8 108x6, 8

20 min. That's all she wrote.

Close grip bench w/long pulley tri, compound

CGB 105x10, 150x10, 160x8, 6, 8 (on 6 reps changed grip, too close)
LPT 55x10, 60x10, 8, 6, 6

Rope pushdowns
55x10, 10, 10

Close grip pulldowns, bb curls, wrist curls, compound

CGP 130x10, 160x8, 8, 8
Curl 60x10, 75x8, 8, 8
Wrist 60x20 75x15,10, 10, wicked pump. I've done 200 lb wrist curls, but arms were mush here.

Reverse Curl w/hanging wrist curl

RC 100x15, 15
HW 100x15, 15, really pumped.

Hammer curl with hanging wrist curl

Reverse wrist/hanging wrist curl

38 min. can hardly close my hands or use fingers to type! Thanks Cajin, your fault.


Neckid huh, just might!

High pulley pullbacks to warmup shoulder
20x20, 20

BWx10, 10, 10

Rows+stiffarm pulldown
150x10, 173x8, 8
60x10, 8, 8

Bench wide thumbless grip to upper chest+flys
130x10, 10, 10, 10
40x10, 10, 10, 10

23 min. awsome pump! Quik workout, but didn't feel like doing more (yet?)

g day

SL Deads
130x10, 210x10, 262x10, rest 2 min for squats

Squats ss/with sissy squats
130x10,(warmup) 210x10/10, 10/10, ouch, ouch, thighs rubbing together, tremendous pump, will add third set next workout.

14 min

Shoulder and arm day

DB up/row+press
27x15-15, bothering shoulder, going to bar

Barbell up/row+press
85x15-15, 105x10-6, 10-6, 10-6, should reverse this for more weight on press

Close grip bench+skullcrushers
105/60x10-10, 175/60x8-10, 175/75x8-8+8x, 175/85x8-8+8x, 6-6+8x (x is x reps or burns) using more wieght and more reps.

Scott curl+standing curl+wrist curl, compound set
60x10-5-20, 70x8-5-15, 8-5-15, shoulder protesting here, moving to Reverse curl

Reverse curl+hanging wrist curl
100x15-15, 15-15, 15-15, 15-15, wight fell from my hands on last set, whew! Great pump on arms.

50 min. Tomorrow rest day.


Chest, Back

Sternum chin (tried to start at top, and lower slowly, next time will positive and neg. as close as I can do them)
BWx5, 5, 5, 5, didn't come close to failure, easing into them

Row ss stiff arm pulldown
175/60x 6 supersets 6 reps each

Bench ss flys, wide thumbless grip to middle of chest, elbows flared
140/50x 6 supersets 6 reps each

18 min. Feels a little easier, weight is up

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2016, 01:45:45 PM »
Shoulder and legs

BB press+bent up/row
85x10/10, 105x10/10, oops, did shoulder 2 days ago, no wonder I'm weak! Skip to squats

Squats, non lock out+sissy squats, superset
210/BWx 12/12, 12/12, 12/12, 72 reps of shear pleasure.........NOT, quads really pumped, up 2 reps each exercise

12 min flat

Arm day. Am I a bodybuilder, or what, lol.

Close grip bench+pushdowns
130+60x10/10, 150+70x10/10, 175+70x10/10, 195+75x6/6, 175+75x8/6, 150+75x8/6, 130+65x10/10, last set all x-reps, highest weight up 20 lbs

Curl+wrist curl, up 25 lbs (shoulder so so)
85x10/20, 95x10/20, 10/20, 10/20, arms pumped!

Reverse curl+hanging wrist curl, up 8 lbs
85+118x15/15, 108+118x10/10, 108x10/10, 10/10, barely holding onto bar.

38 min.
Shoulder, back, chest, lite workout

Decided to do dumbells today

DB press ss/with bent up/row
50x20+20, 60x20+20, left shoulder bothering me big time, enough, moving on

BWx8, 8, 8

DB rows
70x15, 80x10, 10

DB bench
75x15, 15, 15, 15

25 min. nice pump. Lost a little time setting up DB deciding what was next,

Lite dink around day

210x15, 15, 15, breathing hard here

CG Bench
130x10, 150x10, 175x10, 8, 8, last 2 sets include French press with 40lb plate for 20, 10 reps, nice pump!

BB 85x10, switch to DB seated w/backstop, 40x10, 10, shoulder says no more, switch to hammer curl

Hammer curl seated, w/backstop
50x15, 15, 15

DB wrist curl, Draper/Sipes style
55x40, bothers shoulder, swtch to hanging wrist curl, 70x25, 25

50 min. A little longer than I planned on, but feel pretty good.


Shoulders, back, chest

DB press
37x10, 50x10, 60x8, 70x5, 5, shoulder feeling hincky going to...

Bent lateral raise
27x15, 15, 15, nice pump

BWx10, 10, 10, feeling pretty good on these

DB rows
80x12, 90x8, 8, 8, just a note, my legs were still sore from the last squat day, and rows reminded me!

DB bench
80x10, 70x20, oops, too lite, 75x15, 80x10, 10

50 min. Lost at least ten minutes just changing DB's, problem with lack of weights.
What we've got here is... failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach.

SL Deads
130x3, 208x3, 276x3, 318x5, 5, (PR)

Close grip bench, ss/with tri ext (plate)
130x8, 150x8, 175x8+40x20, 175x8+40x20

One arm DB ext.
30x15, bothers shoulder, swtiching to..

Lying DB ext.+bench x reps
40x10+10, 10+10

Pully pulldown+curls DB
curls,40x10, Pulldown 150x10+40x8, 10+8, 10+8

Hammer curls
60x15, 70x10, 65x10, 60x15 x-reps

Hang curl
60x40, 80x20, 15, 15, 15

55 min. A little long, but feel good.

52x10, 85x5, 108x5, 130x5, 150x5, call it good here on shoulder.

Bent up/row
108x15, 130x10, 150x10, 10, had to do something for shoulders

Bench press ss/with chins BW
130x8/8, 150x6/6, 175x6/6. 6/6, 6/6

Wrist curls, over bench (Larry Scott style)
85x15, 108x15, 130x15, 152x10, 130x15

Reverse wrist curl
62x10, 10, 10

40 min. Felt pretty good

208x5, 254x5, 308x5, 254x5, 208x15, yeah, these hurt!

Curl, straight bar
64x10, 86x10, 108x10, 10, 10x reps, shoulder limits weight, bummer

Skulls+bench partials, straight bar
64x10+10, 86x10+10, 108x10+10, 122x7+7,108x10+10, yeah pumped here!

Reverse curl, straight bar
85x10, 108x10, 130x10+5xreps, 10+5xreps, 108x15+5xreps, whoa, extensors crying for air.

Hanging wrist curl, straight bar
142x20, 15, 15, 15partials, smoooooking!!

50 min. I'm whupped. Great workout!

BWx5x10, last 3 sets 5 pos.+5 neg. each.

108x10, 130x6, 152x6, 130x6, 6

130x10, 175x8, 198x6, 6, 175x6

130x10, 153x8, 175x6, 198x5, 175x8

Wrist curl over bench
108x25, 130x25, 160x15, 10, 130x25

55 min, 86 degrees today, time for ice tea!!

Did not feel like lifting today, slow workout

Squats, having knee "issues", think it was the sissy squats
130x3, 208x3, 252x3, 296x3, call it good here, hit it hard next round.

65x10, 86x10, 108 3x10, 86x10

Skullcrusher+close grip bench
86x10+10, 108x 4x8+8, 86x10+10, reps fairly slow, nice pump

Reverse curl, straight bar
108x8, 130x8, 152x5 (used straps here, loose style), 130x8, seated hammers w/backstop 50's x25

Wrist curls on bench
100x50, 130x25, 152x15, 130x25, 100x25, bar fell from hands, forearms fried!

65 min. I'm done


Gearge Thorogood to start the heart

BWx 4x8, assisted chins, BW 4x8, awsome pump!

Bent/up row
100x15, 142x 3x8

142x10, 175x 5x8, 164x8

Wrist curls, bench
122x30, 150x20, 15, 130x20

Reverse wrist curl, thick bar, pulley
35x20, 45x 2x20, nice pump, hurten so good

48 min. Really good workout! Good pace. Starting to see some nice changes in chest and back.

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #26 on: January 03, 2016, 12:14:24 AM »

Gearge Thorogood to start the heart

BWx 4x8, assisted chins, BW 4x8, awsome pump!

Bent/up row
100x15, 142x 3x8

142x10, 175x 5x8, 164x8

Wrist curls, bench
122x30, 150x20, 15, 130x20

Reverse wrist curl, thick bar, pulley
35x20, 45x 2x20, nice pump, hurten so good

48 min. Really good workout! Good pace. Starting to see some nice changes in chest and back.


If Thorogood is dated, how about...Waylon Jennings for a little background.

Left knee really inflamed today, ? Life, age, lol.

166x5. 208x5, 252x 5x5

Curls DB seated w/backstop
37x15, 45x10, 10, 10, 10(5+5xrep) 10xreps

French press, DB+bench press, superset
37x15, 45x10+10, 51x8+8, 8+8, 45x8+8, 8+8

Hammer curls, seated
45x10, 55x10, 10, 10, 10xreps, 10xreps

Hanging wrist curl, DB
55x35, 65x30, 20, 70x15, 20, 65x20

60 min. Overall good workout, nice pump, weights up on curls, shoulder didn't protest so much today.


DB press
33x5, 50x5, 60x5, 70x5, shoulder feels hincky, dropping back, 60x5, 5, 5

BWx8, 8, 15lbx6, 25lbx5, 5, BWx8, assisted x8, 8

DB bench
60x30, 80x10, 10, 10, 10

Wrist rollers off pulley, forwards and backwards
60x20+20, 20+20, 20+20

Crappy workout, just didn't feel the love, lol.

40 min,


150x5, 230x5, 300x5, 5, 5

Lying DB tri press warmup
27x20, 37x10
Lying DB tri + dips
50/BWx8/10, 8/10, 8/10 ouch!

Curls, DB seated w/backstop
37x15, 45x8, 8, 8x reps

Hammer curls, seated w/backstop
60x10, 10x reps
60x15, 15, 10x reps

Wrist curl BB on bench
100x20, 132x25, 155x20, 15, 132x25

OK workout, will feel it tomorrow

50 min.


Shoulder a little, lol

SLD, Keystone, Romanian deads, take your pick
130x5, 210x5, 300x5, 5, 5

210x5, 5, 5, 5, 5

110x5, 130x5, 5, 5, 5

140x5, 188x5, 210x5, 188x5, 5

Reverse curl
90x10, 115x10

Hanging wrist curl
115x20, 20, out of juice, that's all she wrote

Let's not do this again real soon!

50 min


Going for da pump!

Lying tri press + seated curls DB's
30x20+20, 40x10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10

Pully pushdowns
55x20, 65x15, 15,

Pulley wrist and reverse wrist curls
65x20/20, 20/20 arms feel pumped, looked pumped, are pumped! Yah.

15 min flat


Well just for grins, had some time, worked the forearms a tad.

Wrist curls over bench

Reverse wrist curls
45x3x30 shoulda done more weight, but that was on a bar, and I was lazy.

Pulley wrist curls, 20 forward and 20 back

10 min, nice pump, would like more weight but shoulder said enough

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #27 on: January 03, 2016, 12:21:17 AM »

doing some high reps for shoulders
65x25, 85x15, 110x8, 8, 85x15, 65x25

BWx10, 25x5, 50x5, 65x3+2neg., 42x3+2neg., 25x5, 4+1neg., BWx10, flew on these, 6+4neg.

142x10, 175x8, 210x5,4, 185x5, 165x10, 142x15
x reps.

Reverse curl E-Z bar
100x5, 122x5, 144x5, 160x5 (used straps on last set)

Wrist curl, just flushing a little blood through

50 min. Felt pretty good.


ZZ Top to start the ole ticker.

130x5, 210x5, 260x5, 300x5, 5, 260x5, 210x10

Lying tri press+CG bench E-Z bar
75x15+15, 90x10+10, 115x8+8, 125x6+6, 6+6, 115x6+6

French press E-Z bar
75x15, 15

Curl+Reverse curl, superset same bar(straight)
85x10+10, 110x10+10, 10+10, breathing hard here, bothering shoulder, moving on.

Wrist curl on bench
110x30, 140x20, 165x10, 140x20, 20, 20, on a roll today.

Reverse curl for reps and grins

65 min. I'm done (for)


Black tea, lots o lime, cloudy an cold!
I'll work on some straps, and use em for something diff. on ocasion.

Press, shoulder so so today.
85x5, 110x5, 130x5, pushpress 155x3, 175x3, 155x3, press 130x5

Pullups, palm forward
BWx10, 25x5, 40x5, 25x5, BWx10

One arm pulley row

144x10, 188x5, 210x5, 188x5, 166x10, 10 (odd numbers cause I use lbs and kilo plates together)

Wrist curls
108x20, 142x15, 166x10, 180x10, 10 (PR reps) 166x10, 142x15

reverse wrist curl, bar

58 min. Ice tea is calling me!


Not much sleep last nite, skipped legs, hit em tomorrow.

65x20, 86x10, 100x10, 10, 10 x reps. Shoulder maxed out at 100 lbs.

Skulls+CGBench E-Z bar
85x10/10, 108x10/10, 130x6/6, 6/6, 115x6/6, 108x6/6, 90x10/10, pressdowns 65x15

Reverse curl E-Z bar
90x10, 108x10, 135x8, 130x10, 120x10, 108x10, 10 x reps

Wrist curl on bench
118x20, 140x20, |50x25, 20, 15, drop set as fast as u can strip weight, 150x10, 140x6, 128x6, 118x6, 108x6, 86x6, 65x6, I'm dead!

50 min. Tea time and sun!


152x10, 210x10, 250x10, 10, 10, last 5 reps on last set with couple of breaths between reps.


Too much Chinese food for lunch, time to work it off.

130x10, 150x10, 175x10, 10, 150x10, 130x10 x-reps, 10 x-reps, bottom 1/3 of stroke

130x10, 150x10, 175x10, 10, 150x10, 10x-reps, 10 x-reps, middle 1/3 of stroke

Wrist curls on bench, done with a padded 3 inch board on bench.
130x15, 150x15, 175x10, 10, 150x25

33 min. Went through a liter of tea and a liter of water during workout.


3 days in a row, whoa!

Chins (for bi's)
BWx10, 25x8, 8

Curls, DB w/backstop
37x15, 15, 15 x-reps bottom middle third

Dips (for tri's)
BWx25, 50x10, 10

Lying tri press DB's
37x15, 15, 15 x-reps bottom middle third

Seated Hammer curl w/backstop (these felt great!)
50x20, 60x10,
Standing 60x10, 10 x-reps bottom middle third

DB wrist curl (these so so)
60x30, 75x15, 70x20

38 min. Ice tea with lime, drank l liter with this workout


Wasn't going to workout, not much sleep last nite, but couldn't stop myself from using the Weider brain confusion principle of muscle blasting.

Wrist curls, on bench
108x20, 130x20, 152x20, 164x15, 180x10, 201x2 (PR) 165x10, 152x20, 20, 130x20, 20

Reverse wrist curl, over knees
42x50, 52x30, 64x10, 72x6 (PR) 64x15, 50x20, 20, 42x25

33 min


Have martial arts demo and certificate presentation, so a lite workout.

100x5, 130x5, 152x5

BWx15, 10, 8

Bench press
122x15, 152x10, 175x10

Romanian deads
175x10, 222x10, 305x10, PR!

Reverse curl, straight bar
100 3x15

Hanging wrist curl
150x25, 15, 15

38 min


Couldn't help myself, arm workout-

CG Bench E-Z bar ss/standing long pulley ext.
155x15 175x10, 10, 10 x-reps
40x15 60x10, 10, 10 x-reps

Pulley pushdowns
60x10, 70x10, 10, Tris really blown up, nice pump

CG curls ss/reverse curl E-Z bar
100x10/10, 115x10/10, 8/8

Spider curls
70x8, 8, 8, pumped!

Pulley wrist roller for flexors

28 min.


Got up too early today, so will just hit the forearms. On a roll, so am putting the hurt to them while I feel like it.

Reverse wrist curl
50x30, 30
Pulley reverse roller, extensors
52x30, 30, 30

Wrist curl, on bench
100x20, 130x20, 150x20, 175x15 (PR for reps)10, 150x20
Pulley wrist roller, flexors.

20 min.


DB press+monkey rows compound
37x15/15, 50x10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, nice pump

DB flys+pullover, 1 DB, compound
50x15/15, 60x10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, will be sore tomorrow, or tonight!!

Chins+rows, compound
BW+60x10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10-x reps on last set, middle of stroke, Back fried, stopping here.

Major pump overall, breathing hard.

32 min

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #28 on: January 03, 2016, 05:04:32 PM »

Caught an hour of sun today, strong stuff. Put on some Stones to get the motor reving.

100x5, 166x5, 220x5, 308x5
100x10, 10
Squats, bottom half of stroke
166x10, 10, squats just weren't showing the love today.

Wrist curls
100x20, 144x20, 176x20, (PR for reps) 190x10 (PR for reps) 208x5 solid reps! (PR for weight and reps), Sweatns a grinnen now. Leave a rep or two in the tank for next time.

37 min.


Not much sleep last nite, dang dogs and peacocks, then went to see an ex Navy Seal in Max. Security in the Fed pen today. A long visit, no lunch, no water for 5-6 hours. Soooo, little short on energy, but never the less, butt kicking time has arrived.

Seated DB curls, with backstop
37x20, 50x6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, if that don't do it, screw it.

Lying tri ext. + press DB's
50x10+10, 60x6+6, 55x6+6, 6+6, 6+6, 6+6, 6+6, same for tris, grow or die.

Pulley pressdowns
65x15, 10, tri's are fried

Hammer curls, DB's with backstop
55x10, 10, 10, 10, 10, so so, not my best.

Hanging wirst curl DB
66x25, 75x20, 15

Pulley wrist roller, flexors

I'm dead. If I don't get to sleep tonight, will visit Pappy's mason jar for a little white lighting.

40 min of sheer pleasure, lol


A little Doobie Bros, so as not to harsh my mellow.

Wrist curls, thumbless grip on bench.
100x20, 144x10, 188x10, 208x5 (former PR) 221x10, PR!, 225x6, another PR! That's what were talking about. Now over bodyweight. Getting tough to get bar off the bench. 175x20, PR! (for reps), 150x25, just for a pump.

Reverse wrist curl
42x40, 50x25, 60x20

22 min of sheer Machiavellian pleasure! Must have ice tea now!


DB press ss monkey rows
37x6+6, 50x6+6, 60x6+6, 6+6, 6+6

Flys ss DB bench
60x10+10, 70x6+6, 6+6, 6+6, 6+6,

Chins ss DB rows
25/70x6+6, 6+6, 6+6, BW/70x6+6, 6+6

Hammer/reverse DB curls
70x10, 10, 10xreps, shoulder giving me problems, and can really feel it on these.

Hanging wrist curl
150x20, 15, 15

42 min. OK workout in spite of shoulder.


Arthritis in wrist and finger acting up, so will hurt wether I workout or not.

Wrist curls on bench, thumbless grip
122x10, 166x10, 198x5, 220x5, 230x5, PR! At first felt like weight wasn't coming off bench. 150x25

Reverse wrist curl
62x15, 70x10, 62x10, 10

16 min


Changed the time over here in Mexico last nite, hate that, lost sleep, drats,

BWx10, 35x6, 6, BWx6, feeling tad weak on these today.

Curls, straight bar
85x10, 110x10, 10, 10x-reps, bi's doing ok today, fairly pumped.

Close grip bench, straight bar (8 inch hand space)
150x15, 185x8, 8, 165x12

Lying tri ext SS/CGbench x-reps
85x10, 110x8+8, 8+8, 8+8, tris really pumped!

Reverse curl, straight bar
110x20, 125x10, 10, 10, 10, 10 x-rep, 10 x-rep, coulda just done one set of 20, pumped!!

46 min. Overall pretty good in spite of lack of sleep.


Wrist curls, thumbless grip on bench

108x20 (wrists hurting today, not a good sign) 142x15, 186x10, 232x5, PR! 175x10, 150x25

Behind back wrist curl
142x 3x15

12 min.


Didn't feel like doing any big stuff, so doing some wrist rollers just to push the blood through the forearms.

Pulley wrist rollers, 1-1/2 inch pipe. You lean back, keeping very still, and let the flexors and estensors do all the work.
Flex/Ext. 45x60/40, 30/20, 20/20, 20/20, 25/20, barely moving on last set, nice pump, feels good. Let the healing begain. Must buy some grippers one of these days.

7 min.


Press, heaviest sets, push press.
65x5, 108x5, |30x5, 152x3, 3, 160x3, 3, 130x5

Squats, box
150x8, 208x8, 250 8x3

130x8, 174x8, 218x8, 260x3, 3, 232x5, 210x8

50x25, 60x20, 68x12, 12

58 min. Hommie be tired now, where be my ice tea?


Curls, straight bar.
50x15, 75x8, 108x8, 115x8, 8, 8, 8 xrep (partials at bottom) lot of warmup, but due to shoulder,

Skullcrushers compound w/CG Bench
62x8, 86x8, 108x8+8, 130x8+8, 8+8, barely.

Tri pushdowns
75x15, 15, tri's really pumped

Reverse curl, straight bar
86x8, 108x8, 135x8, 8, 8, 8, 25 x-reps, bottom of stroke, nice pump.

Wrist curls
135x35, 152x25, 15, 130x20, 20, wrists hurting today,, lol.

52 min. Arms wasted, love it. Seems way long for arms, too many warmups.


Light quick workout today.

135x20, 175x12, 10, 10

Pullup, close grip(palm forward)
BWx12, 12, 10, 15 x-reps, middle of stroke, contant tension

Press+Cajin row, compound
120x8+8, 8+8

Breathing hard, that's enough
15 min.

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2016, 10:32:29 AM »

George Thorogood to start the ticker. What can I say, old school.

E-Z tri ext.+CG press
86x10+20, 108x10+10, 130x6+10, going to straight bar, 140x6+6, 6+6, PR I think.

Long pulley tri ext. standing
75x10, 10, 10, 10, awesome pump!

Curl, standing
86x10, 108x10, 10, 10, 10, good pump, limit on weight due to shoulder

Reverse curl, straight bar
108x10, 130x10, 140x10, 130x10, 130x20 x-reps

Wrist curl on bench
130x30, 152x20, 165x15, 152x15, 130x20-5-3-3, 8 sec. pause last sets

40 min. Really good workout overall, Bad to the Bone.


130x10, 175x8, 200x4, 4, 4, 175x8, 8 (bench is sucky, need mega work)
BWx20, all the way down,low enough to kiss the Blarney Stone.

Pullups, close grip
BWx10, 45x5, 5, 5, BWx10, 8
175x10, 10

Reverse curl
100x30, just to flush a litle blood to forearms, boring
Hang wrist curl
100x50, these were boring too, lol.
38 min.


Ok, arthritis flaring up, so took 2 ibuprofen and thought good thoughts.

Wrist curls, thumbless grip, on bench
108x20, 144x20, 188x10, 210x5, 232x3, 240x3, PR!
250x0, tried twice, couldn't get bar off bench, lol, need to load up on twinkys for counterbalance. Maybe try again before bash.

Reverse wrist curl
62x15, 15, 15, 15

Rested well between sets.
27 min.


OH press
62x8, 108x8, 130x5, push press, 152x3, 170x3

Cajin row
108x8, 130x8, 152x8, 170x5

Lying tri ext.+ CG press
100x10+10, 122x8+8, 130x6+6, 6+6, 122x15

Curls, E-Z close grip
100x10, 122x8, 8, 8 x-reps

Reverse curls, E-Z
122x8, 144x8, 150x8, 122x15

DB wrist curl
52x40, 65x25, 20, 15, just to pump a little blood.

55 min, didn't rush it today, not a bad workout.


152x3, 210x3, 254x3, 308x5, 5, 5, 254x5, 5
Felt a little better today, nothing dramatic.

20 min.