Author Topic: Strongman, OL-lifting and gymnastics!  (Read 16833 times)

Offline Steff

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Re: Strongman, OL-lifting and gymnastics!
« Reply #20 on: June 30, 2014, 03:46:17 PM »
Glute bridge single leg: 3x5 40 kg

Snatch "jumps" 4x3 BW + broomstick
Snatch 3x5 20 kg, 8x3 40 kg
OHS 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 40 kg

Pull up, ramping up: 1x3 14 kg, 16 kg 18 kg ( just chin over bar)

BB row ramping up 1x3 58 kg, 65 kg, 72,5 kg

DBBP 3x3 40 kg DB:s

Laterals: 3x10 8 kg DB:s

DB french press 3x3 32,5 kg

DB curl 3x3 17,5 kg DB:s

Leg ext top part 1x20 1x15 30 kg

Single leg calf raise 3x10 15 kg

Gluteus medius leg lift 2x20 no resistance, 2x10 training partner pushing on leg on both the eccentric and koncentric.

I getting closer on how to explode on the snatch

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Re: Strongman, OL-lifting and gymnastics!
« Reply #21 on: July 02, 2014, 07:50:40 PM »
Glute bridges: 2x6 60 kg, 1x6 80 kg, 1x16 60 kg

Chins ramping up 1x3: 25 kg, 30 kg, 36 kg

OHP 3x3 58 kg

Bent over laterals 2x10 10 kg DB:s
DB swing: 2x10 10 kg DB:s

BB curl 2x3 40 kg
DB french press 2x3 32,5 kg

At the Crossfit gym:

Snatch jumps 2x3 BW + broomstick
Snatch:1x3 30 kg 1x3 35 kg, 5x3 42,5 kg (three of these was with squat, no pain)
Front squat: 2x10 40 kg (painless)
sissy squat 2x10 BW (felt a little bit in my knee)

Getting better at snatch 42,5 kg felt easier than 40 kg did.
No squats next WO just leg ext!

Later during the day:
Hand walks: 20-25 minutes
Did a lot of 4 and 6 steps
PR:s 12 steps, 16 steps

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Re: Strongman, OL-lifting and gymnastics!
« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2014, 01:09:04 PM »
Glute bridge: 1x8 100 kg 1x10 90 kg 1x12 80 kg

Pull up 3x3 17,5 kg ( just chin over bar)

DBBP ramping up 1x3 37,5 kg, 40 kg, 42,5 kg DB:s

BB row 3x3 67,5 kg

Snatch grip press: 3x3 30 kg

Laterals: 3x8 10 kg DB:s one sec hold at top

Lying tri ext 3x3 42,5 kg + Rope French press 1x11 37,5 kg

DB curl 3x3 17,5 kg DB:s +1x12 12,5 kg DB:s

Leg ext top part 1x17 rest pause 1x7 1x5 30 kg
Leg ext 1x12 30 kg +rest pause top part 1x6 1x5

Single leg calf raise 3x8 17,5 kg

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Re: Strongman, OL-lifting and gymnastics!
« Reply #23 on: July 13, 2014, 07:17:00 PM »
Wednesdays WO! New gym.

Chins 1x3 30 kg, 1x2 40 kg 1x3 35 kg 1x3 37,5 kg
Chins to lower chest 1x10 BW

DBBP ramping up 1x3: 37,5 kg, 40 kg, 1x4 42,5 kg 1x8 37,5 kg 1x10 30 kg

BB row 3x3 70 kg 1x8 60 kg
Cable row drop set 1x7 50 kg 1x7 40 kg

Snatch 1x3 30 kg 4x3 40 kg
OHS 3x1 40 kg

Cable laterals 1x8 30 , 1x10 20, 1x9 20 (weird markings on this machine.. can't be kg:s anyway)
DB laterals 2x8 10 kg

Squat 2x5 80 kg (pain, got p***ed off and put myself in the leg extension )
Leg ext 1x12 35 kg, 1x12 +7 40 kg, Dropset: 1x10 50 kg 1x5 45 kg 1x5 32 kg

DB curl 1x3 20 kg 1x3 22,5 kg 1x3 20 kg 1x10 15 kg
DB french press: 1x3 35 kg 2x3 32,5 kg 1x10 25 kg

Weird stuff going on... no pain in my knee monday to dinner time tuesday, then all H*** broke loose! I couldn't even move my hip without pain in my knee.
In the middle of tuesday night I took both hands and twisted my shin outwards and all of a sudden the pain subsided. It did not totally disappear but most of it did.

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Revenge of the squat! :P
« Reply #24 on: July 13, 2014, 07:17:55 PM »
Fridays WO:

Pull up 3x3 20 kg 1x1 35 kg 1x10 BW( just chin over bar)
DB row with twist 1x9 27,5 kg

OHP push press 1x3 60 kg 1x3 55 kg 1x4 50 kg ( I have a hunch that the bar I used was heavier than a OL bar)

DB bent over laterals 1x10 12,5 kg DB:s 1x10 10 kg
Laterals 1x8 12,5 kg DB:s 1x10 10 kg

Snatch grip press: 3x3 37,5 kg

BB curl 1x3 45 kg 2x3 42,5 kg

Back squat 1x5 40 kg, 1x5 60 kg, (1x2 80 kgthis was a front squat) 2x5 80 kg 2x5 90 kg (last set some pain)

Front squat 2x10 40 kg 1x10 60 kg superset with
Leg ext rest pause: 1x9 +6 60 kg, 1x9 +5 +3 52 kg, Rest pause and drop: 1x9 +5+4+3 45 kg 1x5 32 kg 1x5 25 kg

Single leg calf raise 3x14 BW

Gluteus medius leg lift 3x16 superset with
Single leg glut bridge 3x7

Front squats was painless and my knee is as good as it was monday again!  I've done some mobility exercises for my sacrum and pelvic girdle and it seems to help. :D
A bit disappointed though... no DOMS in my quads....

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Re: Strongman, OL-lifting and gymnastics!
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2014, 01:21:52 PM »
Back Squat 4x5 70 kg

Pull up, ramping up: 1x3 17,5 kg, 22,5 kg 27,5 kg, 1x1 37,5 kg PR 1x10 bw ( just chin over bar)

BB row 1x3 62,5 kg, 70 kg, 77,5 kg, 85 kg (a bit of cheating on 85 kg ) 1x10 55 kg

DBBP 1x1 45 kg DB:s PR 1x3 2x4 40 kg DB:s

Laterals: 1x5 15 kg 1x8 12,5 kg 1x12 10 kg DB:s 1 sec hold at top

Snatch 1x3 30 kg, 4x3 40 kg 2x three singles. 2 good with squat 50 kg
Snatch with squat 4x3 40 kg

Compound set:
Front squat 2x10 60 kg
Sissy squat 2x10 BW
Leg ext rest pause second set added dropsets to. 1x8 +5 +5 40 kg/ 1x6 +3 +3 40 kg - 1x3 +3 35 kg - 1x4 +3 +3 30 kg - top part burns 1x8 25 kg

Ring dips 1x4 BW +16 kg 1x2 BW +24 kg 1x6 BW +12 kg

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Re: Strongman, OL-lifting and gymnastics!
« Reply #26 on: July 17, 2014, 09:57:35 AM »
Yesterdays WO:

Chins 1x3 35 kg, 1x3 37,5 kg 1x3 40 kg PR
Gironda Chins 1x8 1x6 BW

OHP 1x1 60 kg 2x3 57,5 kg 1x2 57,5 kg 1x12 40 kg

Bent over laterals 2x12 10 kg
Bent over Cable laterals 1x6 12,5 kg 1x8 10 kg

Leg ext rest pause 1x12 +6 +4 45 kg, 1x8 +4 +3 45 kg
Leg ext drop set 1x8 50 kg, 1x6 40 kg 1x5 45 kg
Leg ext top part burns: 1x10 25 kg

DB curl 1x2 +1 eccentric 45 kg 1x3 42,5 kg 1x3 +1 eccentric 42,5 kg 1x3 +2 eccentric
DB french press: 1x1 35 kg 1x2 35 kg 1x3 eccentric 35 1x5 30 kg

Hand walks 10, 12, 8, 15, 10, 22 PR, 10, 14 steps

Single leg calf raise 3x8 20 kg

Gluteus medius leg lift 3x15
Gluteus medius leg lift partner pushing on leg 1x10

Will only do snatches once a week since I suspect they have impacted my OHP.

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Re: Strongman, OL-lifting and gymnastics!
« Reply #27 on: July 23, 2014, 01:43:31 PM »
Fridays WO:

Pull up 3x3 22,5 kg 1x3 30 kg 1x10 BW( just chin over bar)

DBBP 1x3 35 kg 1x3 40 kg 2x2 43,75 kg 1x10 30 kg

BB row 3x3 72,5 kg 1x8 60 kg

Laterals 2x12 10 kg DB:s
Cable laterals 1x110 10 kg 1x12 7,5 kg

Snatch 1x3: 30 kg, 40 kg, 45 kg, 50 kg, 55 kg PR, 40 kg every set with at least one oh squat

BB curl 1x3 25 kg eccentric 1x3 22,5 kg eccentric 1x3 17,5 kg 1x10 12,5 kg
BB french press 1x3 40 eccentric 1x3 35 kg 1x4 32,5 1x5 30 kg

Back squat 1x5 60 kg, 1x5 85 kg, (1x2 85 kg this was a front squat) 1x5 95 kg, 1x5 100 kg No pain!

Front squat 3x10 55 kg kg superset with
Leg ext rest pause: 1x10 +5 +4 45 kg, 1x8 +5 +3 45 kg kg, Rest pause and drop: 1x9 +5+4+3 45 kg 1x5 30 kg 1x5 25 kg

Mondays WO:

Back Squat 3x5 80 kg

Leg ext 3x12 60 kg
Pull up, ramping up: 1x3 20 kg, 27,5 kg, 32,5 kg 1x10 bw ( just chin over bar)

BB row 1x3 70 kg, 75 kg, 80 kg 1x10 60 kg

DBBP 3x3 42,5 kg 1x6 37,5 kg DB:s

Laterals up n down the rack: 1x4 5 kg to 10 kg and back + 1x10 10 kg DB:s

DB curl 1x8 17,5 kg
BB french press 1x8 27,5 kg

Calf raise single leg 3x15 BW

Felt weird before the WO got sick during the night, but got better today. So I'll wait and make my decision tomorrow.

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Chins PR!
« Reply #28 on: July 23, 2014, 01:44:26 PM »
Chins 1x2 30 kg 1x1 40 kg 1x1 47,5 kg PR!
Chins 1x2 40 kg 1x2 37,5 kg 1x2 30 kg
Gironda Chins 1x8 1x6 BW

OHP 3x3 50 kg

DB Bent over laterals Down the rack 12,5 kg - 5 kg
Laterals up the rack 5 kg - 10 kg
DB Bent over laterals down the rack 10 kg - 5 kg

Leg ext 1x10 50 kg 1x10 45 kg 1x15 30 kg

DB curl 1x2 +1 eccentric 45 kg closer to 3 reps this time, 2x3 40 kg 1x8 30 kg
DB french press: 1x3 35 kg 2x3 32,5 kg
90° tri push 1x10 45 kg

Single leg calf raise 3x7 25 kg

Didn't feel 100% today but I still got a PR! Didn't make it to 50 kg (damn you Joonas ).
Cut the WO a bit short no hand walks and so forth.