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Torokhity 12 Week +ecc squats.
A really light WO:
Snatch high pull from blocks: 3x4 40 kg, 3x4 45 kg
Box jumps: 6x3 BW
BB Row: 6x3 60 kg
Seated GM: 6x3 20 kg
Squat: 6x3 40 kg
Seated GM
2x10 40 kg
BB row
1x10 60 kg, 40 kg
No overhead work due to my wrist.
Snatch high pulls
2x3 40 kg
1x3 50 kg
2x3 60 kg
2x2 70 kg
4x2 80 kg
Clean high pulls
1x3 70 kg, 80 kg, 90 kg
1x2 100 kg
1x1 110 kg, 120 kg
2x3 65 kg
1x3 77 kg
1x3 91 kg
2x2 105 kg
2x2 117,5 kg
Squat jumps
6x3 20 kg
Seated GM
3x8 60 kg
Rope French Press
5x5 40 kg
3x3 50 kg
1x13 30 kg
BB row
4x5 70 kg
Bent over laterals super set with Laterals
3x10 8 kg DB:s
2 Snatch high pulls from block + 2 hang high pull from power position
2x2 40 kg, 50 kg, 60 kg, 65 kg
1 Snatch high pulls from block + 1 hang high pull from power position
2x1 70 kg, 75 kg
2x2 80 kg
1x1 90 kg, 100 kg
Snatch high pulls from blocks
1x3 80 kg
Hang Snatch high pulls from power position
1x3 60
Clean high pulls
1x3 60 kg, 80 kg
1x2 90 kg
1x1 100 kg, 115 kg, 130 kg
1x3 110 kg
2x3 65 kg, 77,5 kg
1x3 91 kg
1x5 105 kg
2x2 117,5 kg
1x1 125 kg
Squat jumps
3x5 25 kg
3x3 40 kg
Rope french press
3x5 50 kg
Back ext
3x10 20 kg
Occlusion Leg ext drop set
1x16 40 kg - 1x4 35 kg - 1x3 30 kg - 1x2 25 kg, 20 kg, 15 kg + 1x3 squat jumps @ BW
Went to a naprapath Tuesday... got my wrist and shoulder adjusted. Then I got radial chock wave therapy and acupuncture.
Yesterdays WO:
2x3 65 kg
1x3 77,5 kg, 90 kg, 100 kg
10x3 110 kg
Seated GM
Stair jumps 4 steps
3x12 BW
BB jump
1x3 40 kg
Snatch high pull superset with Tall snatch
3x3 40 kg, 3x3 47,5 kg
3x3 10 kg, 3x3 20 kg
Clean high pull super set with Tall clean
3x3 65 kg
3x3 30 kg
6x3 40 kg
4x3 40 kg
BB row
3x8 65 kg
Something isn't right in my shoulder it feels a bit odd.
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