Author Topic: Steff's Olympic lifting log!  (Read 79430 times)

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Re: Steff's Olympic lifting log!
« Reply #30 on: February 28, 2015, 01:28:15 PM »
EMOM 9 min, 3 Bench press 45 kg + rubberbands

Incline push ups 3x20
Pull ups BW 1x14 1x12 1x10 (kept these super strict)

DB row 3x10 20 kg
Bench rows 1x10 50 kg 2x10 45 kg

Face pulls 200 reps 7,5 kg (had to do this in the cable cross since the rubber band was missing)

2x1 80 kg, 2x1 85 kg, 2x1 90 kg, 1x1 96 kg PR, 2xfail 97,5 kg, 1x1 97,5 kg PR again![/b]

1x2 55 kg, 1x2 60 kg, 1x2 62,5 kg, 2x2 65 kg

I feel good just like I knew that I would now! *James Brown song*
Ok my jerks still suck but are slowly getting better. Cleans.... jeez this was fun! I apparently got a good "sit" and I am pretty fast under. The pull on the last set was really good almost at power clean height, so I got more to give.

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Re: Steff's Olympic lifting log!
« Reply #31 on: March 02, 2015, 01:15:11 PM »
Back squat ramping up to 1RM:
2x100 kg
1x120 kg
1x125 kg
1x130,5 kg A very modest PR, but squatted more upright than ever almost no lean forward if any at all.

Lateral step ups:
3x10 30 kg

Hip bridges:
10x60 kg
10x70 kg
10x80 kg

100 rep banded GM:s

Talked to my coach afterwards and the squatting result turned out just like wanted = an improvement of my form.
Ol-technique tomorrow (heavy snatching 90%). Maxing out on the bench press wednesday. Saturday I'll go for new maxes in Clean, snatch, jerk. I separated the clean and jerk in to two lifts since the discrepancy between them is still to big .

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Technique day!
« Reply #32 on: March 03, 2015, 08:39:32 PM »
Hang snatches max 10 sec between each rep:
6x1,1,1 65 kg (felt really secure even though i missed 4 reps, two of them was unnecessary caused by sloppiness from me)

Reversed snatch:
5x3 55 kg

Clean off blocks
3x60 kg, 65 kg 70 kg, 70 kg
2x75 kg, 80 kg, 1x1 85 +1x1 70 kg, 2x70 kg (got too tired in my head at 85 kg so my cleans stopped working)
3x45 kg, 50 kg, 55 kg 57,5 kg
2x60 kg, 65 kg, 70 kg, 70 kg

Better lockouts than ever hit my old jerk PR but with no bend or rebound in my arms. :)
This was a tough WO since I was really close to 90% on all lifts.

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Re: Steff's Olympic lifting log!
« Reply #33 on: March 05, 2015, 08:46:14 AM »
Yesterdays WO:

Bench press ramping up to 1 RM:
2x90 kg
1x100 kg
1x102,5 kg
1x108 kg-failed (missed the groove miserably here and made it heavier than necessary)
1x100 kg

Seated DB OHP
1x8 20 kg DB:s
2x8 17,5 kg DB:s

Decline DB tri ext
1x10 10 kg DB:s
1x8 12,5 kg DB:s
1x10 10 kg DB:s
1x12 10 kg DB:s

200 reps purple rubber band tricep push downs

BTN push press 1x3: 40 kg, 45 kg, 50 kg, 52,5 kg, 55 kg, 60 kg

200 BB side bends

Had a lousy bench day. Pretty satisfied with the rest.

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Re: Steff's Olympic lifting log!
« Reply #34 on: March 06, 2015, 11:29:17 AM »
Seated Box jump:
Box +6 bumpers
Box +7 bumpers
Box +7 bumpers +1 eleiko metal plate (2 cm)
Box +8 bumpers PR!

EMOM 10 min, 2 reps Banded Front squats to box 54 kg (green rubber bands, box below parallel)

Speed deads 8x1 112,5 kg

SLDL 3x6 80 kg

Back ext 3x10 10 kg
Hip ext 3x10 10 kg

Interesting with the banded front squats except hitting the bleedin obvious it hit my upper back really good!
Tomorrow is a max out day so I'm a bit nervous... already.... damn!

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Max attempt day!
« Reply #35 on: March 07, 2015, 01:22:13 PM »
1x1 65 kg
1x1 70 kg
4xfail 75 kg Third attempt was closer than ever but my left arm didn't lockout properly(just a little short of lockout) and I dropped it.

1x1 90 kg
1x1 95 kg
1x1 100 kg PR!

1x1 70 kg
1x1 75 kg
1x1 80 kg PR!

Was really stiff and not "sharp" during the warm up and that feeling of not being sharp continued into the snatching, so it wasn't an ideal snatch day. Still very disappointed about it. I Pull 75 kg high enough so my problem is the last pull under.
Was a bit tired in my head on the cleans but made an easy 100 kg and decided to stop there even though I probably could have made 105 kg, I'll save that til later. My coach says that if I get faster under the bar I would probably clean about 110-115 kg.

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Re: Steff's Olympic lifting log!
« Reply #36 on: March 09, 2015, 02:30:07 PM »
Sumo deads ramping up to 1 RM:
1x131 kg
1x133,5 kg
1x135 kg PR (they all were PR:s but the last one is what counts)

Walking Lunges
3x10 10 kg (my knees didn't like this so I started off easy)
Back ext
3x8 20 kg
Hip ext
3x8 20 kg

6 sets of 2 clean high pulls +1 power clean 80 kg (I finally got my power cleans to work)

AMRAP 15 min:
20 Death marches 10 kg DB:s
20 Plank knees to elbows
12 slow reversed crunches

Went easy on the AMRAP. Managed 8 rounds +one more death march.

Sometimes when I do a new exercise especially single leg stuff my knees protest but when this shows up again they have adapted to it.
I discovered that I do panda pulls when doing clean high pulls. That is something I'll try to do with the snatch high pulls to.

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Yesterdays WO!
« Reply #37 on: March 11, 2015, 10:57:21 AM »
6 set of 2 snatch balance +1 hang snatch
3x55 kg
3x50 kg

Hang snatch 6x3 56 kg (an old lifter told me to move my grip inwards with 3 cm/side. Made all the difference OH, suddenly my lockouts worked!)

Snatch pulls from blocks bar at hip: 5x3 60 kg

Hang cleans mid thigh 5x2 75 kg

Read my program wrong in sooo many ways... 7,5 kg to much weight on the first exercise the 3 first sets. 6 sets of hang snatches that should never been in this workout. So I abbreviated the Hang clean portion of the WO (it should have been 6x3 75 kg). Well something positive came out of this my grip in the snatch and that I was really tired when I got to the hang cleans so I just had to go under fast!

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Re: Steff's Olympic lifting log!
« Reply #38 on: March 11, 2015, 10:58:21 AM »
Push press ramping up to 1 RM:
2x65 kg
1x70 kg
1x75 kg PR

Rack press from the forehead 3x8 50 kg

Incline Tate press
1x10 27,5 kg
3x10 30 kg

Skull crushers
4x10 25 kg (jeez was I tired here...)

Press to jerk
3x35 kg
2x40 kg

3 rounds of:
Push press 10x42,5 kg
Pull ups 10xBW
Jump rope 100 reps

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Yesterdays WO!
« Reply #39 on: March 14, 2015, 01:37:16 PM »
Back squat ramping up:
2x80 kg
1x100 kg
1x120 kg

EMOM 12 min 2 rep banded Back squat 65,5 kg

Hip bridge
3x10 90 kg

Back ext 3x10 25 kg
Hip ext 3x10 20 kg

1x3: 40 kg, 45 kg, 50 kg
1x2 52 kg
1x1 58 kg

200 leg curls 20 kg

3 laps of:
20 box jumps
15 KB swings

Oblique crunches 3x20 BW