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Topics - Sergio

Pages: 1 ... 27 28 29 30 [31]
General Discussion / Coincidences of life: Reg Park and Doug Hepburn
« on: January 08, 2012, 12:11:33 PM »
Took form iron history forum, from Joe Roark

On November 22, 2000 Doug Hepburn died at age 27, 096 days (74y 2.2 mo)

On November 22, 2007 Reg Park died at age 29,022 days (79 y 5.5 mo)

In 1954 each man bench pressed 500, Doug first on Apr 13, 1954 at age 10,071 days (27 y 6.9mo) then Reg ten days later at age 9,451 days (25y 10.5 mo)

So a great pioneer of strength died on Nov 22, as did a great pioneer of physique & strength.

Exercises and workouts / The best exercise for the back
« on: January 08, 2012, 10:00:58 AM »
For me, I have some doubt between the chins or the bent over BB rowing.  But I have begun doing chins since three weeks looking into more back development witouth lower back injurie in the rows due to heavy training.  If you said chins, what version do you prefer:  pronation or supination?

General Discussion / the home page of Reg Park
« on: January 06, 2012, 11:13:51 PM »
You can see here a lot of information about Reg Park: that I will put here doing a selection, from a thematic point of view, but also trying to do it systematic.

Nutrition / Eating after a cutting phase
« on: December 29, 2011, 11:43:25 PM »
The first two weeks after a fasting or cutting time is very important, I have read few hours ago, since the hormonal changes in the body doesn't occur with the same speed as does our diet, so as your body tend to use better the food in an epoque of less intake, when you suddendly change it, your bofy still goes with the same way for some days (max. two weeks)  So if you want to get bigger and not much fatter, try some periods of fasting or cutting diets followed for great intakes days of about two weeks longer.  Then, change to your normal diet for preserve what you have have won.


Forum News and Reflections / Merry Christmas!
« on: December 24, 2011, 04:13:27 PM »
Hi everybody who want to enter here.  I want to send to all of you a message of happiness, joy, health and long life training in this special day.

Sergio Rodriguez

Members logs / Sergio's training log
« on: December 22, 2011, 08:26:42 AM »
Yesterday, a power competition was made between a friend and I, in bench press.
I not train the heavy bench press since months, but we ended in the same position, lifting both 47 kg (100 lb)  This is not my best record (I can press in bench 55 kg) but since my injury in the hinguinal region I not train hard (even not train!!  What a hard life for a man of only 34 years old!!)
Hope I would be able to start here a new log, for all that want to come here, to the forum of 

Forum News and Reflections / the first message...
« on: December 18, 2011, 08:02:10 PM »
This is the first message of the forum.   I hope it would be the first of thousands of thousands.


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