Wall squats supersetted with straight arm pullovers:
Squats BW
1x30 1x20 44 lbs
Straight arm pullovers:
2x20 49,6 lbs
Leg ext supersetted with SLDL:
Leg ext
3x12 22 lbs 1 sec hol at top
3x12 66 lbs
Wide grip pullup BW. With rubber band, Cambered bar, touching chest. 40 sec RI
1x4 +1 min rest 1x6
Gironda dips BW 30 sec RI (
easier this time)
Gironda High pull supersetted with DB Bent over laterals 30 sec:
4x8 38,5 lbs
4x8 15,4 lbs (decreased weight in favor of form)
Spider curl 44 lbs 30 sec RI:
3x10Decline DB tricep extentions 30 sec RI:
1x8 Reeves machine calfs 101,4 lbs 20 sec RI:
1x30 2x12
Deloaded on squats, felt worn out since wednesday.
Otherwise a decent WO. I hope I'll get my shoes today so
I'll be able to go for squats without wrecking my knee.