Phase 2—Intensity
I'll tweak this one as well. from week two I'll add a pump set/exercise.
The Goal of Phase 2 is to lift a near maximal load for low reps. There will be no changes in the number of sets you complete, just the load you lift.
Week 1 = 6-RM
Week 2 = 4-RM
Week 3 = 2-RM
Rest time = 2-3 minutes between sets.
Upper Body A
DB Bench Press
Bent Over Row
Military Press
60° DB Shrug
Close Grip Bench
BB Curl
Added: 70° laterals, leg ext
Lower Body A
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Seated Calf Raise
Added: 70° Laterals, HBR
Upper Body B
20°-30°Incline DB Press
DB Shoulder Press
Snatch pull
Lying Tri Ext
DB Curl
Added: Bent over laterals
Lower Body B
Leg press
Standing Calf Raise
Added: Top Pull ups, C curl, Bent laterals
Snatch: 2x5 30 kg 4x3 40 kg
DB Bench Press 1x5 40 kg 16 37,5 kg 1x6 35 kg
Bent Over Row Thick bar 2x6 65 kg 1x6 60 kg
Military Press 2x6 50 kg 1x6 45 kg
60° DB Shrug 1x6 25 kg 1x6 30 kg 1x6 35 kg (Will go for 37,5 kg next WO)
Close Grip Bench 3x6 70 kg
BB Curl thick bar 3x6 35 kg
70° DB Laterals 3x8 10 kg
Leg ext 3x10 40 kg