Snatch: 2x5 30 kg 5x3 40 kg + 4x1 40 kg (bullseye the last to sets )
DB Bench Press 1x2 41,25 kg (made the mistake of putting the 1,25 weights on the inside) 3x4 40 kg
Bent Over Row 3x4 67,5 kg (forgot to use the thick bar)
Military Press Thick bar 1x3 55 kg 1x4 52,5 kg 1x4 50 kg
60° DB Shrug 3x4 37,5 kg
Close Grip Bench 3x4 75 kg
BB Curl thick bar 1x4 40 kg 2x4 37,5 kg
70° DB Laterals 3x8 10 kg
Leg ext 3x10 40 kg
I got some virus or something in my body but nothing serious!