Author Topic: Steff's Olympic lifting log!  (Read 82146 times)

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Re: Steff's Olympic lifting log!
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2015, 11:18:30 AM »
Bench press to 10 cm box ramping up
1x2 100 kg
1x2 110 kg
1x1 115 kg
1x1 120 kg
1x1 122,5 kg

Floor press
3x8 82,5 kg

DB JM press
4x10 10 kg DB:s

Three laps of:
20 reps OHP technique bar with KB:s hanging in rubberbands
200 jump rope

6x2 57,5 kg

OHP shrugs
BB 1x10 40 kg 1x10 20 kg
DB:s 2x10 10 kg DB:s

DB curl
2x8 15 kg 1x10 12,5 kg

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Re: Steff's Olympic lifting log!
« Reply #21 on: February 11, 2015, 10:23:58 PM »
Mondays WO:

Sumo deadlift ramping up:

Bulgarian split squat
3x8 25 kg

GM 1x8 42,5 kg 1x8 45 kg 1x8 50 kg
Deathmarches 1x20 10 kg DB:s 1x20 15 kg DB:s 1x20 20 kg DB:s

Power cleans
6x3 80,5 kg

Toes to bar 1x5 1x4 1x4 BW (still suck at these)

This is the first time I've done sumo deadlifts... interesting any way...
Pulled 80,5 kg to mouth height in a couple of sets of the power clean! :)

Yesterdays WO:

Hang snatch: (My head wasn't really with me so I missed more than I should have)
2x65 kg
1x65 kg
1x65 kg
1x65 kg
2x60 kg

6x1 clean pull +1 clean and jerk 60 kg

Power jerks
5x2 60 kg

Todays WO:

Bench press ramping up:
2x90 kg
1x100 kg
1x105,5 kg
1x107,5 kg PR with medium grip!

Seated DB OHP
3x8 17,5 kg DB:s

Decline DB roll over tricep ext:
4x10 10 kg DB:s (the heavier pair)

200 tricep pushdowns done as drop sets 30 kg, 25 kg, 20 kg. When I reached 100 reps started over on 30 kg.

Power jerks
6x2 57,5 kg

70° db row 1x8 20 kg DB:s
45° db row 1x8 20 kg DB:s
70° Snatch grip shrug 1x10 50 kg

DB curl 2x8 15 kg DB:s
Laterals 2x8 10 kg DB:s

When I started to warm up for the jerks after the 200 rep pushdowns I couldn't lock out with the bar.... But this is how the program is written.

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Re: Steff's Olympic lifting log!
« Reply #22 on: February 18, 2015, 02:57:49 PM »
Last week Friday WO:

Long jump (jump off two feet) 2,26 meters

EMOM 12 min 3 reps Front squat 75 kg

Explosive Sumo deads 10x1 65 kg

Seated GM 3x15 42,5 kg

Banded GM 50 reps green rubber band

Snatch 10x1 58 kg

Banded GM 100 reps

My snatching turned out fine after a shaky first set, nailed all of them!

Saturdays WO:

EMOM 9 minutes Bench press 3 reps 54 kg

Pull ups BW
1x19 PR

BB row snatch grip
4x10 50 kg

200 pull aparts red rubber band

10x1 Clean and jerk 60 kg (the limiting factor here is my jerk)

Windshield wipers
3x20 BW

BB OH shrug
2x15 40 kg

DB OH shrug
1x9 15 kg DB:s
1x12 10 kg DB:s

DB curl 3x8 15 kg DB:s
70° shrug Clean grip 3x10 70 kg

A PR in pull ups feels so good even though I didn't make 20 reps.   
Jerks are getting better... not good, but better.

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Re: Steff's Olympic lifting log!
« Reply #23 on: February 18, 2015, 02:58:50 PM »
Mondays WO:

Back squat with chains ramping up(chains weighing 20-25 kg each)

Seated GM 3x10 50 kg
Norwegian curl 3x10 BW (had to do these eccentric)

Rev hypers 3x20 BW

6x clean pull +power clean 83,5 kg (My timing was a bit off until the last set)

Decline DB OH sit up
1x8 8 kg 2x8 10 kg

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Re: Steff's Olympic lifting log!
« Reply #24 on: February 18, 2015, 02:59:34 PM »
Yesterdays WO:

Snatch from right above knee done as 3 singles with max 10 sec in between:
3x3 62 kg (got some short circuit on the first snatch and dropped it on my thighs... that will make a good Charley horse tomorrow)
3x3 60 kg

"Backwards" snatch:
5x3 50 kg

Clean and jerk off blocks:
3x50 kg
2x3x55 kg
2x60 kg
2x65 kg
2x2x68 kg

Started to hit my hang snatches really good so instead of me getting under the bar fast they got to be at the height of power snatches or muscle snatches.
Unfortunately my catch isn't good enough yet to just raise the weight. It might work to sneak my way up as we call it. if someone have some good advice/exercises to get faster under the bar I would so grateful!   

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Re: Steff's Olympic lifting log!
« Reply #25 on: February 18, 2015, 03:00:18 PM »
Floor press with chains ramping up:
2x50 kg
2x60 kg
1x70 kg
1x75 kg (easy)
1x77,5 kg - Fail (you kinda of just die out when using chains)

DBBP with rubber band
1x8 10 kg DB:s
1x8 15 kg DB:s
1x10 20 kg DB:s

Bench press with weights attached to the bar with rubber bands
3x20 30 kg

JM press
3x8 35 kg

Snatch grip Push press
3x50 kg
3x55 kg
3x60 kg
3x65 kg
3x65 kg
3x70 kg

Incline rev flyes
3x20 5 kg DB:s

Windshield wipers

DB curl
3x8 12,5 kg DB

OH BB shrug 1x10 50 kg, 2x15 40 kg

70° Snatch grip shrug
3x10 70 kg

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Re: Steff's Olympic lifting log!
« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2015, 01:21:11 PM »
Yesterdays WO:

EMOM 12 min 2 reps Front squat 70 kg

Explosive Sumo deads 8x1 97,5 kg

GM 3x8 60 kg

Back ext 3xmax
Hip ext 3xmax

Snatch deadlift 3x20 40 kg (paus at pos 2)

Snatch 2x1 58 kg,2x1 60,5 kg, 2x1 62,5, 2x1 65 kg, 2xfail 66 kg (jeez so tired in both my head and body on the last two sets...)

Rev hyper ext 3x20 BW

Todays WO:

EMOM 9 min, 3 jerks, 55 kg

Strict press
3x5 50 kg (concentrated on holding the lockout for 2 sec/rep)

Dips 3x6 35 kg
Bench row 2x10 40 kg 1x10 45 kg

Inverted rows 3x10 BW
DB row 2x9 +3 +3 20 kg 1x11 +4 17,5 kg

Clean and jerk
2x40 kg 2x45 kg 2x50 kg 2x40 kg 2x50 kg 1x1 55 kg 1x1 60 kg (Jerks are the limiting factor here)

Pull aparts 200 reps (had to do this in the cable cross since the rubber band was missing)

The initial EMOM Jerks was more or less crap, no timing what so ever....
Later in the workout I got a cue from one of the more experienced lifters on the clean and jerk and lowered to 40 kg. It was more or less to just concentrate on pushing my self under the bar with my arms instead of trying to push the bar as high as possible high with the initial "kick". Nothing revolutionary, but it made a hell of a difference in my approach and performance!

The next time I do clean and jerks I'll load two bars: Cleans on the heavy bar(76-90 kg) and jerks on a lighter (55-70 kg).

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Re: Steff's Olympic lifting log!
« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2015, 12:43:58 PM »
Back squat to box (right below parallel) with green rubber bands ramping up:
1x80 kg
1x90 kg
1x100 kg
1x110 kg
2x100 kg (not in the program but I felt naughty today  )

Step ups
3x8 45 kg

3x8 70 kg

Norwegian curl
3x8 BW (still eccentric but better than before)

6 sets of 1 clean high pull 1 power clean 85,5 kg

Reversed hypers:
3x20 BW

My technique sucks when it comes to the catch in power cleans. I pull the weight to mid chest so it should not be a problem but I either catch it almost standing upright or I go in to a full squat.... >:(

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Re: Steff's Olympic lifting log!
« Reply #28 on: February 25, 2015, 10:51:21 AM »
Yesterdays WO:

Hang snatch:
6x1,1,1 63,5 kg (had 5 fails in the middle but came back with a vengeance)

Reversed snatch
5x3 52,5 kg

Clean and jerk off blocks (experimenting with using 2 bars since my jerk still drags behind)
4x3 70 kg (clean)
4x3 55 kg (jerk
4x2 75 kg (clean)
4x2 60 kg (jerk)

My jerks was a lot better today and so was my snatches! Even though I missed a couple of snatches it didn't get in to my head!
Must still get faster under the bar....

Todays WO:

Bench press with chains ramping up:
2x40 kg
2x50 kg
1x60 kg
1x70 kg
1x80 kg
1x90 kg

Incline Tate press:
2x12 25 kg 1x12 27,5 kg (had to guess the weight....was a bit light but not way off)

Decline DB skull crushers:
3x10 10 kg DB:s

Bench press with technique bar weights attached (hanging) with rubber bands:3x20 30 kg
Pull aparts in cable machine:1x30 7,5 kg 2x30 5 kg

BTN push press
2x6 40 kg
1x6 45 kg
3x6 50 kg

Oblique crunches
3x20 BW

OH KB shrug
1x8 20 kg KB 1x10 12 kg KB

OH BB shrug
1x10 30 kg 1x12 20 kg

DB curl
2x8 15 kg 1x10 12,5 kg

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Yesterdays WO!
« Reply #29 on: February 28, 2015, 01:26:57 PM »
EMOM 12 min 2 reps Front squat 75 kg

Deadlift 3x4 130 kg

Back ext 2x8 20 kg 1x8 10 kg
Hip ext 2x8 10 kg 1x8 BW

Anderson squats 1x12 40 kg, 1x12 45, kg 1x12 50 kg
Rev back ext 3x20 BW

Snatch 3x1 58 kg,2x1 60 kg, 4x1 62,5 1x fail (had a bad snatch day, felt out of sync)

Loved the Anderson squats should have started on 50 kg but the exercise was knew to me so I had no idea what weight to use.