wow,five workouts with no blank day!!
Bench press: 10 X 22 ; 10 X 28
Bent over BB row: 10 X 20 ; 10 X 28
std BB biceps culr: 8 X 15 ; 8 X 19
std BB triceps curl: 8 X 12 ; 8 X 14
Squats: 16 X 20 ; 13 X 30
One db pullover across bench: 20 X 7,5 ; 15 X 7,5
One db press (seated): 8 x 7,5 ; 8 x 9,5
stronger, but not habituated now to clean more than 30 kg Cry
In the pullover across bench I went far behind my usually stretching position and when I ended, I felt a great sensation of relax along my upper body, that broke away any stress from the squat!!