Author Topic: Steff's old school training!  (Read 107748 times)

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Squats and gymnastics! ;)
« Reply #260 on: March 21, 2014, 08:52:15 PM »
Squat 5x6 70 kg Felt a little something the last set, otherwise painless!

SLDL 4x8 61 kg
Leg curl 2x8 45 kg

Eccentric muscle ups 5x2
Pull-ups cambered bar chest to bar 5x2 BW

Tucked back lever 1x12 sec 1x10 sec 2x8 sec 2x4 sec

L-sit 2x12 sec 3x10 sec

1x3 Hand stand against wall

Face pulls 1x12 25 kg 1x9 35 kg 1x12 30 kg

My squats looked fine according to my PT so I'll start easy on monday. 3x8 50 kg.

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Re: Steff's old school training!
« Reply #261 on: March 24, 2014, 12:03:44 PM »
Squats 5x5 60 kg

Dips regular grip 3x5 BW+ 27,5 kg
DBBP 2x5 30 kg DB:s

Chins 3x5 BW+22,5 kg
Pull ups cambered bar to chest 2x5 BW +6 kg purple RB assist at knees

OHP 5x5 40 kg superset with
70° laterals 3x8 8 kg, Face pulls 1x10 35 kg, 1x8 30 kg (reversed grip on 30 kg)

SLDL 3x5 60 kg

BB curl 3x5 30 kg
Lying tri ext 3x5 36,5 kg

Band pull apart 2x15 red RB
Calf raises 5x8 105 kg

Felt worn today... but this was as easy as it was supposed to be.

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Deads and a new exercise!
« Reply #262 on: March 26, 2014, 03:51:25 PM »
DBBP 3x5 32,5 kg DB:s
Dips 2x5 BW +30 kg

Pull ups 3x5 6,5 kg sloow negative purple RB assist
Chins 2x5 BW +25 kg

OHP 5x5 43 kg

Deadlift 3x5 160 kg

70° Laterals 3x8 9 kg DB:s

BB curl 3x5 32 kg
Cable curl 1x5 35 kg 1x5 45 kg
Lying tri ext 3x5 40 kg
OH rope ext 2x5 50 kg

Frog planche 3x1
L-sit 3x10 sec

Calf raise 5x8 112,5 kg

Still a bit worn but getting better all the time. Can't wait until friday when I'll get to do 1 1/2 squats.
"Invented" a new leg exercise: Frog leg press. I got the idea from something my PT said about correcting patellar maltracking.
According to him rectus femoris can't contract properly when your hip is in a 90° angle and when you point your knees outwards you put a little slack on vastus lateralis. So this (in theory) should make vastus medialis work the hardest.

So I borrowed a little(or much) from Gironda and put his hacklift frog squats in the leg press. On toes pointing outwards, heels together as low on the plate as you can. I haven't put it to a real test yet, but I've tried it out today just to see if it was doable.

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Re: Steff's old school training!
« Reply #263 on: March 28, 2014, 01:10:43 PM »
Squats 1 1/2:s 4x5 50 kg

Frog Leg press 1x10 Just the empty sledge=about 40 kg

Dips regular grip 3x5 BW+ 32,5 kg
DBBP 2x5 35 kg DB:s

Chins 3x5 BW+27,5 kg
Pull ups cambered bar to chest 2x5 BW +7,5 kg purple RB assist at knees
90° RD rows 1x8 75 kg
BB Row 1x8 56 kg
OHP 5x5 46 kg superset with
70° laterals 3x8 10 kg,

SLDL 3x5 50 kg
Leg curl 2x5 45 kg

BB curl 3x5 34 kg
Lying tri ext 3x5 41,5 kg
BNC 1x12 40 kg
90° tri push 1x8 50 kg

Calf raises 5x8 120 kg

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Fives heavy week!
« Reply #264 on: March 31, 2014, 12:43:39 PM »
Squats 5x5 65 kg paused, exploding up.
Leg ext 1x12 10 kg

DBBP 2x5 37,5 kg, 1x5 35 kg
Dips regular grip 2x5 BW+ 33,5 kg
Ring push ups 2x8 BW

Pull ups cambered bar to chest 3x5 BW +8,5 kg purple RB assist at knees
Chins 1x5 1x4 rest 30 sec 1x1 BW+30 kg

OHP 3x5 50 kg superset with
70° DB laterals 2x6 1x4 12,5 kg, 1x10 10 kg

SLDL 3x5 60 kg
Leg curl 2x5 45 kg

BB curl 3x5 36 kg + HBC 1x10 10 kg DB:s
Lying tri ext 3x5 45 kg + French press 1x8 27,5 kg

Tucked front lever 1x7 sec 1x14 sec
Tucked back lever 1xmax

Eccentric Muscle ups 2x1 Have made progress on these)

Calf raises 3x8 140 kg

PR in chins and front lever!   :)

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A PB in deadlift!
« Reply #265 on: April 02, 2014, 11:58:30 AM »
Warm up: 45° cuban rotations with light DB:s + external rotations in the cable cross.

Dips 3x5 BW +35,5 kg went too deep on these... rock bottom
DBBP 1x5 40 kg DB:s 1x5 37,5 kg DB.s

Chins 1x5 1x4 fail on fifth 30 sec rest 1xfail (chin in line with bar) 1x5 BW +30,5 kg
Pull ups cambered bar, reps to chest, purple RB assist 2x5 BW +10 kg

Deadlift 3x5 170 kg PB!

OHP 3x5 52 kg
70° DB Laterals 2x6 12,5 kg 1x12 10 kg

BB curl 3x5 32 kg
Lying tri ext 3x5 40 kg

Leg curl 2x5 50 kg
L-sit 2x10 sec

Had to skip calfs. Two PB:s so I'm happy, but I feel the wear and tear at the moment.... mostly  my elbows and shoulders.

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Re: Steff's old school training!
« Reply #266 on: April 04, 2014, 01:09:08 PM »
1 1/2 squats 4x5 52,5 kg explosive concentric

Frog leg press 1x12 5 kg 1x12 10 kg.

DBBP 1x5 1x3 rest pause 1x2 1x4 rest pause 1x1 40 kg DB:s (missed the groove on the second set... did cost me a lot of power)
Dips 2x5 BW +30 kg

Pull ups cambered bar, chest to bar 1x5 BW no assist
Pull ups cambered bar, chest to bar 1x5 12,5 kg 1x5 10 kg purple RB assist
Chins 1x4 1x3 1x3 rest BW +32,5 kg 1x1 BW +37,5 kg

OHP 2x4 1x3 2x2 55 kg
70° Laterals 1x5 2x6 12,5 kg DB:s 1x12 10 kg DB:s

BB curl 3x5 40 kg (thick bar)
Lying tri ext 1x2 +3 eccentric 1x1 +4 eccentric 1x1 +4 eccentric 50 kg (concentric part was a CGBP)

Felt really really worn today. My entire back has DOMS since wednesday and I seldom have DOMS at all. The only thing on me that's not feeling worn out is my knees and legs. :)  Good thing that I got a deload week coming up... I need it. No problem sleeping and that is the first thing that goes for me when I over train.

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« Reply #267 on: April 07, 2014, 07:15:58 PM »
Pause Squats 5x5 70 kg explosive concentric
Frog leg press 1x12 5 kg
Leg ext 1x12 12,5 kg

DBBP 2x10 25 kg DB:s
Rev row 2x10 42 kg

BNP thick bar 2x10 30 kg

DB curl 2x10 10 kg DB:s
OH rope ext 2x10 30 kg

SLDL 3x6 60 kg
Leg curl 2x8 30 kg

Calf raise 2x10 80 kg

Squats easy the 1,5 squats seem have given results getting out of the hole. No pain in my knee
Had to hit some trigger points on my scapula during saturday still a bit sore but feeling better in my elbows and no pain shooting down my right arm.

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Re: Steff's old school training!
« Reply #268 on: April 09, 2014, 08:21:40 AM »
Got Radial Shockwave Therapy for my knee yesterday. Have to take it easy for two days so no DL today. Will take it easy with squats on friday as well.

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Re: Steff's old school training!
« Reply #269 on: April 09, 2014, 03:25:23 PM »
Dips 3x10 BW +10 kg
Chins wide grip 1x6 +4 regular, 1x4 +1x6 regular
Chins regular 1x10 BW

BNP thick bar 2x10 35 kg

HB row 2x10 12,5 kg DB:s

DB curl 2x10 12,5 kg
Tri pushdowns 1x11 50 kg
90° tri pushdown 1x12 40 kg

Bought a knee sleeve with patella opening as my naprapath recomended. I'll only have to use it for for a short period of time.