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Topic Summary

Posted by: Steff
« on: July 21, 2017, 04:21:21 PM »

Snatch high pull superset with Tall snatch
3x3 40 kg, 3x3 47,5 kg
3x3 10 kg, 3x3 20 kg

Clean high pull super set with Tall clean
3x3 65 kg
3x3 30 kg

6x3 40 kg

4x3 40 kg

BB row
3x8 65 kg

Something isn't right in my shoulder it feels a bit odd.
Posted by: Steff
« on: July 20, 2017, 10:53:08 AM »

Went to a naprapath Tuesday... got my wrist and shoulder adjusted. Then I got radial chock wave therapy and acupuncture.

Yesterdays WO:

2x3 65 kg
1x3 77,5 kg, 90 kg, 100 kg
10x3 110 kg

Seated GM

Stair jumps 4 steps
3x12 BW

BB jump
1x3 40 kg
Posted by: Steff
« on: July 17, 2017, 07:36:22 PM »

2 Snatch high pulls from block + 2 hang high pull from power position
2x2 40 kg, 50 kg, 60 kg, 65 kg
1 Snatch high pulls from block + 1 hang high pull from power position
2x1 70 kg, 75 kg
2x2 80 kg
1x1 90 kg, 100 kg

Snatch high pulls from blocks
1x3 80 kg
Hang Snatch high pulls from power position
1x3 60

Clean high pulls
1x3 60 kg, 80 kg
1x2 90 kg
1x1 100 kg, 115 kg, 130 kg
1x3 110 kg

2x3 65 kg, 77,5 kg
1x3 91 kg
1x5 105 kg
2x2 117,5 kg
1x1 125 kg

Squat jumps
3x5 25 kg
3x3 40 kg

Rope french press
3x5 50 kg

Back ext
3x10 20 kg

Occlusion Leg ext drop set
1x16 40 kg - 1x4 35 kg - 1x3 30 kg - 1x2 25 kg, 20 kg, 15 kg + 1x3 squat jumps @ BW
Posted by: Steff
« on: July 15, 2017, 04:34:02 PM »

Snatch high pulls
2x3 40 kg
1x3 50 kg
2x3 60 kg
2x2 70 kg
4x2 80 kg

Clean high pulls
1x3 70 kg, 80 kg, 90 kg
1x2 100 kg
1x1 110 kg, 120 kg

2x3 65 kg
1x3 77 kg
1x3 91 kg
2x2 105 kg
2x2 117,5 kg

Squat jumps
6x3 20 kg

Seated GM
3x8 60 kg

Rope French Press
5x5 40 kg
3x3 50 kg
1x13 30 kg

BB row
4x5 70 kg

Bent over laterals super set with Laterals
3x10 8 kg DB:s
Posted by: Steff
« on: July 14, 2017, 02:43:56 PM »

A really light WO:

Snatch high pull from blocks: 3x4 40 kg, 3x4 45 kg
Box jumps: 6x3 BW
BB Row: 6x3 60 kg
Seated GM: 6x3 20 kg
Squat: 6x3 40 kg

Seated GM
2x10 40 kg

BB row
1x10 60 kg, 40 kg

No overhead work due to my wrist.
Posted by: Steff
« on: July 12, 2017, 12:27:42 PM »

Been fighting with some pain in my right wrist for 1,5 weeks now so I had to take a break from the program and do things differently.

Snatch high pull
1x3 40, 50, 60 kg
1x2 70, 80
2x1 90 kg
1x2 90 kg
1x3 85 kg
1x3 80 kg

Clean high pull
1x3 70, 80, 90 kg
1x2 100 kg
1x1 110 kg, 120 kg

Back squat
10x3 100 kg

BB row
1x8 40 kg
1x5 70 kg
1x8 60 kg
1x10 50 kg

2 way lateral
3x10/10 6 kg DB:s

Box jumps

Occlusion leg extensions drop set
1x12 40 kg - 1x4 35-30-25-20 kg + 4 squat jumps @BW
Posted by: Steff
« on: July 10, 2017, 07:31:29 PM »

Muscle snatch
2x4 35 kg
3x4 42,5 kg

Power snatch
2x3 42,5 kg, 50 kg
1x2 55 kg, 60 kg

Snatch pull + Hang snatch pull
1x3 42,5 kg
2x3 50 kg
2x3 60 kg
2x2 67,5 kg
1x2 70 kg, 80 kg

Rack jerks
2x3 48 kg, 57,5 kg,
2x2 67,5 kg
2x1 76 kg (My best jerks on training on this weight so far)

3x10 50 kg

Box jumps
Posted by: Steff
« on: July 08, 2017, 04:18:49 PM »

Snatch pull superset with tall snatch + scare crow snatch
1x3 30 kg, 2x3 40 kg
1x3 10 kg, 15 kg. 30 kg

2x3 40 kg, 47,5 kg
3x3 55 kg
1x2 60 kg
2x2 62,5 kg

2 cleans + 2 Fsq + 2 Jerks
2x1 48 kg, 57,5 kg,
2 cleans + 1 Fsq + 2 Jerks
2x1 67,5 kg

Clean pull
2x3 55 kg, 66 kg
1x3 77 kg,
2x3 88 kg
2x3 100 kg

During the Wednesday WO someone told me that they had examined the best jerkers in the world and they had one thing in common. They put down the back foot first in the split jerk even if it was ever so sightly. I tried it and it payed off instantly at lower and medium weights... at heavier weights it has to be on reflex, no time to think.
Posted by: Steff
« on: July 07, 2017, 10:10:07 PM »

Technique WO:

Snatch pull superset with tall snatch + scare crow snatch
1x3 30 kg, 2x3 40 kg
1x3 10 kg, 15 kg. 30 kg

Muscle snatch
6x5 30 kg

Hang snatch
2x3 30 kg, 40 kg
3x3 47,5 kg

Power jerks
4x3 40 kg

Rack jerks
6x3 40 kg

Back ext
3x8 20 kg

Straight arms sit ups
3x10 10 kg
Posted by: Steff
« on: July 06, 2017, 10:50:07 AM »

Snatch pull superset with tall snatch + scare crow snatch
1x3 30 kg, 2x3 40 kg
1x3 10 kg, 15 kg. 30 kg

High hang snatch
2x3 42,5 kg, 50 kg
1x2 55 kg
4x2 57,5 kg

Snatch pull
2x3 45 kg
1x3 53 kg
2x3 62,5 kg, 70 kg
2x2 80 kg

2 Fsq + 2 Jerks
2x1 48 kg, 57,5 kg, 67,5 kg
1 Fsq + 2 Jerks
2x1 76 kg

2x3 65 kg
1x3 77,5 kg
3x3 91 kg
2x3 105 kg

Box jumps

Russian twist
3x20 20 kg

1x6 50 kg, 70 kg
2x6 80 kg
Posted by: Steff
« on: July 03, 2017, 10:01:40 PM »

Tech primer: 2 snatch high pull + 2 Tall snatch + 2 Snatch balance
2x1 20 kg
1x1 30 kg, 40 kg

3 snatch balance + 2 OHSQ
2x1 42,5 kg,
2 snatch balance + 2 OHSQ
2x1 50 kg
2 snatch balance + 1 OHSQ
3x1 60 kg

Hang snatch
2x3 42,5 kg, 50 kg
3x3 60 kg

Muscle snatch
3x5 35 kg
3x4 42,5 kg

Deificit clean(5 cm)
2x3 55 kg, 66 kg,
4x3 72,5 kg

2x3 55 kg, 66 kg, 77 kg,
2x2 88 kg

Box jumps
4x3 5 kg weight west

Back ext
3x10 20 kg
Posted by: Steff
« on: July 01, 2017, 01:17:16 PM »

Tech primer: 2 snatch high pull + 2 Tall snatch + 2 Snatch balance
2x1 20 kg
1x1 30 kg, 40 kg

2x3 40 kg, 47,5 kg,
1x3 55 kg
4x3 62,5 kg
1x2 70 kg

2 cleans + 2 Fsq + 2 jerks
2x1 48 kg, 57,5 kg

2 cleans + 1 Fsq + 2 jerks
4x1 67,5 kg

Clean pulls
2x3 55 kg, 66 kg, 77 kg
4x3 88 kg
1x2 100 kg

2x4 55 kg
2x3 66 kg, 77 kg, 88 kg
1x2 95 kg
Posted by: Steff
« on: June 30, 2017, 02:53:30 PM »

Technique WO:

Snatch pull superset with tall snatch + scare crow snatch
1x3 30 kg, 2x3 40 kg
1x3 10 kg, 15 kg. 30 kg

1 Snatch balance + 1 hip snatch + 1 snatch
8x1 40 kg

1 clean + 2 jerks
6x1 40 kg

Back ext
3x8 20 kg

Felt Wednesdays WO in my legs and I slept poorly last night so it wasn't a great WO.
I hope I feel better tomorrow... I'm supposed to snatch 70 kg for 2 reps (90% of my 1 RM).
Posted by: Steff
« on: June 29, 2017, 11:14:47 AM »

Wednesdays WO:

Back ext
1x8 20 kg
2x8 30 kg

Snatch pull superset with tall snatch + scare crow snatch
1x3 30 kg, 2x3 40 kg
1x3 10 kg, 15 kg. 30 kg

1 snatch + 2 hang snatches
2x1 40 kg, 47,5 kg
1x1 56 kg, 58,5 kg, 60 kg
2x1 62,5 kg

Snatch high pull from blocks
6x4 45 kg

2x3 52,5 kg, 62,5 kg, 72,5 kg
3x2 82,5 kg
2x2 93 kg
1x1 98 kg

Back squat
2x3 65 kg
1x3 77,5 kg
2x3 91 kg
3x2 105 kg
2x2 117,5 kg
1x1 125 kg

Box jumps with 4 kg weight west

Straight arm sit up
3x10 5 kg

I did plan to do push presses but this workout was though.
Posted by: Steff
« on: June 26, 2017, 07:58:07 PM »

Muscle snatch
2x5 35 kg
4x5 40 kg

Snatch high pull from blocks
2x4 45 kg
2x3 53 kg
3x3 62,5 kg

Power snatch
2x3 40 kg
2x2 50 kg,
1x2 56 kg, 58,5 kg, 60 kg, 62,5 kg, 62,5 kg

2 Fsq + 2 jerks
2x1 47,5 kg, 57,5 kg

1 Fsq + 2 Jerks
5x1 67,5 kg

Box jumps with 4 kg weight west

Russian twist
2x20 20 kg

Back ext
3x10 30 kg

Rope FP
1x1 60 kg sloow eccentric
1x5 50 kg
1x8 35 kg