Author Topic: Bodybuidling and dieting in the golden years  (Read 8525 times)

Offline Sergio

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Bodybuidling and dieting in the golden years
« on: October 10, 2012, 05:59:32 PM »
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An Article that discusses diet and nutrition views of: Tony Sansone, John Grimek and Vince Gironda

Tony Sansone understood the importance of flesh foods, including animal fats and organ meats. He wrote extensively on nutrition for bodybuilders and recommended nutrient-dense ?foundation? foods such as milk, eggs, butter, meat, vegetables, fruits, and some whole grains, in that order. He also stressed the importance of organ meats such as liver, kidney, heart and cod liver oil and recognized the need to drink whole raw milk instead of pasteurized and skimmed. He believed goats milk was more nutritious and easily digested than cows milk. Fresh butter and cream were his preferred fats. He also recommended six to eight glasses of water per day.
Tony Sansone wisely stressed the importance of generous amounts of fat in the diet to allow the complete utilization of nitrogenous (protein) foods in building muscle tissue?a fundamental and important fact that would be lost as the era of protein supplements took hold. He also knew that weight loss was not a matter of simple calorie counting, as cellular uptake or utilization of food varied on an individual basis. In anticipation of Dr. Atkins, Sansone recommended his foundation foods of milk, eggs, meat, vegetables and fruit for strength and health, and starchy foods as weight manipulators. His recipe for gaining weight was to add more high-carbohydrate foods such as bread and potatoes to the diet, and for losing weight to simply reduce or remove them. Tony Sansone?s caveat to lose no more than two pounds of fat per week is still the standard used in bodybuilding today.

The biggest influence on bodybuilding in the 1930s and 1940s was John Grimek, the second American Athletics Union (AAU) Mr. America and the first to win back-to-back titles, in 1940 and 1941. Many commentators believe that Grimek represents the beginning of modern bodybuilding as we know it today, describing him as the best physique of the mid century.
During the early 1930s, at the start of his career, Grimek came under the influence of Mark Berry, editor of Strength magazine and an advocate of an eating protocol in which an athlete would bulk up in bodyweight and then train it off. At one point, Berry had Grimek beef up his 5? 8? frame to 250 pounds. The practice would become commonplace by the 1950s and maintain a foothold for several decades after.
Grimek bulked up on whatever was put in front of him, reports his wife Angela in a 1956 Health and Strength article entitled ?Life with John.? ?John has an enormous appetite. . . John has yet to find a restaurant that can do justice to his appetite. . . . Sometimes he goes on a restricted diet?and it is surprising how little he can get by on then. But when he goes all out, he can never be filled. . . . but the ?hog? (our pet name for John) just eats and eats and still remains trim and muscular.?
By the 1950s, Grimek?s diet included Hershey chocolate bars and hi-protein tablets manufactured and promoted by Bob Hoffman, publisher of Strength and Health, a magazine that provided a platform for Grimek along with the new-fangled supplements coming on the market. Hoffman used Hershey chocolate in his products, so Grimek and the rest of the York gang had easy access to some empty calories.

One man who had definition dieting mastered and who never used drugs was the Iron Guru Vince Gironda. Pioneer of a technique involving intense abbreviated training routines rather than long workouts, Gironda began competing in the 1950s and then trained both athletes and movie stars for many decades after. So defined was his physique, he often found himself penalized by judges who seemed confused over his appearance. Says Gironda, ?The men who judged physique contests at this time were puzzled by so much muscularity. Quotes from physique magazines stated I didn?t place higher in whatever contest because of too much muscularity. They thought that this type of cut-up physique was slightly repugnant so I lost most muscular titles to smoother men who had that type of definition for that day.?
Gironda often stated that nutrition was 85-90 percent of bodybuilding. His alternative to drugs was eggs. Like Blair, he advocated up to 36 eggs a day for 6 to 8 weeks to produce muscle buildup. (He also took, among many other supplements, ?orchic tissue tablets,? that is, dried testicles.)
He recommended following this ?anabolic phase? with a short-term vegetarian diet to ?re-alkalize? the body. Similarly he alternated a low-carbohydrate diet with periods of carbohydrate loading. He was careful to point out the difference between natural and refined carbohydrate foods. He presented research data that strongly indicted refined carbohydrates as the real culprit in much of the century?s degenerative disease. His articles went into surprising detail on the biochemical pathways through which sugar did its damage, pointing out the relation between sugar and atherosclerosis, abnormal increases in height and weight and skeletal anomalies.
As for protein, he believed the average American could get along fine with just 45 grams of quality protein a day. However, he insisted that bodybuilders needed over 300 grams daily for several weeks to force the growth process. He believed in quality protein powders and used Blair?s milk-and-egg blend until he came out with his own product. When he used the powders, he blended 1/3 of a cup with a dozen eggs and 12 ounces of raw cream or half & half. He was also big on steak and often ate his meat raw.mmended germ oils, amino acids, vitamin and mineral supplements, and hydrochloric acid (HCL). He recommended mineral rich sea kelp for its iodine content and dried liver extract for blood building and oxygen capacity boosting. Many bodybuilders used desiccated liver after the early 1950s experiments of Dr. Benjamin Ershoff. Ershoff who conducted the famous liver study wherein rats fed 10 percent desiccated liver swam far longer compared to controls.

Sansone?s Weight Gain Diet

Fresh fruit
Medium serving of whole grain Cereal with cream and sugar
2 eggs
2 pieces whole grain toast, buttered
1 glass of milk
Steak, lamb, mutton or other meat
1 baked potato with butter
2 pieces whole wheat toast,buttered
1 large leafy green salad
1 large serving of berries or other fruit
1 small piece of plain cake
1 cup of bouillon or puree
1 medium serving of meat
1 large serving of cooked vegetables
2 pieces whole grain toast, buttered
Pudding or custard
1 glass of milk

Sansone?s Weight Loss Diet

Fresh fruit
2 pieces whole grain toast, buttered
1 egg
1 cup coffee or tea
? cup hot milk
Steak, roast beef, mutton or other meat
1 piece whole grain toast, buttered
1 large serving vegetables
1 cup of soup or tomato puree
1 small serving meat or fish 1 large serving vegetable
1 piece whole grain toast, buttered
1 glass milk

Gironda recommended this diet for four to six weeks, followed by a mostly vegetarian ?alkalinizing? diet.
Vince?s special protein drink made of 12 oz half and half, 12 raw eggs, 1/3 cup milk-and-egg protein powder, 1 banana. (Make one to three mixtures of this formula and drink throughout the day, between meals, and before retiring)
1 multi-vitamin tablet   
3 vitamin A and D tablets or 3 halibut oil capsules   
1 vitamin B complex
1 vitamin B-15 tablet   
1 vitamin C comlex (300 mg)   
2 vitamin E capsules (800 iu)
1 zinc tablet    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
1 chelated mineral tablets   
5 alfalfa tablets
10 kelp tablets    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
3 tri-germ and wheat germ oil capsules   ? ?
1 RNA/DNA tablet
3 Lysine tablets
(400 mg)   1 hydrochloric acid tablet
(before meal)   
3 digestive enzyme tablets (after meal)    3 multi-glandular tablets
(nucleo glan male or female)   
1 pound hamburger or other meat
Mixed greeen salad or raw vegetables
1 iron tablet
4 calcium tablets
Repeat of breakfast vitamins with omission of vitamin E, tri-germ, wheat germ, halibut oil
1 to 2 pound steak or roast meat
Raw or steamed vegetables or salad and cottage cheese
Same as lunch
Special Supplements
10 amino acids and desiccated liver tablets (every 3 hours) 5 yeast tablets with the protein drink
4 raw orchic tissue tablets (before and after workouts)
6 each of the following before retiring: arginine, ortithine, tryptophan, calcium tablets


there really wasn't a lot of science behind Randall's dietary intake while adding weight...he just ate a lot.  He treated eating the same way he treated training...progressively.  He said he always made sure to finish everything he took...and each time he sat down to eat, he made sure that he took a little more.  (Bill Starr called this the "shovel method.")  By "shovellling" large amounts of food into his system, Randall would be assured of adeiquate intake of necessary foodstuffs, elements and calories.  During this time, he was in the military...and he was well fed.  He said he often utilized some of his pay to purchase extra foodstuffs.

Randall also drank large quantities of milk.

He must've had very efficient digestion...most people would "bloat" uncomfortably eating in that manner.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 02:20:26 AM by Sergio »

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Re: Bodybuidling and dieting in the goden years
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2012, 11:37:56 AM »
Liver tabs do work well.
Especially if you have some sort of blood deficiency. :)

To bad that organic eggs are so expensive.
That's the kind of eggs Gironda advocated.

Offline Sergio

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Re: Bodybuidling and dieting in the goden years
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2012, 09:25:59 PM »
He said that about 36 fertilized eggs a day were equal to a typical  steroid dose of the 60's.

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Re: Bodybuidling and dieting in the goden years
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2012, 11:05:35 AM »
It could be true. Due to arcadonic acid and myostatin inhibitors that (if I'm not
remembering this totally wrong) is found in eggs.

I eat about 12 on a WO day!

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Re: Bodybuidling and dieting in the goden years
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2012, 04:43:25 PM »
 :o 12 eggs every workout day!!  You're a hard eater, sir.  Let's put on the table the bistec of 2 kg, Reg!! ;)

I eat in the workout day 2-4 eggs.  To many eggs cause me acid reflux.

Offline Steff

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Re: Bodybuidling and dieting in the goden years
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2013, 04:00:30 PM »
Vince had a lot of ideas about which foods you should eat together
for proper digestion.
Vince's advice was often directed to the genetically disadvantaged trainee.
Apparently Reg had a superior digestive system. :)

Offline Sergio

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Re: Bodybuidling and dieting in the goden years
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2013, 04:49:05 PM »
Yes he had it!!   I think that for training in the long road (to the old age and beyond) the diet has to be not only supported but health, so maybe a low consume of protein from animals and more protein feom vegetables has to be the option for hyperacid secretion or reflux problems like mine. 

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Re: Bodybuidling and dieting in the goden years
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2013, 01:19:41 AM »
I was thinking if a total vegetarian style of eating can be usefull for the weightraining.  Here is some advices: