Warm up: dynamic stretching and 1x5 99 lbs 1x3 143,3 lbs 1x165,3 lbs
Squats 3x5 213,8 lbs 3 min RI,
Hack lift Sissy squat 1x10 44 lbs superset with -
Leg ext 1x7 66 lbs
SLDL 4x5 162 lbs 1,5 min RI
BB Row thick bar 4x6 144,4 lbs 3 min RI
WG pull downs 1x15 99 lbs
One arm DB row 1x11 1x8 39,6 lbs
Bench press 3x5 213,8 lbs 4 min RI
Reversed Gironda dips 1x12 BW +8,8 lbs
70° laterals 3x5 27,5 lbs lbs 1 min RI
Bent over laterals 2x6 27,5 lbs
BNP 3x5 88 lbs 2 min RI
Superset 30 sec RI
Curl(thick bar) 3x5 71,6 lbs
Tricep ext 3x5 90,3 lbs
Calf raise 5x6 264,5 lbs 1 min RI
Form on squats better. My hips have a tendency to initiate the ascending when weights get closer to 220, at 209 no probs. Today I managed to fight it, so a small but important victory for me!