I've added some stuff into this routine. I do OL squats when it's PL squats and I do front squats when it's written OL squats. And I do regular deads.
Laterals, calfs, curls, abs, chins, pull ups, and rows are added to the routine. OHP/BNP and tricep work are added more moderately.
Squats dropset with belt 3 min RI
4x4 209,4 lbs parallel, supposed to be 5-10 cm above but I'm not used to that.
4x6 165,3 lbs ATG or below parallel but I went atg
Bench dropset 3 min RI
4x4 181,8 lbs
4x6 154,3 lbs
Reversed row on platform 40 sec RI ("Arnold" style)
2x15 76,6 lbs very strict
Pull ups outside shoulder width 2 min RI slow reps on cambered bar
1x8 1x10 purple rubberband
70° laterals
2x12 17,6 lbs DB:S
BNP thick bar
1x12 60,6 lbs
Curls thick bar 1,5 min RI
1x12 2x8 55 lbs
French press
1x12 1x10 39,6 lbs DB
Crunches 4xmax
Calf raise 1x11 2x10 1x9 264,5 lbs
Was maybe a bit too cautious when I picked the weight for squats but I rather have them in good form and work my way up from there.