Author Topic: Steff's old school training!  (Read 185459 times)

Offline Steff

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2 PR:s
« Reply #220 on: January 29, 2014, 12:03:14 PM »
Back squats machine assisted
1x5 90 kg 1x4 100 kg 1x3 107,5 1x1 110 kg

OHP thick bar 1x3 50 kg 1x3 55 kg 1x3 61 kg PR

Deadlift supposed to do eccentric at 170 kg but you need two spotters for that.
1x6 102,5 kg 1x5 122,5 kg 1x3 140 kg 1x1 160 kg 1x3 170 kg PR easy 3 reps could have done 5

KB row with twist 1x10 24 kg 1x10 24 kg
DB row with twist: 1x8 1x8 27,5 kg

HB row and 45° DB shrug
1x10 15 kg 1x12 12,5 kg
1x8 20 kg 1x10 17,5 kg

DB laterals 1x12 1x10 9 kg
DB swing: 2x8 10 kg

1x5 60 kg 1x5 65 kg 3x5 77,5 kg Were supposed to do these with 6 cm box didn't have a spotter and my rubber band broke.

DB curl 2x8 15 kg
45° Tri ext 2x10 47,5 kg

Single leg calf raise 1x14 1x13 BW +5 kg 1x15 BW
Howorth toe raise 1x14 46 kg

Felt worn since monday but it turned out to be a good WO anyway! :D
« Last Edit: January 29, 2014, 12:16:34 PM by Steff »

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Re: Steff's old school training!
« Reply #221 on: January 31, 2014, 12:39:31 PM »
Plateau SLDL 5 cm 1x6 57,5 kg 1x6 67,5 kg 3x5 75 kg
BB row Thick bar 1x3 60 kg 1x3 65 kg 1x3 70 kg 1x3 72,5 kg 1x12 47,5 kg

Bench press: 1x4 95 kg 3x4 97,5 kg 1x4 95 kg

1x1 30 kg 1x2 40 kg PB! 1x3 35 kg 1x3 32,5 kg 1x13 BW-to mid chest

RD Rows 1x7 75 kg

Done in a circuit fashion
70° Cable laterals 3x10 10 kg
Curls thick bar 2x5 eccentric 45 kg 1x6 35 kg
Tri ext 1x1 +4 eccentric 1x2 +3 eccentric 47,5 kg 1x6 40 kg

HBC 1x12 8 kg DB:s
90° tri ext 1x10 47,5 kg

70° DB shrugs 1x12 1x10 1x11 25 kg DB:s

Hacklift toeraise 1x14 100 kg
Howorth toe raise 1x16 1x15 46 kg

Could have tried a third rep on 40 kg chins but that would have been an ugly one so I'll get it next friday! Gonna stay at the same weight in BB row didn't really like my form on the last set, sloppy!

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Last PL week!
« Reply #222 on: February 03, 2014, 12:17:09 PM »
Squats ramping up:
1x3 87,5 kg 1x3 100 kg 1x1 110 kg

Leg press 3x3 142,5 kg

Bench press ramping up:
1x5 82,5 kg 1x5 90 kg 1x3 97,5 kg 1x3 100 kg 1x1 107,5 kg

Pullups cambered bar all reps to chest Ramping up
1x3 bw +2,5 kg 1x3 bw +5 kg 1x2 bw +7,5 kg almost made the third rep to the bar about 0,5 cm short.

1x9 bw Red RB assist at feet
1x8 +2 burns/rep bw green RB assist at knees.

70° DB laterals 1x9 1x10 1x8 10 kg

Rev row 2x6 62 kg controlled cheating 1x8 52 kg

As a circuit:
Curl thick bar 3x10 27,5 kg
French press 1x9 25 kg 1x8 27,5 kg 1x7 30 kg
One legged calf raise 1x16 1x15 1x13 bw +2,5 kg

Offline Steff

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Re: Steff's old school training!
« Reply #223 on: February 05, 2014, 11:05:18 AM »
Back squats machine assisted
1x5 90 kg 1x4 100 kg 1x2 107,5

OHP thick bar 1x3 50 kg 1x1 60 kg 1x1 65 kg (I actually failed here so I had to do a push press) 1x5 50 kg

1x5 90 kg 1x5 120 kg 1x3 130 kg

KB row with twist 1x7 32 kg 1x10 24 kg
DB row with twist: 1x6 30 kg 1x8 27,5 kg

HB row and 45° DB shrug
1x12 15 kg 1x12 12,5 kg
1x9 20 kg 1x10 17,5 kg

DB laterals 1x10 1x10 9 kg
DB swing: 1x12 1x10 10 kg

DB curl 2x8 15 kg
45° Tri ext 1x10 1x8 50 kg

Single leg calf raise 1x12 1x11 BW +10 kg 1x16 BW
Howorth toe raise 1x17 46 kg

Aiming for a PR in chins on friday!

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Last PL workout!
« Reply #224 on: February 07, 2014, 12:33:20 PM »
Plateau SLDL 5 cm 1x5 57,5 kg 2x5 62,5 kg 3x5 67,5 kg
BB row Thick bar 1x3 60 kg 1x3 65 kg 1x3 72,5 kg 1x3 70 kg 1x10 50 kg

70° Cable laterals 3x10 10 kg

Bench press: 1x6 87,5 kg 1x3 95 kg 1x1 100 kg 1x3 105 kg PB 1x8 90 kg

1x3 20 1x1 30 kg 1x3 40 kg PB! 1x3 37,5 kg 1x3 35 kg 1x10 BW +5 kg to mid chest

RD Rows 1x5 80 kg

Curls thick bar 1x5 eccentric 50 kg 1x5 eccentric 45 kg 1x1 +5 eccentric 40 kg
Tri ext 1x2 +4 eccentric 1x5 eccentric 47,5 kg 1x6 42,5 kg

HBC 1x8 10 kg DB:s
90° tri ext 1x7 50 kg
BNC 1x15 25 kg
Bench dips 1x16 BW

No calfs due to time shortage. Lost the arch when I did 1x3 @ 105 kg in the bench, could probably have done 4.

Had to carrie 12 mic stands in a bag at chest height 100 meters at my job... ok biceps sore, shoulders sore but my upper back and lower traps whoa.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2014, 01:02:19 PM by Steff »

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Next routine!
« Reply #225 on: February 09, 2014, 02:15:08 PM »
I'm going to a naprapath on monday then I will cruise for at least a week... max two. I haven't decided what to do next. PHA in some form or Tri-phase training. I'm leaning towards Tri-phase since on PHA
I more or less have to do the programming myself. If I choose PHA I think I'll do it in a H/L/M fashion.  PHA would be going old school...:)
« Last Edit: February 09, 2014, 02:25:11 PM by Steff »

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PHA lite... testing
« Reply #226 on: February 10, 2014, 11:32:13 AM »
Since I'm just cruising I decided to test drive some PHA lite..
So I took about 1-2 min RI between laps so it was not true PHA but I just wanted to get some feel for it.

First sequence 10 reps/exercise 3 laps:
F-Squat 40 kg
BB row thick bar 40 kg
leg curl 25 kg
DB press 25 kg DB:s
Howorth toe raise 46 kg
DB laterals 6 kg

Second sequence 10 reps/exercise 3 laps:
Deadlift 100 kg parallel grip
Pull ups BW cambered bar all reps to chest Green RB assist at knees
Leg extensions 20 kg
Gironda reversed dip BW
Howorth toe raise 46 kg
OHP thick bar 35 kg

Second sequence was much harder than the first. This was a lot of fun but it would take the body a while to adjust to before being able to use heavy enough weight. This took me about 40 minutes without even pushing it.

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Gironda circuit and PHA...
« Reply #227 on: February 12, 2014, 10:53:40 AM »
Gironda inspired 12 reps/exercise 3 laps
Neck press 45 kg
90° RD row 50 kg
DB Laterals 8 kg
Pull o Ext    25 kg
Incline curl 8 kg
BB wrist C    20 kg (I actually maxed out on these every lap)
incline Crunches 12 kg
Front squat 40 kg

PHA:ish 10 reps/exercise 3 laps
Back squat 40 kg
Neutral grip PD 45 kg (cambered bar to chest)
Leg curl 30 kg
Dips BW
Leg extensions 22,5 kg

3 laps of this
Howorth toe raise 36 kg 1x20 1x15 1x17
BNP 25 kg 3x10
Hypers BW 3x10
Crunches BW 3x15

Could easily made this WO in 30 min but this week I try to not push things.
Squats:Discovered that my back squat stance is my main problem, did go a little bit wider(less than an inch on each side) and all awkwardness disappeared. Front squats comes sooo much more natural to me in comparison. I wish I could get my squats to feel as natural as my deadlift.

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Last PHA workout!
« Reply #228 on: February 14, 2014, 11:29:37 AM »
First sequence 10 reps/exercise 3 laps:
F-Squat 50 kg
BB row thick bar 50 kg
leg curl 30 kg
Gironda reversed dip BW
Howorth toe raise 46 kg
OHP 35 kg

Second sequence 10 reps/exercise 3 laps:
Deadlift 110
Pull ups BW cambered bar all reps to chest red RB assist at feet
Leg extensions 25 kg
DB press 2 kg DB:s
Howorth toe raise 46 kg
70 ° DB laterals 8 kg

HBC 2x10 8 kg
French DB press 22,5 kg

God**** what a difference a relatively small weight increase does in circuit training... ok it was a long time since I did something like this but still
Nauseous(close to throwing up) after the first lap of the second sequence so I took a 10 min rest after that. After all i was supposed to take it easy this week but this circuit stuff is treacherous, you don't really feel the fatigue until your lap is finished. That's when the oxygen debt hit you...HARD!!!

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Re: Steff's old school training!
« Reply #229 on: February 16, 2014, 12:19:30 PM »
good workout. i think Bob Gadja was really the first to bring over the value of such workouts. i think he alternated upper and lower exercises believing the muscle pumped blood around the Body. However i won´t waffle here because there are detailed explanations in the web and i am no expert on Bob Gadja.