Warm up: dynamic stretching and 1x5 123 lbs 1x3 165lbs 1x2 187 lbs
Squats 1x3 failed on the fourth 237 lbs, 2x5 220 1x5 198 lbs 7 min RI.
Sissy squats 1x10 55 lbs
Leg ext: 1x10 88 lbs
Leg curl 5x5 101,4 lbs 2 min RI
4 min RI
Chins 1x7 BW+39,6 lbs 1x5 BW+44 lbs 1x5 BW+55 lbs 1x3 BW+66 lbs (almost four but my chin didn't clear the bar it just got to parallel)
90° RD rows 1x15 143,3 lbs
Reversed row (ez bar) 1x10 103,6 lbs
Dips 1x10 1x6 1x7 BW+77 lbs (35 kg) 5 min RI.Cable cross 1x10 66 lbs
70° laterals 1x5 33 lbs 1x5 27,5 lbs 1x6 22 lbs 1 min RI
Bent over laterals 1x5 27,5 lbs 1x6 22 lbs 45 sec RI
BNP 1x4 + 2 eccentric 1x2 +3 eccentric 1x1 +6 eccentric 99 lbs
DB swing 1x10 17,6 lbs
Superset 1,5 min RI
Curl(thick bar) 1x4+2 eccentric 1x2+3 eccentric 1x1 +6 eccentric 92,5 lbs
HB curl 1x10 22 lbs DB:s
Tricep ext 1x3+2 eccentric 1x3+2 eccentric 1x3+2 eccentric 103,6 lbs (CGBP on the way up on the eccentric reps)
90° Tricep ext 1x15 77 lbs
Didn't have time to do calfs...
Squats... something happens when I get past a certain weight... 225 to be more precise.
Got really mad and decided to set som PR:s in dips and chins... and so I did!!!