PVC pipe rolling my vastus lateralis an IT band.
Squat warm up Back and front squat felt great but the OH squat aggravated my knee so I stopped there.
Back SQ 1x5 40 kg
Front SQ 1x4 40
OH SQ 1x4 40 kg
Dips 2x8 BW +28 kg (Wide grip)
DB bench press 2x8 35 kg DB:s
2 min before each RB Pull up set: Pull up on straight bar chin over bar: 1x1 BW +25 kg 1x1 BW +25 kg
Pull ups on cambered bar all reps to chest: 3x8 BW +6 kg with purple RB assist at knees
2 min before each Chin up set: Chin on straight bar 1x1 BW +35 kg 1x1 BW +35 kg
Chins: 1x8 1x7 rested 30 sec 1x1 20 kg
90° RD rows 1x10 65 kg
Deadlift 3x8 150 kg
Leg curl 2x8 42,5 kg
OHP thick bar 3x8 43 kg
70° DB Laterals 3x8 11 kg DB:s
BB curl thick bar 3x8 34 kg
Lying tri ext 3x8 41 kg
Rope OH ext 1x8 45 kg
HBC 1x8 10 kg
Eccentric muscle ups 3x1 BW
Tucked Back lever 1x10 sec 1x8 sec 1x7 sec 1x5 sec
L sit 3x10 sec
Calf raise
4x8 117,5 kg
Good workout. I'm always happy when I get to deadlift or squat!

Friday I'll do everything except squats in the morning then and do a squat session with my physiotherapist in the evening.