Author Topic: Kris Kangas workouts!!  (Read 37004 times)

Offline Sergio

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2013, 11:56:34 PM »

Press (push press)
133x3, 155x3, 177x1, 200x1, 2, the second set was easier than the first PR!!

DB press, rest pause, 10 sec. between sets
58's x10-6-4-2

Bent up/row
133x10, 155x10, 200x5, 221x5

221x5, 287x5, 352x5, 441x2 PR!!

Hammer curls
58x20, 18, 12, 12

Hanging wrist curl
58x35, 20, 20, 20

Whew, tired, lol
55 min.



BWx5, 35x5,5,5,5, BWx5,5
35x5, 55x5,5,5,5, 35x5,5
Seated French press,
20kg.(44)plate x40, 2-15kg.(66) plates x15,15
Hammer curls
70's x10,10,10
Hang wrist curl

43 min.



Press (lbs.)
110x3, 133x3, 155x8, new rep PR.

Bent Up/row
155x3, 200x3, 265x3 PR, 200x8

200x3, 287x3, 333x3, 287x5

Reverse curl (Oly bar)
110x5, 133x5, 155x5, 177x3, PR, 1st rep nice, last 2 a bit sloppy.

Hanging wrist curl
133x40, new rep PR, 15, 10

38 min.



Chins (lbs.)
35x5, 45x5, 5, 35x5, BWx12

Curl, close grip
80x10, 90x10, 10

BWx30, 70x5, 5, 5, 35x10

Incline French press
90x8, 12, 10

DB wrist rollers both directions

40 min.


Offline Sergio

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2013, 10:33:17 AM »
10th Part


OH Press? (lbs.)
88x5, 110x5, 133x5, 155x5, 177x5,? really did too many warmup sets

Bent up/row
110x5, 155x5, 177x5, 110x20 rear delts and upper back really pumped here
200x5, 5

176x5, 221x5, 265x5, 352x5, 265x5 last rep on 352 very slow, shoulda did 3's and more weight

Reverse curls (E-Z)
90x10, 105x10, 127x10, (Oly bar) 133x15, 15, forearms starting to hurt

Hanging wrist curl
155x15, 177x10, 10, 155x12, 133x10, hurting and sucking on these

65 min. longest workout in a year. Maybe too many reps/sets on warmups, but great workout! Now for some ice cream!



BWx15, 35x3, 45x3, 68x1, 1, 90x3 neg., 3 neg.? ? PR on pos. and neg.

110x10, 133x6, 6? ? ?PR

35x15, 68x3, 90x3, 112x1, 1, 133x3 neg., 3 neg.? ? PR on pos. and neg.

Lying French? press
110x10, 133x8, (left elbow weird, changing to C.G. Bench) C.G. Bench 133x30? ? ?PR on French press

40 min. Time for ice tea!? Grin



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   Re: Kris's home gym workout
« Reply #141 on: September 22, 2006, 05:19:43 PM »
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Well, I hit the wall several days ago. Run of PR's is over for the moment

155x3, 177x3, 199x1, 221x1, 1, no lockouts. I think last week I could've done it.

Bent up/row 155 4x5, really weak on these

Hammer/reverse curl
DB 48x15, BB 105x15, DB 58x20

Hanging wrist curl

About 40 min, but was interupted 3 times. Need to back off for a week or two before ramping up again.



The owner of the squat rack came and got it today, it's sold. Boo hoo. At the end of the week should have a full blown custom power rack in it's place, Yaaaa. Meantime some pump and tone.

DB press superset bent up/row
37x10/10, 58x10/10, 10/10, 10/10

Pulldown superset dips(BW)
90x15/15, 100x15/15, 125x15/15, 15/15

Seated curl superset French press
37x10/10, 10/12, 10/10

Hammer curl superset tri pushdown
51/45x15/15, 51/55x10/10, 10/10, 10/10

Hanging wrist curl
61x30, 65x25, 20, 15

Nice pump, upper arms measured exactly 18", ice tea time!

48 min.



Still in my backoff week. Looking forward to the power rack. Will ramp back up when it comes in.

Sissy squats,
Reverse curl
82 lbs 1x40
Hanging wrist curl
105 lbs 1x50

8 min.



Flexing here boss!

SS/DB press, bent up/row
37x15/15, 58.5x15/15, 15/15

SS/Dips, pulldowns
25/110x15/15, 25/132x15/15, 15/15, 15/15

SS/Curl, French press
37x12/15, 12/15, 12/15

25 min.


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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2013, 10:19:08 AM »
11th part


after-ice tea
after-when I'm a good boy-ice cream

Thick bar training forearms(1-1/2 inch)

Reverse curl
83x15, 105x15, 132x15, 15

Hang wrist curl
132x20, 15, 10, 10

Reverse wrist curl
60x10, 10, 10

15 min. Only water today, whaaa.



No power rack yet, so....

Sissy squats
33x20, 20, 20, could hardly walk after these

128x10, 150x20, 20,? can you say "smoked ham?"

Pulldowns, incline
125x15, 140x15, 15, lats actually ached after these

Neck bench press
128x20, 20, 15, chest hurts already, nothing like easing into something, lol

35 min. A little too much time on setup, but working with what I have.



Here in Central Mexico the rain ends middle of Sept. then the sun comes out, but it's Oct. and no letup insight. Really strange. So moved some weights inside to workout. Workout a little slow, getting set up.

BN Press
80x20,? 105x10, 10

Upright row
105x20, 20

Preacher curls
80x10, 90x6+4. 6+4, 6+4. (the 4's are partials)

Lying French press + close grip bench
70x20+20, 100x15+10, 115x8+8, 8+8

Reverse preacher curls
60x10, 70x6+4, 80x6+4, standing 80x20

Wrist curls
105x25, 20, 15, 15? right wrist feeling a little better, not 100%, fish oil seems to be helping

50 min. Nice pump



Had a nice setup. The squat rack has been sold, wasn't mine. Supposed to be getting a power rack in it's place, meantime, working with a 1" bar and about 200 lbs. Will get on a pic. though.

Woke up feeling out of it. Took a long time to function, flu maybe?

Bench, to middle of chest
105x10, 128x10, 150x 3x10

150x10, 160x 4x10

128x 2x10

Bent up/row
128x 2x15

20 min. Think I'll fall down now! lol.



No cold, so far. Maybe too much mescal. Celebrated winning a two year fight in court over my business. Shocked

Reverse curl, E-Z bar
83x10. 105x10, 128x10, 138x10, 150x6, 6, 138x10, miss the Oly bar.

Hanging wrist curl
105x15, 128x15, 150x15, 170x15, 180x10, 10, 160x15, bar barely moving on last set.

Reverse wrist curl
60x15, 15

25 min


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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2013, 05:40:25 PM »
12th part:



SL Deads
150x10, 172x10, 194x10

Sissy squats
33x 3x20---breathing hard after these

CG Bench
105x10, 128x10, 150x10, 172x10, 8---too many warmups

Lying French press, slow reps
83x 4x10

82x10, 105x10, Scott curls, 92x6+4, 6+4,  (4's are partials)

48 min.



Moved my dip bars from outside into my room. Have a chin bar but is only 1" , a little small, don't care for it.

DB press
37x10, 58x6, 70x10, 8

Bent up/rows
70x10, 10, 10

BWx10, 25x6, 6, 6

25x10, 45x6, 6, 6

Hammer curl, seated w/backstop (fairly strict)
58x10, 10, 10, 10, standing, 58x20

DB wrist curls
52x30, 63x30, 70x20, 75x20, 65x20, Right wrist feeling a little better so went with DB's today. Felt good!

50 min.



Lite workout today

Leg raise SS/with crunches
30 each, immedialty got a charlie horse(cramp) in the gut, ouch! Took a few minutes to work it out

Sissy squat
33x25, 25, up 5 reps

One leg calf raise, extreme stretch

150x20, 172x20,  sucking air after these

DB seated curls
37x15, 43x8, 8, 8

Lying French press
43x20, 50x10, 10, 7+7 bench, PR on 50's

40 min. Ice tea is calling my name.



Decided to play around today with wrist curls.

DB wrist curls
62x30, 74x30, 80.5x25, 20  right wrist stopped hurting heaviest set.   80.5 PR



Didn't "feel" like liften, so put on George Thorogood, and got down to it.

Leg raises, 2x30,  crunches, 2x30,  seated leg raise, 1x30

Sissy squat, 66x 3x10

SLDead lift, 150x10, 172x10, 200x10

DB press, 43x15, 65x10, 10

Bent up/row, 70x 3x10

29 min, sweatn like an African Warthog chased by a Leopard. Time for ice tea!! Cool



Ab work, Ring of Fire, 3 sets.

BWx10, 35x8, 70x6, 6, 35x6

Lying French press SS/with close grip bench DB's
41x15/15, 51x8/8, 6/6, 6/6 (51's PR)

BWx10, 25x6, 6, 6, Bwx6

Curls SS/with Hammer curls DB's (seated w/backstop)
41x8/8, 45x6/6, 6/6, 6/6

Standing Hammer curls
65x15, 10, 10

Seated hanging wrist curl DB's
65x25, 80x20, 15, 15, reg wrist curl, 80x15 (hanging wrist curl, PR)

Ba, ba, ba, bad to the bone, 60 min



DB Press
48x6, 58x6, 70x6, 80x3, 3, 3, 3? ? ? PR

BWx8, 35x6, 6, 6, lats hurting after these puppies

DB Rows
80x10, 85x8, 88x6, 6, first 3 sets two arm, last set one arm. Can go more weight with one arm style.

DB Bench
70x15, 75x10, 10, 10,? Chest hurts after these, could go more weight, but bench is only 5 inches off floor, hard to position

40 min. Ice tea time! Cool


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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2013, 04:31:39 PM »
13th part:



Thanks Alwyn
Started with George Thorogood, finished with Jimmy Hendrix

220 3x10

Hack squats
83x10, 95x10, 128x10--these suckers are nasty!

Seated DB curls
43's  5x8

Lying French press SS/with bench press
43x10/10, 51x10/10, 8/8, 6/6       PR on 51's

Crossover French press
26x10-8, 10-8  2 sets nonstop, tri's are fried

Hammer curls seated/with backstop
55's  4x15  last set barely moving, last 5 reps partials

Wrist curls, DB's
55x30, 75x25, 20, 65x25    I'm done, so is Jimmy

65 min. Arms really pumped!



Sweatn n grinning
like summer in 'Bama
a little John Lee Hooker
some Carlos Santana..............had to put on some serious music to get my heart started today

DB press
48x5, 58x5, 68x5, 5, 5

BW 4x8

DB rows
80'sx8, 95'sx8, 8, 8, 8

DB bench
80x8, 8, 8, 8, 8

DB fly

45 min, tea time ya'll



Leg raise

Hack Squats
150x10, 172x10, 10


Lying crossover tri press
28x10, 37x8, 6

Lying French press+CG Bench DB's
50's x12/12, 8/8, 6/6

Curls seated DB's
37x10, 45's x10, 8, 8

Hammer curls seated
60's x10, 10, standing, 10, 10

Wrist curls, DB's
60x30, 70x25, Drop sets, 70-50's x20/10

HAnging wrist curl

60 min.



DB press
58x5, 70x5, 80x5, (PR), 85x3,(PR), 75x5, pulled hammie last nite in martial arts class, had to clean the weight practicaly on one leg, ouch.

BWx3, 25x3, 50x3, 75x3(PR), 50x5, bad chin bar, no knurling, and 1" diameter

DB row
70x5, 92x5, 108x5(PR) handles very slick, wrapped w/elec. tape going to straps, 108x10, 10, (PR)

DB bench
75x10, 85x10, 10, 10, 10 (PR) can do more, hard to get more on bar, lol

Hammer curl for fun
85x3 (PR) big plates on one side hitting my legs, need more large or small plates.

58 min. Good sweat!(n) Back to my ice tea! Cool



I'm putting everything in lbs. as I also log in on Draper's site.

Put on some John Lee Hooker, get that chain gang feeling going.

Squats, rigged up a rack to do back squats, funky but works, sorta.
165x10, 200x10, 222x10, left hammie giving me fits, call it good here.

Seated DB curls w/backstop
37x8, 48x8, 55x5, 5, 5, 5,  PR

Lying DB press(French press)
48x10, 51x8, 55x8, PR, 60x6, PR, 65x4, PR. 3 in a row, whoa!

BWx25, 20

Seated hammer curls w/backstop
65x10, 10, standingx15, 15  PR on seated

Hanging wrist curl, bar
165x10, DB's, 65x30, 20, 20, 20

60 min  Tongue



Put on the Stones, time to lock and load.

DB press ss/Monkey rows
48x10/10, 62x10/10, 10/10, nice pump

DB rows(one arm)
107x8, 115x8, 8, 8, (PR)

BWx 3x10

DB bench
95x8, 8,(PR) 6, 6, 81x15

43 min.


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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #15 on: March 10, 2013, 08:21:38 PM »
14th Part:



128x3, 195x3, 250x5, 272x5, 5, 5  Left hammie tweaking a little, running out of room on 1" bar

Lying French press
62x15, 84x8, 105x8, 128x8+8 CG bench

Seated French press
105x8, 100x8, 8

82x10, 100x8, 110x8, 8, 8 Lack of sleep just showed up, running out of juice

Hammer curls
70's x 5x10

DB Wrist curl
53x50, 60x40, 70x25, 25+65x15 (drop set)

Now I'm ready to drop. 70 min.



DB Press
58x6, 67x6, 77x3, 80's x3 (PR) 85's x3, 3 (PR)

DB Bench
80'sx10, 85'sx8, 100's x5, 5, (PR) 90x8

35 x 4x5 (started coasting here, lol)

DB Rows
90's x 5x8

4o min.



Have impingment in left shoulder/back, stopped several times to work it out, slow workout.

Springsteen and Thorogood, back to back.

200x10, 250x 4x5

Curls DB's
35x8, 45x8, 55x8 (PR) 50x 4x8

Lying French press DB's
48x8, 50x8, 60x8, 55x 4x8

Hammer curls DB's
55x10, 65x10, 70x10, 81x5 (PR) 70x10, 65x 3x10

Wrist curls DB's
60x25, 70x25, 25, 25, 20, 20

80 min, Tea time and some food product!



Left shoulder still really out, will have a Doc check it tonite, think I need a Chiro, or some ball peen hammer work. lol. So no bench.

DB row
85x10, 95x10, 105x10, 113x10, 107x10, 10

DB press
48x10, 58x 4x10, about all the shoulder would take.

30 min.



Squat (all in lbs.)
128x5, 208x5, 252x5, 275x5, 5
SLD, Hammie is doing a little better
128x 3x10
65x10, 85x8, 105x8, 8, that's it for that, shoulder going gonzo on me.
BWx10. 25x10
Lying Tri press DB
45x 3x15
One arm seated French press
35x 2x20
Hammer concentration curl
35x 3x15
Hang wrist curl
50x30, 80x20, 20, 15

75 min. spent 15 min just finding exercises that didn't screw with my shoulder.



One arm OH Press
35x5, 52x5, 70x5, 80x5, BB 165x5, DB 75x5

One arm DB Row
75x5, 92x5, 118x5, 123x5,5,  (PR)

DB Bench (rehab)
75x 3x15

35 min.



Jukebox selection today, Rolling Stones

Romanian Deads
136x5, 192x5, 256x5, 5, 5, Left hammie doing a little better

BWx15, 25x8, 8, BWx10

BWx20, 35x10, 10, BWx15, shouder still tweaked, but better

Hammer curls
60x20, 72x15, 15, 15, nice pump, but breathing hard

Wrist curl
60x30, 72x30, 25, 60x25,

50 min. Sucked down liter of ice tea w/3 limes.


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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2013, 04:45:30 PM »
15th Part:



Today is really squat day, but didn't sleep well, so went for some shoulder rehab, high rep.
Jukebox selection, Robert Cray, Strong Persuader.

DB press
35x50, 50x20, 20

DB rows
70x20, 80x20

DB flys
30x50, 45x30

Hammer curls, seated w/backstop (for grins)

Wrist curls

25 min



Started with Rod Stewart, finished with ZZ Top

140x5, 205x5, 275x5, 5, 5, running out of room on my 1" bar

DB curls
35x10, killing my shoulder, going to barbell
BB curls
60x10, 85x10, 105x10, 120x10, 10

Lying French press
85x25, 105x10, 120x10, 10, 105x8, 8,  seated French press 85x15

A real fluff and pump workout
45 min. Tea time!



Caijin music to start the heart, Joel Sonnier, finished with George Thorogood and a quart of ice tea.

One arm DB press
45x8, 62x8, 70x 3x8

BB rows
148x8, 162x8, 187x8, 207x8

BWx15, 40x5, 5, BWx10

142x10, 165x10, 10, shoulder acting up, switching to flys

45's x25, 25

Hammer curls
45x20, 70x 3x15

Wrist curls
55x55, 70x35, 25, drop set-70+55 x 25+10

65 min.



Weather cold, 55 degrees F. Uuughhh! Have a stomach flu or bad food, either way, the bathroom is my friend today.
Todays selection, Waylon Jennings, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Seger

140x5, 205x5, 300x 3x5, 1" bar really maxed out.

Curls, bar
84x8, 105x8, 130x8, 8, 128x8

Lying French press
84x8, 105x8, elbow tweaking out, going to DB's
DB's, 48x8, 60x8, 8,  One arm French press, non-stop- 32x 3x10

Hammer curls
55x 5x15  nice pump

Wrist curls
55x60 (maybe PR?) 75x25(PR I think)25, 25, 20, pumped!!  that's all she wrote!

70 minutes   Tongue



Little cold today, wearing three layers of shirts. Todays selection, The Eagles, don't ask why.

One arm DB press
32x20. 48x20, 60x10, shoulder says that's it.

BWx25, (PR) 15,

BWx30, 20, no protest from shoulder, weird.

Reverse DB curl
60x25, 15

Wrist curl
60x50, 40, nice pump on these.

30 min. I'm done.


NOTE: This workout was done by Kriss one year before exactly of the pass away of Reg in 2007.  Nobody suppouse the tragedie.



Todays selection, Mexican radio.

SL Deads
128x6, 208x5, 250x5, 5, 5

Curls, bar
60x8, 84x8, 106x8, 116x8, 8

Lying French press, bar
60x8, 84x8, 106x8, 116x8, 120x8. 8

30 min.



Today, a little ZZ Top

Reverse curl, bar
75x10, 97x10, 119x10, 141x10, 10, 119x10, 97x10

Wrist curl, bar
97x20, 119x20, 141x20, 15, 119x20, 97x20

30 min.


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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2013, 06:29:44 PM »
16th Part:


Todays selection, John Lee Hooker and Bob Marley

OH Press
95x3, 142x3, 164x3, 186x3 (shoulder protesting here) 164x3, 142x5, 5

Cajin rows(bent up/row)
142x5, 164x5, 186x5, 5, 5

164x3, 186x3, 252x3, 295x 5x3

E-Z bar reverse curl
85x8, 106x8, 128x5, 150x5, 5

Hanging wrist curl
142x20, 164x10, 186x10, 205x7, 7, (PR)

60 min.



As far as the music goes, I'm an oldies and blues guy. lol.

Close Grip Bench
142x8, 164x8, 186x 3x8

BWx 5x8

Curls superset with French press
90x 2x12

18 min.



Still thinking my routine, but decided to do something.

85x5, 106x5, 142x5. 5. 5. 5
164x5, 186x5. 5. 5. 5
128x5, 208x5, 296x5, 5, 5
Reverse curl
110x20, 120x20
DB wrist curl
48x50. 75x40 (PR)

45 min



All sets done with 35 sec rest

BW 5x8

Pulldowns, incline
100 5x8

106x8, 150 4x8

35 5x8

Lying tri press
85 5x8

85 5x8

30 min, nice pump, I'm done!!



Cold today, colder tomorrow, so will lift today, rest mañana!
For the music freaks, Steve Miller Band, Greatest Hits '74-'75

All exercises, 30 sec. rest between sets

SL Deads
150x 5x8

Upright rows
85x 5x8

Reverse curl
100x 5x8

Behind back wrist curl
125x20, 20, 20, 15

14 min. 


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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2013, 02:10:14 PM »
17th Part:



Jukebox says....Rolling Stones
Starting to hate this 30 sec. rest period between all sets

DB press
W/up 50's x8, 60x8, 8, 6, 4

BWx8, 8, 8, 6, 6, starting to really breath hard here.

BB rows
160x8, 8, 6, 6, 4 (next workout switch to DB's for better stretch)

Bench press
160x8, 8, 6, 5, 4 (these suckers were nasty!)

50's x5x8, ooouch!!

Wrist curl DB's
50x60, 75x35, 25

Hammer curl DB's
70x10, 10, 7

35 min.



Today, Jimi Hendrix, far out and solid man.
Didn't count the rest periods today.

128x5, 208x5, 295x 3x6, up one rep.

BWx6, 40x6, 6

40x6, 65x6, 6

Pulley pushdown
60x15, 70x10, 80x8, 6

Concentration curl
35x 3x10

35 min. and time for ice tea!

Counting rest periods is a conditioning thing. It's one of the ways Vince Gironda (trainer of Larry Scott, Don Howorth, even Arnold was sent to him by Weider) trained bodybuilders. 6x6 and 8x8 are two of the protocols he used. Mohamad Makaway trained with 8x8 under Vince for a Mr Olympia. You take a weight, say for curls, 25 pounds, curl eight times, rest periods going as low as 10-15 sec,(never taking hands of the dumbells) lift again, reapeat 8 times. Most guys can't do all 8 sets, even advanced guys. Not a training regieme for building big numbers on the wieghts, but will give good growth and an extreme pump. Not to be used permanently, I'm just doing a change of pace right now.



Jukebox, a little Johnny Rivers, Sam Cooke, George Thorogood.

DB Press,
37x10, 50x10, 60x10, 10, 10

BWx12, 10, 10, 10

DB rows
80x10, 100x8, 8, 8

128x10, 150x8, 172x8, 8, not pushing shoulder

50x15, 15, 15

Seated Hammer curl, w/backstop, fairly strict
60x10, 10, 10, 10

Wrist curl, DB
60x30, 70x30, 80x20, 20, (PR?) 70x20

60 min.



128x3, 205x3, 295x7, 7. (up 1 rep)

Lying tri press
85x15, 105x10, 128x6, 6

70x15, 10

85x15, 105x10, 128x6, 6

25 min.


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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2013, 02:12:55 PM »
18th Part:


Little bit o Rod Stewart and Stones

BWx10, 25x3, 46x3, 68x3, 3, 57x3, 46x3, 25x3, BWx10

Close grip bench (about 8 inch hand space)
120x10, 164x3, 208x3, 230x3, 208x3, 3, 164x3, 120x30

Reverse curl
100x10, 120x5, 142x5, 164x5, 142x5, 120x10, 10

DB wrist curl
60x20, 70x20, 85x20, 20, (PR) 75x25, 25, 25

59 min. Going for the ice tea!!



Jukebox says..John Lee Hooker

DB press, shoulder rehab
50x 4x15

Upright row
50x 4x15

164x5, 208x5

SL Deads
164x5, 208x5, 252x5, 295x5, 5

Hammer curl

DB wrist curl

30 min. Tea time!!



Upper body workout today. Tunes, ZZ Top, Concrete and Steel. Haven't heard this disc in over ten years. Light on the top end, but got some rev's in today.

DB Press
50x20, 60x10, 70x6, 6

BWx15, 12, 10, 10, (last 3 reps negatives)

DB curl
35x10, 10

BWx20, 15, 10, 10

One arm French press
35x15, 10

Reverse DB curls
70's x20, 15, 10

DB wrist curl
63x40, 75x30, 25

45 min.



Today, ZZ Top, Afterburner (another haven't listened to in years.)

Squats, back a little tweaked, so will do lower reps.
128x3, 208x3, 295x 6x3, 230x10

20 min.



DB Press
50x15, 71x5, 81x3, 3

BWx5, 40x5, 80x3, 3

BWx5, 40x5, 80x3, 105x3

Reverse DB curl
50x5, 71x5, 81x5,(PR) 91x1 sloppy rep

Wrist curl DB
60x15, 71x10, 81x10, 94x10 (PR) 101x3 (PR) Nasty weight! 

30 min



SL Deads
128x5, 172x5, 208x5, 252x5, 296x5

8 min.
