Author Topic: Kris Kangas workouts!!  (Read 33224 times)

Offline Sergio

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #50 on: December 21, 2018, 11:06:38 AM »

Not much sleep last I put myself into a Aikido lock and slapped myself with my free hand to get started....

1 arm DB press
55x20, 90x5, left arm acting up..going to...

DB bench
90x10,10,10,10,10 x-rep, 10 x-rep, smoke'n

CJ row, 1 arm seated

DB row, 1 arm
105x10,10,10,10, pumped!

35 min. Will sleep good tonight.


Day off tomorrow, so will do some vanity work, 

Skulls, E-Z bar
85x15, 100x15, 135x8,8,8

Seated French press, E-Z bar
75x15,15,15, Skulls 75x25, fried tri's!

BB curls
90x15, 112x8,8, 100x8,8, realy didn't need more than a 100 lb.

Reverse Curls, E-Z bar
85x15, 105x10, 125x8,8,8,Straight bar, 90x20

BB wrist curl
135x20, 160x10,(need more w/up) 15,15,15, 135x20, not many reps, but pumped! 

53 min.


Good Morn'n
90x5, 135x5, 200x5, 225x5,5

225x 4x10, 3/4 squat, non-lockout at top, trying to keep size without huwt'n my wittle knees. Nice pump.

20 min.


KISS principle today.......ZZ Top, crank it up..

Pullup SS Bench
P BWx10, 35x5,5,5,5,5,5, BWx10,10,10, last few reps were rest paused.
B 132x10, 200x5,5,5,5,5,5, 175x10,10,10, last set x-reps.

33 min. Pumped.


Rest day, so a little forearm work in order... 

Pick handle wrist rollers, one hand
W/Up 80x15,15, 80x30,30, forward
80x30,30, back

A few min.


Don't encourage them, Kris!
No, no, must not encourage...

Shoulder and left elbow no in the groove today, so will lighten up and go for the "burn", lol

DB press SS standing fly
Press 40x10, 50x10
S Fly 27x12,12,12

Lying tri DB SS seated tri DB
Lying 45x15, 50x10,10,10,10
Seated 27x10,10,10,10 Will reverse order next W/O and up seated tri, same weight for lying tri.

DB curl SS Reverse curl
Curl 40x10,10,10,10 last set x-reps
Reverse 40x10,10,10,10 last set x-reps, bi's and forearms HURT'N bigtime

DB wrist curl one arm
80x30, 90x25,15, 80x20

37 min.


Yo, down to bidness...pump and burn, who's your Daddy now?

DB bench
60x25, 90x10,10,10,10 x-rep

50x25,25,25 x-rep, bottom middle

Dips, BWx25

BWx10,10,10, scap pullups, BWx10,10, bottom half

DB row, one arm

Pullover, stiffarm
50x30, 2-15 kilo plates, 66x15,15

43 min. I'm outa here.


Lower backed tweaked, so no squats, will try tomorrow...arms instead...
OK, down to bidness

Lying DB tri ext.
40x20, 50x12, shoulder doesn't feel right, switch to..

Skulls, E-Z bar
100x12, 120x10, 140x8,8, 115x8,8

Seated French press E-Z bar
75x15, 85x10,10,10, 95x8

CG bar curl
75x10, 85x10, 95x10, 105x8,8,8 x-reps

Reverse curl, E-Z bar
95x15, 115x8,8, straight bar 95x15,15 x-reps

Wrist curl over bench
130x10, wrists object..going to...

Wrist roller, flexors
115x30, 150x30, 160x30,20,20 oh Mama! 140x20

52 min. More than I planned, but good workout. 


Some John Lee Hooker to get in that chain gang mood...

140x5, 210x5, 255x5, 290x5, 325x5, 290x5, 255x5, 210x5,5,5, close stance.

23 min.


ZZ Top..Rythmeen..

DB press
50x15, 60x10, 75x5x5, left shoulder tweaky, go to..

Slightly bent forward standing flys

DB bench
75x10, 90x10,10,10,10,10 x-reps, mid range

Pullups, palm forward
BWx10, 35x5, 50x5,5

DB row
90x10, 100x8, 112x6,6, 100x10,10, last ones were the moneymakers

48 min.


Some Stones, and away we go...

Lying DB tri. ext.
40x30, 50x20, 60x10, 65x6, 70x5 neg, 65x5, 55x10, 40x15, Dips, BWx20

DB curl SS hammers, seated, backstop
40x10-10, 45x8-8, 50x6-6, 45x6-6, 40x8-8

Reverse DB curl, seated, backstop

Wrist rollers, flexors
125x30, 145x30, 160x20,20, 145x30,25, pretty fried.

50 min. Must find chair, must sit, rest...good!


125x3, 165x3, 210x3, 290x3, 325x3, 345x3, 290x3,3,3

20 min.


Slapped myself hard, twice, to start my heart, must be a clogged colon or something,

OH press
85x10, 108x10, 130x6, 155x5, 175x3

Cajin row

130x10, 155x10, 175x10, 196x8,8

130x10, 155x10, 175x10, 210x8,8

BNP, to loosen shoulders

36 min.


Arm workout....

E-Z bar tri ext.+ skulls + CG bench
50x20-15-10, 85x10-10-10, 100x6-6-6. 6-6-6. 6-6-6, hell'va pump,know what I mean? 85x10-10-10

E-Z curl + reverse curl
50x20-15, 85x10-8, 100x6-6, 6-6, 6-6 x reps, 85x10-10

Wrist rollers, flexors
150x50, 175x20, 150x30,25, 20

37 min. Arms battered, dipped and fried. May try this with DB's next workout, hmm...


Do they make DB's heavy enough?

Not here, I have to roll my own.... 

Todays diversion..

DB wrist curl SS wrist rollers(extensors)

80x50, 25

150x50, 25

About 8 min.

Oh oh, I've created a monster that doesn't exist! The DB was 80 lbs for wrist curls, it's 150 lb WRIST ROLLERS, both hands, same time. This is a pickhandle, hole drilled in center, buckect hanging below, all hung on some bar dips. I'll have to take a photo to give you guys an idea of what I speaketh!


Sunday is for

One arm DB row
80x20, 102x10, 120x8, 128x6

DB bench
60x20, 85x10, 95x8, 105x6

165x10, 210x10, 255x10

29 min


Yo yourself stranger!!

Todays bag of fun.....

DB press
40x20, 62x10, 78x8, 75x8,8, 78 was my bad, can't count.

Cajin row, seated, DB, pinky forward
75x10, 90x8,8,8, love these bad boys!

Tri set- seated DB tri-lying DB tri-x-rep DB bench
37x15-10-10, 50x7-6-6, 7-5-5, 6-4-4

Bi set- DB curl-hammers
37x10-10, 50x7-7, 7-7, 6-6 x-reps, 2nd quart of water and 2nd towel,   

Standing reverse DB curl
50x15, 15 x-reps

DB wrist curl
80x20, 108x15, 90x25, 80x25

57 min.

Offline Sergio

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #51 on: October 14, 2019, 10:55:10 AM »

Todays workout, have no idea what I'm doing, well, I have an idea, it is.

165x10, 225x8,8,8,8, will add a set next workout

DB skulls
40x20, 50x10, 55x8,8

BWx20,20,20 x-reps

DB Reverse curl
55x10,10,10,10,10 x-reps

BWx10,10,10 assist

Wrist roller

50 min.


DB press
50's x10, 60's x10, 70's x8, 85's x5,5, elbow feeling better today

Cajin row, DB seated
85x10, 100x6,6,6,6

Pullups, palm forward
BWx10, 35x6,6,6, BWx10, pullups after CJ rows hurt'n Sweat'n. Sweat'n hate'n the Cajin,  Awesome lat pump, I mean like, they hurt!

DB bench press
85x15, 100x8,8,8, 90x15

45 min. Great workout today, a keeper.


Todays love fest.....

SLDeads, DB's, 'cause they were already set up
90's x10, 100's x10, 105's x10,10,10, had me sweat'n bigtime, grip workout included free.

DB skulls
40's x25, 50's x12,12,12, last 2 reps negs.

Crossover tri

Seated DB curl
40's x12,12,12,12 x-rep

Reverse DB curl
50's x25,20,15

Wrist roller
170x40,30,30, drop set-170x30 + 150x30

48 fun min......not...


Back kinda tight from painting yesterday...let's loosen it up a bit...

DB press
40's x50, oops, GONZO, 62's x10, 85's x5

Cajin row, DB
85's x10, 105x6,6,6, (PR) up 5 lbs.

DB bench, incline
85's x10,10,10,10,10

DB row, 1 arm
85x10, 105x10, 128x6, 150x5, (PR) 85x30

35 min.


Squats, non-lockout
130x5, 165x5, 235x8,8,8,8, decided to up weight rather than add set, lazy I guess

DB curl
35's x20, 45's x10,10,10

Incline DB tri ext.
35's x20, 45's x15, 50's x10,10,10,10

Incline crossovers
25's x20,15,10

Reverse DB curl
55's x20,15,10,8,6,6

Wrist rollers
150x60, 170x40,30,20,20

1 hour


Riiiight Rayme, you funny, I like you, I kill you first..

Todays playtime fun...high rep day..

DB press
50x30, 60x15, 70x10,10

Cajin row, seated, DB
70x20, 97x10,10,10

DB incline bench press

DB bench rows
85x15,15,15,15, pumped!

32 min.


Leg and arm day, but will put legs tomorrow, not much energy, and I have to break in a new cops class today....

DB skulls SS long pulley tri.
40x30, 50x12, 55x8,8,8
55x15, 55x10, 65x8,8,8 freaky pump.

Seated DB curl SS Reverse DB curl, (w/backstop)
25x15/15, 40x10/10, 10/10, 10/10

Standing hammer curl

DB wrist curl
85x30, wrist not happy....switch to..

Wrist roller, flexors

35 min. Great pump, really feeling it today.

Offline Sergio

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #52 on: December 01, 2019, 02:28:28 AM »

Skipped yesterday, even though I sleep 9 hours, fatigue had set in, got to know your limits, :)
Some Doobie Bros to start the ticker....

OH press
100x5, 135x5, 180x3,3, 145x5

Cajin row
100x10, 145x10, 180x5,5

165x5, 210x5, 245x5, 290x5,5

Wrist roller
175x50 forward, x50 back, PR

35 min.


OK, todays phuntyme...

DB bench, incline
85x20, 105x8, 90x15,15,15 x-rep last set, pump city

Long pulley tri. ext.
65x20, 75x15, 85x10,10, 75x10, tris dead and ready to bury.

DB rows
90x15,15,15,15,15 x-rep last set, dug deep, grind 'em out

DB reverse curls
55x10,10,10,10,10, hmmm, nice!

Concentration curl
25x10,10, fried!

DB wrist curl
80x25, 90x25,20, rusty on these

55 min.


DB press
50x20, 60x10, 75x5,5,5,5

Seated DB CJ row
75x10, 85x10, 113x5,5, 95x8

175x5, 210x5, 245x5, 350x1, thought I was good for reps, no go today.

Squats, just to stay in the groove,
130x5, 175x5, 210x5, 245x5

50 min.


Same here, no coffee, no brain...

Dips, V-bar, facing out for tri's
BWx20, 35x15, 50x10,10, haven't done these in a while, tuff..

Long pulley tri ext.
65x20, 75x15

75x10,10, pumped

BWx10, 25x8,8, BWx8, rusty

Incline pulley curl to forehead
55x12,12,12, awesome pump, not that there's anything wrong with that

DB reverse curls

DB wrist curl

46 min.


Backs a little tweaked, so going low reps, and I mean loooow...

165x1, 210x1, 255x1, 325x1, 345x1, 255x5,5

Lying tri ext. DB's
40x30, 50x15, 55x10, 60x8

CG bench
165x10, no love, shoulder says move on, so..

Crossovers, DB

Concentration curl, DB

Reverse DB curl
60x10,10,10, felt pretty good on these

Wrist roller, flexors
2 hand, 145x50
1 hand, 102x20,20,20

55 min.


Looking forward to the photo Merv...
Thanks Jim..

Not much sleep, so will fart around with wrist rollers and give it hell tomorrow..

Both hands, forward-125x100, back-125x100

One hand, forward-102x20, back-102x20, each hand

Both hands, forward-125x50, back-125x50, can hardly type

Around 12 min. I'm guessing.

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #53 on: January 30, 2021, 11:32:44 AM »

Yes sir yo yo, you are correct sir!
True Rayme, I am ashamed....perhaps I can do better today......this ones for Rayme...

DB bench
85x15, 100x8,8, 90x10,10,10

DB skulls
55x10,10,10, negs last 3 reps.

BWx20, upright for tri's

BWx10, 35x6, 60x4, BWx8,8,8, barely...:)

DB reverse curl+55x10, 65x8,8, 55x10,10,10

DB wrist curl
90x25, 100x15+5 negs, 10+5 negs, 90x20,15, ok, Popeye's pooped!

58 min.


Changed my mind, will start on a Gironda style workouts for a while, molding the blob a bit...

165x 8x6, 20 sec. between sets, seems to save my knees and back.

Incline flys
27's x30, 50's x5x15+10 second static hold, 45 sec. between sets

DB bench rows
75's x4x10, 30 sec. between sets, back actually cramped in lower lats after last set, sweeeeet...

Stiff arm pulldown
55x 4x12, 30 sec. between sets, awesome pump, hurt'n now, worse tomorrow....:)

30 min. flat. 22 sets...about right I guess..


Thanks all, here's birthday fun for today....

Bent forward flys
27x15, 35x8,8,8,8,8, 40 sec. rests

Standing flys
27x8,8,8,8, 40 sec. rests

DB skulls, + x-reps
40x10+8, 45x8+4, 8+3, 8+1, 8, 8, 40 sec. rests

Long pulley tri. ext.
75x8,8, 60x8,8,8, bit off more than Icould chew,   40 sec. rests

Spider curls, DB's + x-rep
27x8+4, 35x6+6, 6+6, 6+3, 6, 6 x-reps, 40 sec. rests

Spider reverse DB curls + x-reps
35x6+6, 6+4, 6+3, 6, 10 x-reps, 40 sec. rests

Wrist roller flexor
155x50-30-25-20-20, 30 sec. rests.

42 min. 38 sets 


Todays bag '0 fun...

175x 8x6, 30 sec. rests, take me to the hospital!

Incline flys
60's x 5x15, last set all x-reps, 30 sec. rests

DB bench rows
80's x 5x8, 30 sec. rests

Stiff arm lat pull downs
65x 4x10, 30 sec. rests

30 min. Was going to stop after squats, but I figured what the heck and slapped myself to man up...


Am working out today, rest tomorrow, I think I'll need it....

1 arm DB press, alternate, non-stop
40x1x15, 55x3x6, both arms, 55x3x6, 30 sec rests.

Bent over flys
40x5x8, 30 sec. rests.

DB skulls+CG bench partials
40x1x15, 50x6x6+6, 30 sec. rests.

Long pulley tri. ext.

DB preacher curl+partials
37's x4x6+3, 1x6 partials

DB reverse preacher curl+partials
37's x4x6+6, 2x8 partials

DB wrist curl, alternate
97x20,15, 90x20,15

47 min. 39 sets, weights slightly up.


165x6x8, 30 sec. rests

DB bench, incline
85x5x8, 40 sec. rests

DB bench rows
85x5x8, 40 sec. rests

Stiff arm pulldown
75x5x8, 40 sec. rests

Wrists rollers, one hand, alternate
80x5x20, forward, 80x5x20 back, each hand

30 min, 21 sets + 20 sets forearms, breathing hard entire workout....

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #54 on: January 30, 2021, 11:38:18 AM »

Wanna show me how that's done there Cajin,  Will torture myself next workout!

Todays bag of fun..

Bent flys
30x15, 40x 6x8, 40 sec. rests

Standing flys
30x 6x8, 40 sec. rests

Lying DB skulls
40x15, 50x 6x8, 40 sec. rests

Long pulley tri. ext.
70x 6x8, 40 sec. rests

Preacher curls, DB's
30x15, 40x8,8,8,6+2x, 5+3x, 4+4x (x=x-rep)

Preacher reverse curls, DB's
40x8,8,8,8,6+2x, 4+4x, standing 40x20

DB wrist curl

Wrist roller, forward, both hands
175x30,30,30,30, 5 kilo plate fell out of the bucket, found my big toe, shades of the Cajin....sweeeeeet tater pie...ouch!

55 min. 45 sets..........


I'm going all bodybuilder on my buttocks!

Press to neck
100x15, 130x8,8,8,8, 110x8,8,8,8, pause at bottom, flex at top, upper chest pumped!

Med. wide grip rows, bent 90 degrees, stretch at bottom.
110x10, 130x8, 140x8,8,8,8,8, pumped and hurt'n

Pullover SS/with stiff arm pulldown
70+70x 8+8, 8+8, 8+8, Cajin torture at it's finest, free tricep pump!

33 min. 22 sets. Didn't time sets today.


Squats. just slapped some weights on, figured the weight after.

130x10, 200x6x10, 3/4 squats, bottom 3/4, non-lockout

BB reverse wrist curl

Behind back wrist curl
135x35, 25

20 min. didn't time sets, but was book'n. 


Thought I posted this yesterday, but it's not showing up on this borrowed computer, while mine is in the shop.

Bent flys
30x 3x15

BN press
55x20, 90x12, 110x8, hurt the hell outa the shoulder, but felt better after
Standing press

Skulls, squeeze at top, pause at bottm
90x15, 110x 3x10

French press, BB
75x 5x10, slow reps


75x15, 85x 3x10, slow reps

Reverse curl
85x 6x10, slow reps, last set x-reps

Wrist curl, over knees
120x40, 150x25,20,15

57 min. 32 sets


Today's bag of sweat....

BWx15, 35x8, BWx10

BB rows
135x10, 180x8,8,8

Stiff arm pulldowns

Bench, med. wide grip, pause and squeeze, mid chest
135x10, 155x8,8,

Neck press
135x8,8,8,8 x-reps, chest was hurt'n....nice...

28 min. 17 sets


BN press, shoulder re-hab
55x 3x20, hurt...ouch

Squats, high bar, close stance
165x5, 210x5, 245x5, 290x5

130x10, 165x5, 210x5, 245x5, 290x5

BB wrist curl
BB reverse wrist curl

30 min. 14 sets

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #55 on: January 30, 2021, 11:47:23 AM »

Almost skipped today, got up early, but....

BN press SS/Cajin row, same weight
75x15/15, 90x10/10, 110x8/8, 8/8, 110 really to heavy yet for shoulder...old stupid will lighten it up next time.

Skulls SS/CG bench x-reps, slow
90x10/10, 100x10/10, 10/10, 10/10

BB curls
75x10, 90x10,10,10 x-reps

Reverse curls
75x15, 90x10,10,10 x-reps

Wrist curls
155x25,20,15,15, over couple boards on bench

37 min. 8 super sets, 12 straight sets. All reps slow and controlled, no hitching or cheating. Rate this a B+ or A- workout, felt great after.


Today was more grunt'n than grinn'n.

Pullups(palm forward)
BWx15, 35x5, 50x5 rest pause reps.

DB rows
75x 8x8

DB bench
75x 8x8

23 min. 20 sets


Close stance, high bar box squats
130x3, 175x3, 255x3, 290x3, 325x3, 290x3, 245x3,3,3,3,3

Wrist rollers, both hands, forward/back
150x50/50, 195x20/20, 20/20, 175x20/20, 20/20

35 min. 21 sets......


I could say poor, but if'n I had money, I'd still be che..uh frugal!

Today's phuntyme.....jukebox is Thorogood..

DB press
40x20, 50x15, 60x10,10

Slightly bent forward laterals
30x 5x10, 30 sec. rests

Seated over head tri SS curls, DB's
30x15/15, 40x8/8, 8/8, 8/8, 8/8, 8/8, really got to rock'n by 3rd set.

Skulls SS seated hammers, DB's,
40x10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, yeah baby!

DB wrist curl
90x30, 80x30, 75x20, I'm done!

45 min, 34 sets, I'm feeling how a bodybuilder looks....pumped! Now where's my ice tea?


Jukebox..Allman Brothers..a little mellow..but nevermind.

Pullups(palms away)
BWx18, losing a couple belt sizes seemed to help, 40x6, 50x5, 50x5 negs.

One arm DB rows
85x10, 105x8,8,8, went a little overboard on those

BWx30, 50x10, 85x5,5, uh..haven't done those in a while

Incline DB press

36 min. 16 sets, Grandad's a little slow today...


Not much sleep due to neighbors, but guilt says move....

220x 3x10, 60 sec. RI

5 min. 3 sets....


Woke up early...bad habit... 


DB press SS Reverse DB curls
40x15/15, 50x10/10, 60x8/8, 75x5/5, 62x8/8, 50x15/15

Overhead DB tri ext SS DB curls
35x10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10

Pushdowns SS hammer curls with backstop(70/2x35's)
70x12/12, 12/12

DB wrist curls
80x35,20,20,15+5 forced reps

43 min. 32 sets, 63 degrees, 100% sweat, go figure!


Stayed up to watch a movie last night, dummmy!
Jukebox....Bad Company...because I am...

Dash represents rest pause of 5-6 breaths

Pullups, palm forward
BWx15-5-3, 35x5-3-2, 4-3-1, BWx10-4-2, pumped

DB row
85x 5x10, sorta easy

BWx30-10-5, 50x10-4-3, 5-3-1, BWx10-5-3, chest fried

Incline DB press
85x 3x8, heavy today

Incline flys
40x25,25 x-reps, that's it, enough..

38 min, 34 sets(counting rest pause)


Jukebox...ZZ Top

225x8,8,8,8,8, wanted 6 sets, but 5 felt too good.. 

Wrist roller, forward, alternate hands
100x 5x15
back, each hand
100x 5x15

14 min, 25 sets....


Left shoulder and elbow hurt'n so dropp'n the presses...jukebox, oldies mix...

Cajin/upright rows, E-Z bar
85x15, 105x10, 125x8,8,8, nice pump.

Skullpoppers, E-Z bar
85x15, 105x10, 125x8,8,8

Long pulley SS pushdowns
75x6/6, 6/6, 6/6, didn't need the pushdowns,   

BB curls
70x15, 100x8,8,8,8 x-reps

Reverse curls, E-Z bar
90x10, 105x8,8,8, straight bar, 65x20,20, some pumping going on..

Wrist curls, BB on bench
145x25, 175x15, Strip sets, 175x15-165x7-155x7-135x7, 135x15

55 min, 34 sets


No jukebox...Alex Jones radio instead...

Incline DB bench
75x10,10,10,10,10,10, 10 x-reps, 10 x-reps

DB rows
75x10,10,10,10,10,10, 10 x-reps, 10 x-reps

25 min, 16 sets, smoked, baked, fried..


150x15, 195x10,10,10,10

7 min.


All sets in the 30+ sec. range. All sets include x-reps or static holds in stretch position.

Upright(Cajin row, E-Z bar
95x15, 105x10,10

BN press
65x15, 85x10,10, just skip these for now, shoulder says no.

Skulls, E-X bar
95x15, 105x10,10,10, CGB x-reps, 105x20, pumped

French press

Perfect curl, close grip, elbows to gut
65x10,10,10,8, surprisingly tuff.

Reverse curl, same as perfect curl
65x10,10,7,7, ouch!

Wrist curl over bench, slow reps
140x30, 175x15, 140x15,15, 120x15

48 min.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2021, 11:56:12 AM by Sergio »

Offline Sergio

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Re: Kris Kangas workouts!!
« Reply #56 on: February 12, 2024, 11:12:08 PM »

Today's sack of fun...

175x8, 210x5, 245x5, 290x5, 310x5, 255x5,5,5, knees hurt, back sketchy, par for course...

Wrist rollers, forward/back, both hands
150x50/50, 25/25, killer!

25 min. I'm a survivor! So cold today, barely broke a sweat. It's the coolest summer I've spent in Mexico. So much for global warming!


Not counting sets or reps today.

Pullups, slow on the neg. portion.

45 degree pulley row with towel
70, pause at top, squeeze hold on bottom, pumped and back aches! Can easily do more weight, but will rig up an anchor, did these standing today.

Flys, touch bells top, slow reps

DB bench, touch at top with squeeze
50's, chest is hurting

30 min. Kept slapping myself not to count at first, then got into the zone. Guessing 6-8 sets each exercise, 8+ reps.


Todays grinn'n & pump'n....

DB press
Standing flys

DB skulls
DB crossovers, awesome pump

DB curls, seated
Hammer curls, seated

Wrist rollers
Finish with 1 set tic tocs

60 min. Bunch of sets, mess 'o reps!!


Squats, one set approx every 60 secs. 175 lbs this trip.

20 min. Legs wasted!