Snatch 1x3 40 kg, 1x3 50 kg, 5x3 60 kg +3 fails
F-squat 4x3 50 kg (speed)
Chins ramping up: 1x3 BW +20 kg 1x1 BW +35 kg, 1x1 40 kg, 1xfail 50 kg I was 10 cm(4 inches) from my chin...
OHP Ramping up 1x3 52,5 1x2 60 kg, 1x2 65 kg (got up to my old PR at least)
Chins 1x10 BW
BB row 3x3 77,5 kg + 1x8 60 kg
Cleans: 2x3 65 kg 5x3 75 kg
70° DB laterals 3x8 8 kg
DB curl 3x8 12,5 kg
Not a good day... felt really tired and worn. The technique on the snatches was decent but I felt wobbly in the catch at weights that should not be a problem at all.