1 snatch + 1 hang snatch
6x1 60 kg
Tall snatch with smaller rubber bands, 13 cm plateau
4x5 10 kg
OTM 10 min, 1 clean
80,80,85,85,90,90,90,90,90,90 kg
Push press
3x2 65 kg
BB row
1x3 66,70,75 kg
Snatch grip row on cambered bar
1x10 30 kg
Sots press
2x10 30 kg
3x5 80 kg
1x8 60 kg
Back ext (bar on neck)
1x5 30 kg
2x8 30 kg
3 way laterals
1x7,7,7 10 kg DB:s
1x8,8,8 6 kg DB:s
Mixed Ab-work
45° Cuban rotations
3x15 1,25 kg in each hand
Rope French press
3x8 35 kg
Really good snatch day. I could concentrate on stuff like getting under the bar quicker instead of getting the second pull right.
Only thing that can be a bit worrying is that I fell really worn out right now!