Tuesdays WO:
Warm up: Snatch pull from hip +tall snatch + 3 snatch balance @half height 20, 30 kg
Snatch-6 sets of:
1 1/4 height +1 half + 1 full 40, 45, 50, 50, 55, 55 kg
Snatch ramping up
2x60 kg
2x65 kg
1x67,5 kg (this one was a really good one)
1x70 kg - fail but pretty good and really close to making it
Squat jerks:
1x3: 40, 40, 50, 50, 55 kg
Hang cleans
5x1 86 kg
Windshield vipers
Snatch grip push press
3x50 kg
Wednesdays WO:
5x5 47,5 kg
Front squat with rubber bands to box, Explosive
4x4 20 kg
Box jumps
4x2 box + 7 bumpers
Clean high pulls 4x3 80 kg
Rope French press
5x5 35 kg
45° Snatch shrugs +standing shrug:
3x5 +5 80 kg
5x5 17,5 kg DB:s
Incline sit ups
3x8 BW +15 kg
DB curl
3x8 15 kg DB:s
My RC:s took a beating yesterday... may have been sloppy with letting the weight rest on my shoulders and making the weight rest in my hands instead... Pretty sore today!
Todays WO:
Snatch complex from blocks 10 cm below hip:
5 sets of: 1 snatch high pull + 1 snatch x 2
Back squat:
6x5 104 kg
Box jumps:
1x2 Box +3 bumpers
1x2 Box +5 bumpers
1x2 Box +7 bumpers
3x8 62,5 kg
DB Laterals
1x16 5 kg
1x8 9 kg
Plate laterals up OH:
1x8 5 kg plates
Russian twist
3x20 15 kg
Reversed Back ext
3x5 green rubberband