Author Topic: Fullbody SuperKompound for intermediate athletes  (Read 4247 times)

Offline Oleg K

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Fullbody SuperKompound for intermediate athletes
« on: January 22, 2017, 09:25:46 AM »
Full-body for intermediate  athletes

Block 1 «Hypertrophy», 6 weeks

Day 1
1.Military press* 3x10 progression 1
2. Military press**** or high pull 2-3x12-15
3.Deadlift** 3x10 progression 2
4.Bench press**** 2-3x12-15
5.Dumbell row**** 3x12-15
6.Triceps extension 2-3x12-15
7.Biceps curl 2-3x12-15

Rest 48 hours

Day 2
1. Chin-ups or lat pulldowns * 4x10  progression 1
2. Dumbell row 2-3x12-15
3.Squat**** 2-3x12-15
4. Military press 3x10***
5. Сalf  rises 4-5x20 progression
6.Biceps curl 2-3x12-15
7.Back flys 3x12-15
8. Hyperextension or leg curl 2-3x12-15

Rest 48 hours

Day 3
1.Squat* 3x10 progression 1
2.Squat**** or leg press 2-3x12-15
3.Bench press 3x10** progression 2
4. Lat pull-down 4x10***
5. Military press**** 2-3x12-15
6. Сalf rises (sitting)  4-5x20 progression
7. Triceps extension 2-3x12-15

Rest 72 hours

1)Progression 1
X=100% of  best 3x10
Week 1 80-85% X
Week 2 90% X
Week 3 95%X
Week 4 100% X
Week 5 100% X+2.5-5 kg
Week 6 100% X+5-10 kg

2) Warm-up sets
Set 1 60% (the weight of working sets) x10
Set 2 80% (the weight of working sets) x10

3) 2 minutes rest between sets

1)Progression 2
X=100% of  best 3x10
Week 1 80-85% X
Week 2 90% X
Week 3 95%X
Week 4 100% X
Week 5 100% X+2.5 kg
Week 6 100% X+2.5-5 kg

2)Warm sets
Set 1 60% (the weight of working sets) x10
Set 2 80% (the weight of working sets) x10

3) 2 minutes rest between sets

(***) Use 80% X, 1-2 minutes rest between sets
(****)Use 60-70% X, 1-2 minutes rest between sets

Block 2  «Strength», 6 weeks

Day 1
1.Military press* 3x5 progression 1
2. Military press**** or high pull 2-3x8-10
3.Deadlift** 3x5 progression 2
4.Bench press**** 2-3x8-10
5.Dumbell row**** 3x8-10
6.Triceps extension 2-3x8-10
7.Biceps curl 2-3x8-10

Rest 48 hours

Day 2
1. Chin-ups or lat pulldowns * 4x6  progression 1
2. Dumbell row 2-3x8-10
3.Squat**** 2-3x8-10
4. Military press 3x5***
5. Сalves rise 4-5x15 progression
6.Biceps curl 2-3x8-10
7.Back flys 3x8-10
8. Hyperextension or leg curl 2-3x8-10

Rest 48 hours

Day 3
1.Squat* 3x5 progression 1
2.Squat**** or leg press 2-3x8-10
3.Bench press 3x5** progression 2
4. Lat pull-down 4x6***
5. Military press**** 2-3x8-10
6. Сalves rise (sitting)  4-5x15 progression
7. Triceps extension 2-3x8-10

Rest 72 hours

1)Progression 1
X=100% of 3x5 (4x6)
Week 1 85% X
Week 2 90% X
Week 3 95%X
Week 4 100% X
Week 5 100% X+2.5-5 kg
Week 6 100% X+5-10 kg

2) Warm-up sets
Set 1 50% (the weight of working sets) x8
Set 2 70% (the weight of working sets) x6
Set 3 85-90% (the weight of working sets) x5-6
3) 3-5 minutes rest between sets.

1)Progression 2
X=100% of 3x5 (4x6)
Week 1 85% X
Week 2 90% X
Week 3 95%X
Week 4 100% X
Week 5 100% X+2.5 kg
Week 6 100% X+2.5-5 kg

2) Warm sets
Set 1 50%x8 of  this day weight
Set 2 70%x6 of  this day weight
Set 3 85-90%x5-6 of  this day weight

3)Rest 3-5 min. between sets

(***) Use 80% X, 2 minutes rest between sets
(****)Use 60-70% X, 1-2 minutes rest between sets

After 12 weeks of training you will have an rest week.

Offline Oleg K

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Re: Fullbody SuperKompound for intermediate athletes
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2017, 08:00:48 PM »
Natural result in the press over the head after the passage of the "SuperKompound"

Offline Steff

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Re: Fullbody SuperKompound for intermediate athletes
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2017, 12:19:42 PM »
Natural result in the press over the head after the passage of the "SuperKompound"

Good work!  :D

Offline Calmormy

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Re: Fullbody SuperKompound for intermediate athletes
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2017, 09:14:28 AM »
I'm sure the information you give is really valuable.

Offline Oleg K

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Re: Fullbody SuperKompound for intermediate athletes
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2017, 10:03:07 PM »
Calmormy, thank you! For this training program except me has been doing a lot of Russian-speaking users.And this is me at 41. Height 185 cm (6 1\2 in) weight 98 kg (215 pounds).

Offline Oleg K

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Re: Fullbody SuperKompound for intermediate athletes
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2018, 11:21:05 AM »
In the fall of 2017, I was preparing for competitions in raw powerlifting. The program "superkompound" consisted of two of three training blocks. Block number 3 "intensification" in meaning very similar to the legendary "Pyramid of Yuri Verkhoshansky."
The result of preparation here:
squat 180 kg
bench press 162.5 kg
deadlift 225 kg
In the weight category up to 100 kg