Author Topic: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!  (Read 25452 times)

Offline Steff

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Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!
« on: October 19, 2014, 07:25:25 PM »
*Main press movement is OHP
*I doubled the volume on back as I usually do using chins and BB row (pull ups and HBR on light day).
*No BLDL this time but next time I use this routine.
*I added split squats on the light day and I do not elevate both my feet this time around.
*Front squat for the 5x5
*Back squat ramping up from my last routine will be continued.

First WO tomorrow.  ;D

Offline Sergio

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Re: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2014, 10:14:26 PM »
Good luck and enjoy this new workouts, Steff!

Offline Steff

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Re: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2014, 07:00:12 PM »
Good luck and enjoy this new workouts, Steff!

I will, trust me I will! :) But I will probably ache a bit towards the end of it. 8)

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Re: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2014, 10:19:08 AM »
Snatch: 1x3 35 kg 1x3 40 kg 3x3 50 kg 2x3 55 kg
Kloklov complex 1x2: 35 kg, 40 kg, 50 kg, 55 kg

Snatch pulls 1x3 70 kg 2x3 80 1x3 70 kg (last set pulled to chin on the 2 first reps)

Explosive Split squat 5x4 BW (did them elevated even though I said I wouldn't... got a little sore above my right knee, will pull back on volume on these)
Leg ext 1x10 45 kg (explosive)

Leg curl 3x8 30 kg

Bench press 5x5 74 kg ( I'll try to keep these explosive for as long as possible)

Pull ups to chest 2x8 2x5 BW (were supposed to do 5x5 but forgot)

HBR 5x5 12,5 kg DB:s

70°DB laterals 3x8 8 kg

BB curl 5x5 31 kg

Snatch grip BNP ramping up 1x5: 20 kg, 22,5 kg, 25kg, 26 kg, 28 kg

DB french press 3x8 22,5 kg

Offline Sergio

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Re: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2014, 11:51:55 AM »
Klokov complex? It seem a multivitamine!! ;D What is it?

Offline Steff

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Re: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2014, 04:57:24 PM »
it's two hang snatch high pulls and a hang snatch immediately after each other!

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Re: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2014, 07:27:01 PM »
It seem hard!

Offline Steff

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Re: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2014, 08:00:22 PM »
It helps me to do the pull with my legs and back. OL-lift are so technical so you have to do partials every now and then. But this exercise it's not very hard weight wise since the focus is technique. :)

Offline Steff

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Re: Tweaked 5x5-ish routine!
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2014, 03:39:17 PM »
Snatch 1x3 40 kg 2x3 50 kg 2x3 55 kg
Klokov complex 1x2 40 1x2 50 kg, 1x2 55 kg (these are a lot easier now)

Squat 1x5 50 kg, 1x3 80 kg, 1x3 100 kg 1x3 115 kg (piece of cake! )

front squat ramping up 1x5: 57,5 kg, 63,5 kg, 67,5 kg, 72,5 kg, 78 kg

Chins 5x5 BW+25 kg

OHP ramping up 1x5: 35 kg, 37,5 kg, 40 kg, 42,5 kg, 46 kg

BB row 5x5 52,5 kg

DB swing 3x10 8 kg

CGBP 5x5 61 kg

HBC 3x10 10 kg

SLDL 5x5 65 kg

My right knee is still a bit sore from wednesday so I've decided to rule the split squat out next week. Strangely enough I can squat without any pain.

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Ol lifting day.
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2014, 12:23:43 PM »
Snatch 2x3 40 kg, 1x3 50 kg, 4x3 55 kg 5x2 60 kg Good day, power snatched 60 kg a couple of times.

Clean 11x3 60 kg

Jerk 4x5 20 kg

Snatch pulls 1x2: 70 kg, 80 kg, 2x2 90 kg 1x2 110 kg 1x3 85 kg

I snatch pulled 110 kg to 10 cm beneath the pec line on the first rep. Got the first rep on 85 almost to my collarbone.